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Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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JAEH Thread 2: Cruise Control 10/03/2022 (Mon) 06:54:07 Id:3a5981 No. 22808
old thread's gone, time to start a new one!
Saving bump
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Does anyone have the finished art from his recent streams?
>>66765 you could find it on Twitter or Google
Hosemistress https://character.ai/chat/ecuzDhEj6qdefG9_f0lFnOHbXIW7YRG5oohMbBzClZA
(151.16 KB 1680x1003 GQjQMMvX0AAF51K.jpeg)
can someone please full resolution this sexy pic?
>>22808 Bump
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>>66765 >SMACK! OUGH >>68222 OUGH
>>30348 First link its down
>>32907 Could anyone upload the individual pages here instead of the link.
>>22808 Does someone have this?
>>71823 wdym?
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does anyone have BBDancing arts in high quality?
>>71139 Again. Download it and open it either in a browser or an ebook program.
(7.94 MB 4550x7000 loona (1).png)
(5.64 MB 5880x5600 jadechairs.png)
Can somebody link the original thread through the wayback machine. I’m trying to reupload Parade Pandemonium 1 and 2, and a lemonade stand comic that he did. Also I remember a colored edit of a pic of Carmalita Fox.
Tight Situation https://mega.nz/folder/DYYUgJQK#dn1NwYRDIqog6fzci2RfZA
(5.11 MB 7000x6300 OctBif23.png)
Bit the bullet and paid the bird. Heres all the new stuff in a file, you have three days aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC9TUHNrMWpOZlczVi91czIKIA==
>>77530 I’m guessing it’s through MEGA?
>>77536 MAB use Base64
>>77530 Is there a reason mab will just get stuck loading partway through? I've tried multiple times and it'll get stuck even with the site saying 99% and the full 496.2/496.2 MB?
>>77538 Dude. Thank you, my retarded ass wouldn’t have been able to figure that out, got it downloaded, got it open, you’re a fucking lifesaver.
>>77530 thank you can you make Jaeh mab nob to Jan please.
>>77541 Try using another browser, it worked for me in firefox
so uhm.. can i get a second chance i'm a bit late :3
>>77739 Your loss, buddy.
>>77530 Damn, missed this. Was there any Loree in there?
>>77769 There was three. Personally I was here for the Tanya content and that didn’t disappoint, love thicc tigers.
does anyone have any possible alternative to kemono.party? i really want to check out jaehs patreon.
It seems as if Kemono’s patreon importer was FINALLY FIXED. If someone could update Jaeh’s page that would be greatly appreciated! https://kemono.su/patreon/user/297832
>>67290 the character is not available\deleted\banned
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Piece done by Grimphantom way back in 2016 with Jaeh's very own, Loree!
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I need help finding these photos, I did some research and found out that these photos might have been an art trade or a commission by an artist called Chalodillo made in 2021, but it seems that they were scrubbed shortly after being uploaded, I managed to save the photos although in very poor quality if anyone has any idea on where these images might have originated or have a copy of them please let me know. God bless 🙏 im out
>>67290 Nevermind I found few new one https://crushon.ai/ru/character/11c93c21-09fe-4def-b010-14886db52be4/chat https://crushon.ai/ru/character/e49c84ac-8e53-416b-a0c0-94fa40db3041/chat https://crushon.ai/ru/character/e9ded8b5-b450-474c-871c-2c48b15d3c29/chat
>>60300 I hope he starts work on this comic soon, I was really excited for it.
someone please make a mab of jaehthebird art in 20$ and 10$ for all of us?
Bootylicious Loree
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Anyone got that pic that JAEH did of the pool harem? I think there were 6 characters
>>82828 Man the digging I had to do to find this
>>82857 Where'd you find it anyways? I went looking on archive sites to see if it was there, but no dice.
>>82891 So Jaeh didn't upload the original piece so I wasted a while in the furarchiver mines then when I remembered that the search function on furaffinity itself didn't help(it's got weird tags). Luckily I am the original asshole who posted it on the last thread so I went on wayback where the images were busted, recognized my message, and read the uploader from the file name. It is still up on FA btw
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did we ever get this as a full render?
