/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Vibri vib-ribbon Anonymous 10/01/2022 (Sat) 03:47:35 Id:b0d4af No. 22489
Remaking this! We need moar of this bunny!
>>60261 I actually commissioned Klaki_3000 for this!
>>60273 Nice. Can you plz port it to C.ai tho, cuz I hate the wait times of spicy ai?
>>60275 Actually, it's already on C.ai, and I started it with C.ai. It's just that unlike the spicychat.ai version, it's unlisted. https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=nssJiVJoIhgzpI4iICjAPZ8MEGIzQyg5LyOMmwfBxs8
>>60276 Thanks. You make some good bots.
>>60274 Neat. What else do you have for commissions?
>>60280 I'll get back to you on that; due to his increased workload, it's $30 a commission.
(31.95 KB 750x179 IMG_1552.jpeg)
Has this sequence been posted yet?
>>61151 Yes, it's already posted here on >>22640
>>61298 Well fuck. R9K can prevent the same image being posted in different threads but not the same one in the same thread?
>>61299 I hate when that happens.
>>61503 Source?
>>61530 https://www.deviantart.com/fatwillow/art/fat-inflated-vibri-1041536679
(58.70 KB 489x600 medium.png)
(299.34 KB 624x720 IMG_6267.png)
>>63229 Source? where'd you find this?
>>63251 https://twitter.com/BingoBipz/status/1784276302549459442 I follow their twitter. They make some pretty cool art with a distinct style from the rest of the community.
Just a quick little pic! We need more of this bunny!
(44.71 KB 374x287 IMG_4589.jpeg)
Domain Expansion: Vibri pregnancy fanart!
Does anyone have proper pics of this model?
(756.13 KB 4976x3694 __blob_ribbon_by_x_308_dg8qemm.png)
We need more Vibri chatbots.
(25.46 KB 347x195 jIkv+v.png)
(68.29 KB 347x195 bSIwsC.png)
(999.57 KB 2491x1479 1697619965.creflurker_newcollage.png)
>>66568 I got ya fam.
(56.24 KB 1800x1400 1724176350.dotcrawl_vibri.png)
(7.87 KB 207x243 images(2).png)
bumpity bump
(143.14 KB 960x1280 IMG_7526.jpeg)
(130.14 KB 960x1280 IMG_7525.jpeg)
Navel code (+ normal alt)
(136.72 KB 768x1024 HornyEra_20241014223216.png)
>>75963 What's navel code?
>>77158 Meant to put vore but it auto-corrected to code. Also, we need more pregnant Vibri pics.
By ThatOneAceGuy, In case you mobile users can't see the filename or want to know the source
(202.15 KB 4000x3550 IMG_9288.png)
(69.37 KB 810x986 IMG_9287.jpeg)
>>78338 Wow, this is fire. You know what would be a cool yet weird idea? Pregnant Vibri! The world needs more of it.
Vibri's birthday!
(184.42 KB 1536x2048 GetQ2k7X0AAdWi6.jpeg)
(218.16 KB 1663x2048 GekvWDOWQAEe699.jpeg)
(146.00 KB 3840x3840 vib_beeg_noshade.PNG)
(496.61 KB 3840x3840 vib_beeg_shade.PNG)
(568.19 KB 3840x3840 vib_beeg_altbluberry.PNG)
Spoilered the blueberry alt.
(154.64 KB 610x999 1731810670.robomama_vibriglow.png)
