/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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(3.41 MB 600x515 Kapifat.gif)
Funky Thread 10/22/2022 (Sat) 05:52:43 Id:f4a25b No. 24285
how about a thread for Kapi and other furry fnf characters?
>>77216 >>77214 >>77213 >>77212 >>77207 God I am a good sucker for some good inflation stuff of the one of the best kitties around...
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More from keno
>>77302 Keno drawing Kapi is like a happy little miracle!!! Honestly wish he had his whole twitter account dedicated to just drawing him..
(1.35 MB 3200x2600 KapiBrainrot1-1-1.png)
(1.20 MB 3200x2600 KapiBrainrot4-1.png)
>>37822 Found 2 more
>>77323 WHERE?!
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Not the best but I found these
>>77498 God I wanna just watch him become so huge that he's unable to move any part of himself...
>>77216 >>77498 Looks like shit.
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by choco pudding
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I found more
>>78000 Fucking stuff him until he's bigger than a whole ass couch
>>78023 His ass should be the size of a truck at the very least
>>78053 Bigger than a whole mansion and the property it's on.
>>78000 these are really nice I'm kinda curious on how these would look with the fnf artstyle™️ eyes
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>>78000 >>78075 here's my take on it
>>78316 Fan-fucking-tastic job on this my dude.
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So somebody is taking fat kapi requests in vg's funkg current thread right now, i asked for an ass pic and they actually drew it
(2.32 MB 2466x1494 IMG_5537.png)
Mrdarktailsv Is at it again
the kapi mod was deleted i think
>>79107 Where did you get this info from? And how recent is it?
>>79134 He is an agent. Goes when he chooses. Does what he wants. Can't ask for a better promotion.
>>79135 Can you please elaborate? You lost me
>>79143 Just a guy spamming I believe just ignore it
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>>79559 Who made the second one??
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Blobby kapi I found
I posted here a year or two ago so I thought i’d renew what i wrote, and say; If anyone wants to do a roleplay with Kapi, or anything else, i don’t mind. I’m always up to hang out! Discord is Tony Wuff#7370 or tonywuff Please remind me about this if you send a request, i have so many requests to deal with
here's some ace iceolation form stuff since this thread has been mostly kapi
>>79982 and some of retro's ocs
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Idk if this one’s shared yet here but
(561.45 KB 4096x3401 GW-2GHwXIAA3N8T.jpg)
(579.18 KB 4096x2753 GXOXUxBXwAAHjmW.jpg)
(615.86 KB 4096x3162 GZEmiA1XkAA8EJo.jpg)
(592.23 KB 4096x2372 GfH7xbRXcAAKfO7.jpg)
>>80604 >>80605 >>80607 >>80612 Subhuman retard
>>80614 I’m not a retard, you bitch. I couldn’t upload the pictures the normal way, so I have to do it like this.
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New keno art dropped
>>80783 based. love how he draws this boy. where does he post nowadays anyways? please tell me not just funkg or trash that sucks for archival
80807 He mostly posts on Twitter he’s busy with helluva boss stuff
Sadly it's *been* helluva boss and hazbin hotel for like. Ever. With little bits of other stuff interspliced
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Was this posted here yet?
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Fat kitty bf
There any good RetroSpecter stuff out there?
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Don’t let this place die yet
>>83160 Bless you anon for keeping this place going, I don't wanna see this kitty go away
https://youtu.be/TejiJCrWiBw?si=DvYjGlntQ_rtPdDc Made a fan animation here
>>83174 I know we're starving for kapi content but christ we ain't that desperate
