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Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Heavy Bottom / Pear Shape / Monobutt Anonymous 10/12/2022 (Wed) 22:07:22 Id:9fc428 No. 23706
It's back! Dat toony, weird shape some of us seem to like for no explainable reason.
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You ever get on the Gwendolyn bandwagon?
>>76418 >>76774 Not a fan of folks who commission every artist under the sun to draw their bland oc
>>76782 Well, you either go with Gwendolyn or you just don't go.
(2.62 MB 1423x1080 pear sachiko.png)
>>76852 Man, I miss this artist, whatever happened with them? Their stuff was just pretty great all around.
>>76418 IMO she's a kinda a breath of fresh air if your tired of overdesigned characters, sometimes less is more.
>>76889 Their deviantart is gone but they are still on furaffinity - https://www.furaffinity.net/user/runningwildwolf
>>77630 Oh thank fucking god, I love their stuff.
Anyone have any art from Mursula?
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Anyone have any more Hornet from hollow knight? Been searching for an image that was an edit to the in game sprite. Can’t find it anywhere but it used to be in an old hollow knight thread
>>78616 I don't have the edit you're looking for but I seen Princecoffeecakes I think do a bottom heavy, monobutt hornet in the past. Same with Rattiebutts.
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780 files since 10/12/22! 🎊
(64.64 KB 1080x1080 I like the sauce.jpg)
>>79711 >LordStormCaller Looking at this man's art is like biting into a saltine cracker without any of the salt. There is no flavor. It's all the same bland poses. The same body types, and overall stale character designs. He's leagues about Virus-20 but his characters still fail to give me a boner. 1.5/10 >>79712 >Satsumalord A guilty pleasure. Not the best of the oldfags, clearly not as good as Gillpanda or as decent as Kazecat, but fappable enough because I am a huge sucker for hypershit. Satsuma'a work can be described as "Two Ton Neko with a sprinkling of dynamism and slightly bigger heads". Truly, a somewhat questionable wank. 6/10
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