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Amy Vanilla and Cream 01/24/2023 (Tue) 01:12:29 Id:daeb42 No. 30798
You read the title. Trying to rebuild the cream vanilla and Amy thread. Post whatever shit you got from whatever artists you like. Let’s get autistic up in this bitch.
>>74377 >https://we.tl/t-ab8CBD6iee can you post it again?
>>75354 >RidiculousCake Why did HE have to make that pic?
>>77175 I don't know, why do YOU have to be a bitch?
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Monobutt Amy Doodle cause I’m bored…
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Basic ass robot001 Cream edit I made. Got rid of the bumps, colored the fur a bit different cuz blueberries ftw, and changed up the dialogue a tad. Kinda bored so figured why not? Could make more, if anyone’s interested, but I doubt it.
>>78141 Do you have any socials I could contact?
>>78145 Yeah sure. @demon.tiddies on insta. It’s an old ass account I stopped using like, fuckin ages ago. Hardly on it except for when I’m doing commissions.
>>78141 You got a discord?
>>78141 Post more Cream ftw
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>>78163 source for both?
>>78141 Id be down for more edits These are pretty good
>>78161 Oh shit I totally forgot I had one. My discord is costco_bitch
>>78165 Another edit I did for a friend awhile back. Was gonna add a background but they said they were fine without one.
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Another one I did awhile back, probably my best yet tbh. Merges two images into one. Robot001’s art is so easy to edit
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I also do SFM posters, for what that’s worth. Can’t right now though since my laptop committed ritualistic suicide, womp womp.
>>73733 Yep, there is, just make sure you got the Plus DLC for the game https://www.deviantart.com/eishiban/art/Amy-many-XL-for-mania-920576951
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>>78129 Another one this time with cream the rabbit
>>78297 Waiter! waiter! More cream please!
>>78306 We need more of the doughy hefty bun!!! <333 Whichever way you wanna interpret that~ Make those plushy arms heavier :>
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>>78690 Meant to actually contribute with that last post oops ;P even if most of these are old
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>>30837 Anyone save the story description for these cream pics?
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Would be based if someone edits one of these into cream
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Does anyone have these? https://payhip.com/b/YHebZ
Fat monobutt
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Cream RP?
>>78188 Can you provide your discord? This stuff is great!
>>80288 There's a sequel to this
>>81585 Sure, boss. It’s costco_bitch. Pfp’s Cima from 0083: Stardust Memory
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Cream RP?
https://xcancel.com/ChubChubbyArt/status/1888843063088549979#m Amy Rose water weight gain… buts it’s a SpongeBob Bath episode LOL.
>>82625 I think I saw several low quality versions of that Spongebob Bath episode with Amy. Despite it not being in English, but hot damn that animation is incredible especially that chubby Amy. We need more WG Amy animations with VA. Also, instead of forcing Sonic to take a bath just have Amy smother him under her water weight.
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Anyone have that artwork where Cream is having her body inflated at the beach? I believe it used to be on Furaffinity, but has since been deleted.
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>>83134 Is this the one?
>>83143 No, that's not it. I believe there was a can of Chao soda on the pic...
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Anyone know the artists name?
