She was such a good girl - she always said please. She said please when she wanted more food (which was always.) She said please when she needed new clothes (which was often.) She said please when her clothes were too restrictive, and she wanted to wear crop tops to let her flabby belly free. She said please when we were walking too fast and leaving her and her slow waddle behind. She said please when she didn’t want to wear bras anymore, either. When her school wrote her up for this, she said please get rid of the dress code. She said please when she needed a wheelchair to cart herself around. She said please when she didn’t want to wear anything. She said please when she wanted to leave school. She said please when she couldn’t stand up to use the bathroom. She said please when her belly touched the floor and her butt broke the wheelchair. She said please when she outgrew the bed. She even said please when she wanted to get fed less. It doesn’t count, though. With the size of her cheeks, it sounds more like “prrfle.”