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Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Anonymous 10/07/2022 (Fri) 19:13:47 Id:16f827 No. 23302
Colorization Thread II
>>77730 Ok can you color these ones? please>>77730
>>77733 Oh yeah I actually speak to that artist from time to time! I just got his permission to color it so I'll be working on it starting now.
(173.01 KB 822x652 image_2024-11-14_133833646.png)
>>77733 Here's the first one boss, ThatOneAceGuy approved too.
(165.41 KB 1106x533 image_2024-11-14_145953804.png)
>>77733 And here's that second one! These were rather fun to do, especially since Ace likes them too.
(169.44 KB 822x652 Abra1.png)
>>77736 Small mistake on this one, fixed it! Gosh I really need to check them harder.
>>77737 >>77738 Nice job 👏
(347.19 KB 1280x1030 squander-fat-azz.jpg)
(411.43 KB 1280x832 squander-fatter-azz.jpg)
>>77738 >>77737 Good can you do these?
(560.17 KB 1280x1030 image_2024-11-16_123856468.png)
(738.25 KB 1280x832 image_2024-11-16_123907582.png)
>>77782 Hope you like them
>>77804 of course i like them, oh she looks too cute
(291.21 KB 755x1280 oh yeah.png)
>>77730 >>77736 >>77737 >>77738 >>77804 Can you color this cute chubby bunny? please.
could someone color this
>>77935 Maybe but I have two pictures to colour before I would start
(131.19 KB 899x1024 Lopunny1.png)
>>77920 Something like this? :3
>>77956 almost perfect the feet paws fluff are yellow like her ears.
(132.77 KB 899x1024 Lopunny1.png)
>>77960 Oh thank you let me fix it!
Sorry about that, I was confused because the fluff colors in the sketch are separated between cream and brown by shading, and in the sketch they're the brown color. Sorry King!
(213.06 KB 1635x1763 20241119_193607.jpg)
(1.44 MB 1924x2076 Untitled55_20241120021329.png)
(297.78 KB 911x503 tuhrgf6u7trew6765ewuytrgfds.png)
(9.41 KB 174x289 images.png)
Request color this fatty. :)
(227.37 KB 911x503 image_2024-12-05_205942367.png)
>>78531 As you wish! Had a little help from ThatOneAceGuy to tell me what things were what color. This is how he had intended it.
Can I request Aurorus colorized?
>>78609 Great, don't you know if has more primarinas to color?
(482.65 KB 977x753 Aurorus.png)
(495.42 KB 977x753 Aurorus Blended.png)
>>78615 Yes you may.
>>78638 Thank you so much, I like them both
>>now the state know all of you are fucked up to him. Jesus fucking Mary saint joesph
I just like to color Pokemon drawings. I periodically check here for any I could do.
>>78643 What are your favorite Pokemon?
>>78646 The Snivy line, The Popplio Line, Latias and Latios are some big ones.
>>78647 Good, for search sketches of these ones by the way here are mine.
>>78652 I don't go out of the way to look for sketches. I let others bring sketches to me and I'll decide if I want to do them or not based on if I like them.
>>78655 Request color this fatty whale please.
(149.80 KB 850x541 Primarina rattiesteps.png)
>>78794 Unsure why you flipped the image when you sent it to me, but here it is. I couldn't contact the artisst easily unfortunately. They did tell me I could color it but I was unable to get their final say on changes or anything.
(813.49 KB 3135x3800 Bella_render.png)
Could I request Bella colorized plz?
(128.20 KB 850x541 fatty full belly.png)
(281.11 KB 1076x706 fatty wants more food.png)
>>78909 So cute, i made an edit removig the second necklace
(168.17 KB 989x1280 1595370370.drakemohkami_aeris.jpg)
(367.91 KB 692x704 120312.jpg)
Requesting Aeris the pink VG cat and Leo's hand in the pic colored.
Someone can color these ones? please.
Can someone colour this?
(269.44 KB 822x1026 fatharvestloona.png)
(320.94 KB 1200x1200 isabelle.png)
(3.85 MB 1810x2888 Digby_aF.png)
Would any one mind coloring in this pic for me?
(167.07 KB 479x479 0495Snivy.png)
Someone mentioned snivy, and I got reminded of this wonderful piece. Anyone willing to color it?
(525.04 KB 1700x2000 1730243261.nestlekilla_robertleo.png)
Hello, would someone be kind enough to color this leomon? It looks extremely beautiful.
>>79442 bump
I think there was already a colored version of this Undyne, but I can't find it, so...in here it goes.
>>79488 I got you, Fam.
(104.21 KB 1280x902 1493674176.slimdym_bugsandlola.png)
(11.71 KB 865x1638 Bugs_bunny.webp)
(9.03 KB 179x281 images.jfif)
Can I request Claire Wheeler colorized plz?
Could anyone color this please? I think she would look really pretty
>>80394 anyone?
(222.04 KB 1448x2048 GYESeNyXYAANPz_.jpeg)
(304.57 KB 1448x2048 GYESeNyXoAAwBZX.jpeg)
Can someone color these In and if possible can someone make extra parts to that Mew comic?
