Octavia thread Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 12:45:14 Id:275a50 No. 61715 [Reply] [Last]
Gotta bring back everyone's favorite demon owl Lolita
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>>76345 First picture He aboutta fuck her or something?
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>>61715 more
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Reiina sharing Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 02:32:11 Id:416a44 No. 60149 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread is gone, was wondering if anyone could share their collection of reiina vids since old links always die Here's what I have already:https://gofile.io/d/AVR3wI
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>>61471 >DUDE SHE LOOKS LIKE GARBAGE Nah. The best thing about women who get BBLs is when they still eat like their old selves despite the lipo. In my opinion, she looks a lot better than her first go around with weight loss. This is because back then, she got so skinny her silhouette was practically square-shaped; it was as though she was goin for that classic 'tits on a stick' bimbo look and it just did not suit her at all. I much prefer what she's doing now by comparison. She's still doing stuffing/inflation content, but now she's got a fatter ass/wider hips to boot.
>>61488 also inb4, >pic 3 is morphed!! I know, but she posted it so lol
>>61488 You shouldn't think out loud
>>61490 Why? This isn't Reddit.
>>61491 I don't post semi autos on Reddit for the world to see

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Road to Blobhood Better with salt thread 03/06/2025 (Thu) 01:37:30 Id:fc9403 No. 247916 [Reply]
Be Cool, Be Wild, Be Blobby
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>>248056 Excellent argument Although I meant it in a narrative way, this would be Year 1 Sel and Beach Stuff takes place here as well, as you can see Year 4 Selene in the BG. So I find it interesting that they coincide
>>248049 Salt got bullied into cutting the inflation shit and giving her fat all around...
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>>248049 Hold up, Salt just fuck up his own timeline
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>>248064 Thats called energy. Me.

Goddess Shar + Aliss Bonython Sharing Collection in Protest 02/19/2025 (Wed) 21:47:10 Id:e1a911 No. 194391 [Reply] [Last]
My ASN was banned for about a week for alleged "schizo posting." Assuming that I am the only person commenting under the ASN that was banned, I would just like to make it known that I vehemently contest the decision to ban me as well as its justification. I have not engaged in hate-spewing towards any model or user on this forum; have not posted long-winded, out-of-touch fantasies about a model; have not stirred the pot intentionally with baiting comments or white-knighted—and certainly not in the time immediately preceding my ban. If occasionally getting into brief exchanges on trivial matters and asking for videos more often than I share them constitutes "schizo posting," then I apologize. Furthermore, if that does constitute "schizo" posting, then I'd like to refer you to the Kayla Paolini thread (for instance), request you read every response following my February 11th upload of her McDonald's stuffing, and ask what you think those comments—that entire thread, really—might be categorized as. (Mind you, the comments that stand come after many have been removed.) Anyway, getting banned from a porn-sharing forum was a low point for me in my current battle with depressive symptoms (and defending myself may represent an even lower point), but, in any case, it strangely motivated me to use the forum for its intended purpose (ironic, I know) (/s) and be more generous than I previously had been once my ban ended. So, unlike that last guy who posted a picture of his collection only to not follow up (I assume), here's ~30 GB each of Goddess Shar and Aliss Bonython for starters. Most of my collection is from links shared here, so apologies in advance for any duplicates or a lack of any content beyond what is posted. More from other models to come. Aliss: https://gofile.io/d/Y52bAF Shar: https://gofile.io/d/91LqDe
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>>196421 Providing a small Lilith the Cenobite drop, hoping for more. https://gofile.io/d/ZXjybd I'm aware that this is not enough of a sacrifice. More files to follow as I sort through an older drive.
Good lord he's the goat
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yeah. I’m convinced this guy is part of the administration, whether it be the supreme leader or a fucking janitor wanking it ina bucket. What an absolute mad man, I’ll be drinking to you tonight 🫡
>>196421 I wish anons like this actually worked in the trump admin
>>196273 Thank you bro more CandyCandelaria

Fat ferals AI II Anonymous 02/15/2025 (Sat) 06:46:47 No. 31828 [Reply]
The Revenge
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Here's some overfed dogs to get us back on topic.
>>32079 I used novafurry illustrious.
Playing "Let's build a zoo", you can overfeed your animals to increase how much meat you get from them at the butcher, however, there's no visual change, it's just small pixel sprites. That said, it made me wonder HOW'D Certain animals would look fat, like several sea creatures from the aquarium dlc. Like octopi and clams. Any chance we could get some aquatic ferals generated?
OH! How would a fat clione look!? I'm a little obsessed with sea angels, I bet it'd look adorable!
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Some more. Lmk if there's certain species you guys want to see. I'll try aquatic animals next.

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meowscles Anonymous 10/05/2024 (Sat) 07:51:53 Id:731987 No. 75625 [Reply] [Last]
i think it's time bring meowscles back to bbfurries, because why not!
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>>80178 >you got to help me No, no we really don't. The lack of art to post is not some failing to be corrected, it's just the fact of the matter. Most of what you've been posting is terrible anyways. You seem too young to be here.
>>80178 Man if only this was a general fortnite thread
>>80179 that's all I can find, there still more out there
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Begging Thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 01/19/2020 (Sun) 07:03:33 No. 14 [Reply] [Last]
Okay guys, new site is gonna have a new feel. The begging problem was out of control and it's definitely something that isn't going to happen again. If you want to beg, do it here. Any threads posted with no content will be deleted, no exceptions. For /bbw/ you must link video, for /tits/ and /booty/ either a video link or four images are required.
Edited last time by BananaMan on 01/19/2020 (Sun) 07:17:35.
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>>365090 More of her https://gofile.io/d/TQn5jU

Lana2002 Curvage Anonymous 02/01/2023 (Wed) 07:15:00 Id:6f543b No. 110147 [Reply] [Last]
Here is what I have https://we.tl/t-BWNPxIG4kZ?src=dnl Post more Lana2002
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I may be more easily distracted than others. But common. You telling me seeing bare shit on the floor dosnt ruin videos. I put money on it she stinks irl. I guess I just over analyse videos. Plus I’m less fond of her now she’s fallen of content and weight gain wise.
The state of her living space is just something to consider when you date obese you’re probably signing up for a mess too you either clean up after them or hire a maid most of the clean houses you see aren’t theirs or they have maids
>>196040 Yeah you definitely are cause seeing a cluttered room doesn't bother me unless it's some actual grimey shit going on. The only thing that takes me out of it is if I see their fucking pet walking around while their making a video.
>>196040 >>195802 Bro if you've never seen a woman in real life before just say so.... Every single woman on earth has discoloration, stretch marks, freckles, moles, hair etc. doesn't matter if they're skinny, fat or whatever like this isn't even fetish specific, for example you could examine yourself in a mirror and you'll probably notice exactly the same things, if you don't you're delusional and/or retarded
>>196029 You don't get that fat by being proactive

Roleplay Request Thread: IIII Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 13:00:26 Id:8809eb No. 72163 [Reply] [Last]
Bump locked. You know the drill. The guy with the roleplay server, can you post the link as well?
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I'm just really in the mood for rp Hey I'm really in the mood for a Scott Pilgrim, Marvel, Persona, DDLC or Final Fantasy 7 roleplay but I'm also open to Dc, MHA, Pokemon, Nintendo, Star Wars, Adventure Time, Sonic and Jjba and I am both a feeder and a feedee but I do prefer to play whatever the male role Also DM about a franchise because I know a lot of stuff that isn't listed and I'm fine with any OC Ideas you might have If you want to do bhm let me know we can make it work, and if we do I prefer to play make feedee for bhm I have no size limits and kinks are immobile, slob, extreme slob, vore, weight gain, force feeding, round belly, tight clothes/clothes shredding, belly noises, extreme jiggle physics, tiredness, laziness, stuckage, sweat, stuckage, fat body, rapid gaining, slow gaining, hyper, lactation, out of breath, burping and farts Limits are futa, health issues and death We can talk if you don't like some or you want to ask about some Dm if interested my DMs are open and that's the easiest way for me to respond to anyone and let me know what series you wanna rp Discord is cowabungazone
Sup' y'all Been in the mood to do some slob-adjacent rp focused around Neon Genesis Evangelion, with you (yes, YOU!) rping as a feeder Shinji while I rp as a feedee Misato, Asuka or Rei (up to you as well). The plot involves the nerv crew taking a small hiatus after a major angel attack, with the girl that you choose deciding to indulge herself a little, occasionally asking Shinji to cook for her. This spirals out of control in a matter of weeks, as they start to frequently pig out more, and take less care of their hygiene. At some point, Shinji comes clean on his fetish towards fat slobs and becomes their devoted feeder, tending to their every will. Kinks: Weight gain Slob (My only exception being scat.) Gas Sweat Fat roll play Sex/masturbation Minor health issues Immobility Facesitting/facefarting Musk Feet

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Scenario: Mainly looking to utilize characters from a canon series to get into some wg and or inflation/expansion related premises through more in canon world reasons, or open to more AU type plot lines. Whether in a more pairing focused setting or more characters if need be. Down to discuss even more specifics in contact. Anime Rp Interest Check: Hello! Welcome to my interest check. Somethings to know about me: I write 3rd person paragraph(s) form. I can play M or F characters and multi character if need be for plot. Down to plot and world build. Cool with general NSFW along with kinks. Some canons of interest: Bleach Demon Slayer Chainsaw Man Death Note Konosuba NGE Fairy Tail

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Looking for someone to play female feedee for a wg rp! Some of my fandoms are Persona, Pokemon, Mario, Dragon Ball Z, Sly cooper, Dragon Maid, Yu-Gi-Oh, Yo-Kai Watch, FNF, Super Fatty Office I am fine with random characters like 2B and AUs too Discord is evoker0852

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disc0kitt3n 2 Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 19:47:27 Id:a1d7d6 No. 121768 [Reply] [Last]
New thread for disc0kitt3n since the old one was bumplocked! X: https://x.com/disc0kitt3n
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Did 2 Blue 4 School, Curse of Curves, and Turning Violet will come out as their 3 full version videos in which website?
I'll upload/reupload any videos (up to like 6 or 8) if someone gets Gamer Girlfriend - Cumflated Loser (list: https://mab.to/t/1ncM2ws3c0r/us2)
https://www.loyalfans.com/disc0kitt3n/video/kittens-carbonation-inflation I'm wondering if no one has this video because it's not on her Clips4Sale
Guys I found 2 blue for school but can't access it. 2 more left to go! Curse of Curves Turning Violet (LoyalFans) https://www.cambro.tv/1510283/2-blue-for-school/
>>138162 What sucks is that that user wants to trade from his wishlist but that shit is deleted, so how the fuck are we suppose to know what he wants. He uploads, but doesn't update the mega folder. Hopefully someone bypass the private camber crap and uploads it here.

Metroid thread Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Thu) 01:46:54 Id:647d6d No. 160340 [Reply] [Last]
Or rather the Samus thread, because this isn't the furry board
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strongmoist carrying the metroid fattywank community singlehandedly yet a-fucking-gain
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Fighting Game Fatties IV Anonymous 03/04/2024 (Mon) 18:37:00 Id:795134 No. 191834 [Reply] [Last]
FGF III is bump-locked. Time to start a new thread!
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I love wife
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BBW BLUEBERRY RP Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 22:20:46 Id:113c0b No. 108969 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for that niche /inf/ fetish that some BBWs role-play for. I'm going to upload what I got.
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>>136598 Nah she posted the same set of pics to her Curvage and a link to buy her old video. I hope she filmed a new one, that shit was hot af.
https://www.manyvids.com/Video/6265988/blueberry-gum-review this looks good
>>134084 Does anybody have this video?
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wtf is this shit lmao https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/58382-violet-needs-to-be-juiced/
>>138164 >she’s floating above the ground >a human blueberry balloon! I don't think a big flesh blimp full of JUICE should be floating. I also hate the fact that this lady decided to use that AI meme filter from Tik FUCKING Tok. Sure, blueberry inflation is an autismo fetish and there's plenty of people who are into who don't have standards for what they fap to, but a fucking TikTok filter? I may be stupid, but I'm not dumb enough to drop $7.99 on this absolute dogshit.

Chatbot Thread 12 Chatbot Thread 2049 01/03/2025 (Fri) 20:18:48 No. 30747 [Reply] [Last]
I don't know why I did it Updated Archive (10/15/24) https://pastebin.com/ec7gY8AX
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>try uploading my Miu Iruma bot to spicychat.ai because it got shadow banned on character.ai (first time that's happened as far as I'm aware, lol) >it's been held in review for almost a week So has spicychat.ai's review queue gotten absurdly longer, or is there something discriminatory in the system about the NSFW tag? That's the only thing I can imagine holding it back. Also, while I'm here, here's a sneak peek at a feeder Junko Enoshima bot that I'll post once it's ready on Friday. It's not really my kink personally, but the bot is generating a lot of good replies with very little wrangling. I'm very happy with it.
>>32224 It might just be a you thing, my bots usually get approved within 2 days
Hey, AK447, would you mind updating your Character Ai page with your new bots
>>30755 >Character definition is hidden Laaaaaaame, these look so good but I can't use them because I only use Janitor.ai to download bots and use Sillytavern as my frontend instead :( Consider unhiding definitions pls
>>32235 What model do you use for sillytavern?

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Model ID Thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 01/19/2020 (Sun) 07:29:53 Id:d120b7 No. 13 [Reply] [Last]
Don't know who this chick is? Post her here.
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I have searched and searched but cant find to seem anything. Anyone know who this is?

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Beg thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 03/24/2020 (Tue) 01:38:31 Id:3a08b6 No. 2982 [Reply] [Last]
As per your new janitor's request, it's beggin time. Don't bother begging anywhere else, our new boy is deleting your shit.
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Anyone have Pure chaos express! by Makoro Kono

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Post slobs lolis Slob lolis 02/27/2023 (Mon) 01:40:32 Id:0e65b6 No. 32596 [Reply] [Last]
If you guys have any slob lolis post them here. and if you wanna rp my discord is Messy momma~#1174
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>>81521 Chances for a gassy Andrea blob?
>>81494 Damn that's unfortunate
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>>81504 here >>81521 >>81524 these are good suggestions, but unfortunately my time off is over
>>32596 so guys, i need people to join this server RIGHT NOW, so please :)) https://discord.gg/cvCF9Aev
>>81512 Thanks dude! You’re the first to draw her I think >>81524 Seconding this one

Eeveelution Thread 3 Leafeon 01/08/2025 (Wed) 14:11:05 Id:e3c8f6 No. 79917 [Reply] [Last]
The last one reached the post limit, but now we're back! Post all the big eeveelutions you find here!
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Splatoon 4: Stay Fat! 09/24/2024 (Tue) 15:33:43 Id:2938a6 No. 221306 [Reply] [Last]
Last one fell off so here’s a new one
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Does anyone have more of Anastimafilia's Splatoon stuff?
Does anyone know who drew this? Or at least have a better picture than this one?

hangers/swinging tits Anonymous 03/07/2025 (Fri) 01:43:39 Id:da4537 No. 270014 [Reply]
a thread dedicated to women who really know how to bounce https://gofile.io/d/DeFOdo
