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Ella Eats 2bitwonder 03/31/2024 (Sun) 15:57:58 Id:f82a98 No. 113783 [Reply] [Last]
Last Thread has been bumplocked for like a month now and im surprised none of yall noticed lol. Any-way Im making a new thread with some videos. Hopefully some of yall might have some new videos or her g00gle drive vids. https://gofile.io/d/lu6D7Y
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>>147212 It's peak. Some unparalleled taste in tunes and ladies you have Anon.
She clearly lost weight and a lot of it :/
>>147796 People like you are so annoying, “judging from this 5 second video that doesn’t show her full body and that she’s wearing clothes in, I can clearly inquire that she’s lost weight”
She definitely did lose weight.
>>147803 She absolutely lost like 50 pounds at least

Nudity / almost Naked SSBBWS NudeEnjoyer 02/14/2025 (Fri) 15:19:29 Id:caf3a9 No. 147469 [Reply]
I personally much prefer naked ssbbws over clothed ones so ill kick this off with a bunch of my favorites from my stash, please share if you have more yourself! https://gofile.io/d/ELDFad
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>>147478 Its rare to see her around here. Yall remember she had a whole meltdown because of us
>>147857 Really, why?
>>147855 nice pics! any vids too?
>>147867 I'd imagine people pirating her stuff didn't make her happy
>>147871 Girl from pictures 1, 2: https://xhamster.com/creators/mrs-apple Girl from picture 3,4: https://xhamster.com/videos/ssbbw-belly-dance-7566093 Girl from picture 5: https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/ssbbwemma That exact vid the pic is from must be somewhere there as well. The last (and imho least)

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Lady Sublime Anonymous 12/10/2023 (Sun) 15:30:40 Id:2381e0 No. 101590 [Reply] [Last]
New Thread :3 Honestly, she is one of my favs atm. I used to have another video of her stuffing fast food in a red bikini but after combing through my degen folders I cant find it, looking for a reupload or anything else Have these vids of her in return YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVkl6U1hnM2RYVTVibWM9
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>>147433 "Here's your request rephrased with the links included:" did you ask chatgpt to write this?
Anyone got a reup?
Her shits just too damn expensive tbh, aint noway charging 30+ dollars for a vid, though they are great value.
Anyone have the thanksgiving video?
Anyone have her burp vids? The mods don’t like it when we ask for those specifically

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Blumette Anonymous 02/15/2025 (Sat) 10:06:10 Id:e1c5a5 No. 268748 [Reply]
Someone has more? I love her massive boobs X: @Blumeette
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>>268800 On her Twitter
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She is now 95 cup O. Omg
>>269086 Is that EU or French?
Pls moar

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KipTeiTei Thread - The Dominant Queen, Aika Anonymous 02/02/2025 (Sun) 23:35:28 Id:937b4e No. 243194 [Reply] [Last]
We shall see who's the true queen of this weird, crazy love triangle.
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>>246024 By this logic Tessa should be twice her size by now, and Saiya also on the fat train. >Throws fans under the bus to justify the non existent plot. This is pure bullshit, seems like hell make any excuse to avoid ending his prized comic. And lets not forget how he treats anyone that does go with the herd. or even dares to whine about his writing.
>>246024 He's such a lying fucker. He knows this is bullshit, he's just too arrogant to admit he's 571 pages into one of the most inept story lines in fetish comics and has no idea how to get out of the hole he dug.
>>246025 It's weird that I, a fan of vore, vomit and scat, get put into the "wants plot but not fetish" bucket ! I like fetishes it's just...when you have a 600 page plot that starts to make no sense at all, it doesn't really seem like reusing the same characters for the same fetishes has any purpose. I agree that creators should generally ignore fans and pursue their own goals. You will see this advice everywhere in video game development forums. Fans are toxic by nature
>>246029 Oh yeah, I'm not defending Kip's more dubious plot or charcater decisions - there were plenty of ways to tie this story up much much sooner but we have slowly sailed past each mooring point down this wild river. The silver lining is that characters do end up going a bit wilder and extreme in more pointed efforts to impart upon the readers and to get the plot yanked back into line. We probably wouldn't have had "Aika eating back-to-back eating challenges" or "Saiya manically forcefeeding Tessa butter" in a saner story route. Flanderizing is normally not a good thing, but for a fetish comic? Eh, sometimes you get some fun moments in navigating the wild rapids. Enjoy the chaos.
>>246024 WHAT PLOT? No actually, what is the fucking plot of this comic? A dipshit trying to get with 2 girls way out of her league? Kip has been looping this comic for 572 pages straight, nothing has been actually happening, there’s been zero progress. Even the fucking “sexy-times” are the same thing over and over, it’s are starting to get old. Like this scene with Tessa right here is either going to end with one of them crying, or Saiya crying at home. How do we know? Because it happens every. single. time. Saiya always regrets what she does with Tessa yet for some unknown reason keeps going back. (The ‘unknown reason’ is likely Kip trying to find any excuse to use Tessa again since she’s the ‘fan favorite’) And PLEASE don’t tell me the plot Kip is talking about is that stupid shit with Saiya’s childhood. Because no one cares. It’s such an ass plot point that doesn’t even make sense. I don’t even have to talk about the fan service because everyone knows Kip is lying out of his ass. Aika and Tessa would be doorframe wrecking huge by now if he was being truthful.

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X 3 N I @ Anonymous 02/03/2025 (Mon) 12:20:59 Id:7be343 No. 267717 [Reply] [Last]
Bigger is better
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>>268943 Thanks god some with clear mind.
Thank god someone with logical answer
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she is truly exceptional more than other girls but she always dressed. Is she playing a game pr does she intend to take the next step and become a legend? Great face, great ass, great boobs, she has the perfect combo
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Begging Thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 01/19/2020 (Sun) 07:03:33 No. 14 [Reply] [Last]
Okay guys, new site is gonna have a new feel. The begging problem was out of control and it's definitely something that isn't going to happen again. If you want to beg, do it here. Any threads posted with no content will be deleted, no exceptions. For /bbw/ you must link video, for /tits/ and /booty/ either a video link or four images are required.
Edited last time by BananaMan on 01/19/2020 (Sun) 07:17:35.
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https://bootyexpo.net/19/alex-blair-5/ alex blair's latest sextape

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Jessica boobs pawg Anonymous 02/20/2025 (Thu) 13:20:17 Id:669727 No. 364342 [Reply]
Jessicaboobs on socials

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Blueberry Faces 2 Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 21:45:16 Id:0b24fb No. 112023 [Reply] [Last]
A new thread to post morphs of women turning blue!
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Blueberry-Paradise-2 on deviantart
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highly recommend morphing foodie influencers who love showing off their food babies lads

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Lost Media Thread Anonymous 01/29/2025 (Wed) 01:09:08 Id:347d4d No. 191021 [Reply] [Last]
THIS IS NOT A BEGGING THREAD! This is a thread for discussing and posting content that is no longer availbe for purchase and can't be found anywhere else. Here's an example: Babybee was a model on Curvage, but now all her clips are no longer for sale. Here's the three videos I've managed to save in my archive: https://gofile.io/d/UDmrNh
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this has just become yet another begging thread
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Anything from that girl guys? Couldn't find anything more on the internet
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I wonder if these Sunny Bombshell videos that were on her website before it closed were ever archived (and i don't mean the other Sunny videos that are preserved.) I've been hoping for atleast these 3 to see the light of the day someday. https://web.archive.org/web/20130314234548/http://www.supersizedbombshells.com/Sunny/videoclips.html
Anyone have any DirtyHarriet? Feels like that fits the definition of lost pretty well… could’ve been one of the next great ones

Goddess Shar + Aliss Bonython Sharing Collection in Protest 02/19/2025 (Wed) 21:47:10 Id:e1a911 No. 194391 [Reply]
My ASN was banned for about a week for alleged "schizo posting." Assuming that I am the only person commenting under the ASN that was banned, I would just like to make it known that I vehemently contest the decision to ban me as well as its justification. I have not engaged in hate-spewing towards any model or user on this forum; have not posted long-winded, out-of-touch fantasies about a model; have not stirred the pot intentionally with baiting comments or white-knighted—and certainly not in the time immediately preceding my ban. If occasionally getting into brief exchanges on trivial matters and asking for videos more often than I share them constitutes "schizo posting," then I apologize. Furthermore, if that does constitute "schizo" posting, then I'd like to refer you to the Kayla Paolini thread (for instance), request you read every response following my February 11th upload of her McDonald's stuffing, and ask what you think those comments—that entire thread, really—might be categorized as. (Mind you, the comments that stand come after many have been removed.) Anyway, getting banned from a porn-sharing forum was a low point for me in my current battle with depressive symptoms (and defending myself may represent an even lower point), but, in any case, it strangely motivated me to use the forum for its intended purpose (ironic, I know) (/s) and be more generous than I previously had been once my ban ended. So, unlike that last guy who posted a picture of his collection only to not follow up (I assume), here's ~30 GB each of Goddess Shar and Aliss Bonython for starters. Most of my collection is from links shared here, so apologies in advance for any duplicates or a lack of any content beyond what is posted. More from other models to come. Aliss: https://gofile.io/d/Y52bAF Shar: https://gofile.io/d/91LqDe
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>>194391 All of Godess Shar videos: (IN ORDER!!) https://gofile.io/d/tAVoCD Sorry I just hate unordered files, sharing once more my library.
oh thanks for this thread by the way, I was wondering why I got banned for schizo posting as well. I was really confused because I hadn't posted in days and I always try to contribute when I can. this makes more sense now. thank you for the uploads OP
Do you have bigcutiechloe ?
Do you have skylar bigcuties?

SuperXlChubBoy Anonymous 09/25/2022 (Sun) 04:16:40 No. 3322 [Reply] [Last]
The place to put up pics/GIFs/videos of this incredible 768-1060 lb. mountain of meat
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https://replay.dropbox.com/share/W9xA6fC1n4onrEn8?variant=v2&media_type=video Ya'll shut up now. He looks in rough condition. He doesn't have much time.
>>14384 can't download it mate
He has grown even larger and has an overwhelming belly. He no longer seems to be able to squeeze his sides... And he is turning on the fan even though it is winter, as if he is hot. He seems to be out of breath and I think I should put him in the pool to give him more strength..!
>>14384 Could you please enable download on the video? I'm unable to download it unless you give permission to.
>>14390 >>14392 Anon probably did it on purpose, but I have an idea: Open up whatever screen recording software you have available Put the video on full-screen Then record said video and send over the new recording over to go-file so everyone else can download it.

BWS Thread Better With Salt 02/03/2025 (Mon) 02:31:30 Id:0c4612 No. 243224 [Reply] [Last]
New Thread same fat girls
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>>245955 It's a joke...
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He's pretty good at drawing.
>>245865 ...must resist ...talking about ...tanks
>>245969 >>245990 Somehow this predicted the actual drawing
>>245990 Too skinny. She should've filled that corridor with her bulk with bullets bouncing off of her. Wellrod guy failed us. It's a nice piece but still.

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Games Thread 9: New Year Edition Games Thread 9: New Year Edition 02/03/2025 (Mon) 22:33:07 Id:e6156d No. 79118 [Reply] [Last]
Another thread Gone, another thread made. Let's hope that with the new year that some cool games get made/updated. Speaking of which, what are you guys hoping to see this year? Personally, as a backer, I'm very excited for Super Sweet's release as everything I've played and seen so far looks fantastic.
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>>80444 cry about it
Anyone have the new version of Feed My Affection?
>>80370 >>80432 Because no one said this, thank you kind Kings
>>80444 ok but to be fair the second guy shared a yuliya game. those "games" are actual asset flip shovelware VNs with the 3D equivalent of circle tool art
Anyone have TheGrowState's "Feeder Simulator"?

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Begging Thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 07/10/2020 (Fri) 03:05:30 No. 1504 [Reply] [Last]
If you want to beg, do it here. Any other begging thread will be deleted.
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someone please update the bubblybooty coomer or share anything recent

Thoughts on the current state of the Feedism scene? stinkypinky 02/11/2025 (Tue) 06:06:58 Id:f3a397 No. 60479 [Reply] [Last]
There are some great content creators out there today but I must admit I feel like it's degraded over the years. More commercialized, less intimate... curvage feels like OF for feedism, girl next door style Youtube accounts with women exploring feedism are no longer, everything feels less personal and more transactional. It's cool they're being paid more for the content they make but it's come at a heavy cost. Back in the day a cute feedee would pop up, I would shoot her a message and before I knew it we were snap chatting naturally like two people who share the same kink - nowadays you're lucky to get a response and usually that's just to appease you so you keep buying their content. Plus as a guy into smaller feedees with round bellies, it feels like the scene doesn't really cater to my taste anymore - years back most feedees had this shape, now it seems that most are shooting for BBW status if not SSBBW There used to be women who could put away a huge amount of food, these days most stuff themselves with no more than what you or I would have for dinner and moan and groan when it's like come on most women I see at restauants are eating as much as you are There seem to be more women hiding their pregnancies as well and it's obvious more than ever that many content creators don't really have a kink and are just in it for the $ There are some diamonds in the dirt but all up I don't really like the direction the scene has gone Anyone else?
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>Feabie probably started with good intentions, but it was the last nail in the coffin for what was originally an obscure kink you had to dig through YouTube to find. Now 60% of women on there are "Looking for a feeder!! <3 <3". try 80%.
>>60780 Hear hear! My model friends have expressed this too - they don't want to monetize every moment of their lives because not all of it is content worthy, and the stuff that is requires so much prep work and effort that it takes the joy out of it. Turning on the camera and putting on a performance distracts you from doing exactly what people are asking; you're not playing yourself up for fans and jiggling yourself when you're stuffing yourself fully, you're just focusing on food and it's not as sexy as it sounds. How the sausage gets made isn't usually profitable to sell and might actually hurt your sales when your more vocal fans accuse you of a cash grab when you put out too much.
>>60780 Thanks for the insight and I get what you’re saying but also I actually would just like to see women stuff themselves as a fly on the wall, maybe with an it of belly play at the end but for the most part I don’t need commentary and moaning and groaning and I’m sure there are a lot of guys in the same mind. But I realise why that sort of content might feel boring, but it also feels more intimate and a throwback to how things used to be in the scene Your feeder sounds like a lucky guy And I mean lucky, because I just saw on curvage that men outnumber women 6:1 so the chances of connecting with a local feedee is so goddamn slim for the average guy, but I’m sure he’s a decent dude
>>60791 Thank you. I'm lucky to have him. I feel for you guys. Dating is rough, and even more so when you have a kink. I was under the impression that most people don't like plain eating videos. I don't mind doing them. If I do make a video with minimal or no talking I usually make it clear in the description. A few months ago I made a video where I stuffed myself silly for 30 minutes in lingerie then masturbated and I still got a review that it was boring lol.
>>60791 > And I mean lucky, because I just saw on curvage that men outnumber women 6:1 so the chances of connecting with a local feedee is so goddamn slim for the average guy, but I’m sure he’s a decent dude It’s really not. Only pyscho, uggos and broke losers say that shit. Like shooting fish in a bucket.

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Feabie update? Anonymous 02/20/2025 (Thu) 08:42:44 Id:bef816 No. 60801 [Reply]
Anybody still on this site? Is it still toxic? is it still an echo chamber? Are there still scammers? Any updates from the void will be appriciated
Don't be tempted it's gotten worse
>>60801 > is it still an echo chamber? 100% the fat fetish women of today are actively shooting down any conversation about accepting of minorities, sexual weirdos, and sex workers. They’re actively recruiting members to try to disband our constitution and coronate Trump or st least Bannon. FEABIEs a fine place to get laid if you aren’t a short ugly loser, but if you’re worried about the social media side of things buddy, you don’t deserve pussy faggot.

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Thebumbumqueen Anonymous 02/18/2025 (Tue) 18:05:38 Id:1f761a No. 364274 [Reply]
https ://sendvid .com/16ve8kn1
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this bitch is crazy, I saw on IG of her having a meltdown, crying hysterical because they cut her hair shorter than she wanted
>>364304 Not surprising, look how botched her body is, gotta be crazy to go through all that
>>364307 wait is that surgery, she claims she's natural.
>>364318 She did the usual tummy tuck, bbl, implants
>>364275 I always found her pussy disgusting. Looks like they stuffed it with silicone. Not body shaming her as that's not her original body. She definitely had work done and it's terrible.

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Model ID Thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 07/10/2020 (Fri) 03:02:45 No. 1281 [Reply] [Last]
Don't know who this chick is? Post her here.
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>>147843 Not much more to follow on about Colleen Williams beyond the fact that she passed or that she never really made content. Fun fact, the skinny butch in the pics dated Amberlynn Reid for a while last year. All of this shit caused a massive influx of new users, bots, and even shittier scammers on feabie for the last few months or so.

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Fat Youtubers 2: Extra Large Edition Giichi 06/07/2024 (Fri) 01:43:22 No. 10815 [Reply] [Last]
Due to recent events, the Fat Youtubers Thread has been nuked from existence due to increasing sensitivity and worries in fat scenarios involving characters and people of younger age. Due to this new law in place, this thread will be exclusively included people of legal age. While it is disappointing to see the thread go, if you have any archives of the original images before they were purged, feel free to repost them here. As for me, I'll be here checking this place here and there for any Youtuber Sonas to try out and fatten up so if there's a PNGtuber or a sona in general you want to see fattened up, send a request.
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>>14369 If that's a problem just lmk what pose you'd wish for, I'm all ears and on it
>>14369 Ain't sure what character to draw if I'm being honest
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>>14378 I know this character is in the board a lot (for good reason imo) but what about Phisnom?
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>>14363 Taking longer on this one cuz the file I was supposed to send corrupted so I have to start over
