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Aries Passadar thread: The 3rd Anonymous 09/16/2023 (Sat) 22:40:50 Id:9b30cc No. 45173
Expansion of everyone's favorite blue mercenary with inflation prone-disasters. The more obscure, the better.
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The legendary merc 'Aries Passadar' had caused enough headaches with her constant attacks on underworld operations. A scornful crimelord had a plan to put her in her place. He forged an invitation under the name of another legendary merc, calling her out to a one-on-one duel in the wilds. But when she arrived with blade and pistol in hand in the dead of night, something else was waiting for her. Intense spotlights suddenly shone down on her from all angles, blinding the merc just long enough for a squadron of snipers to rain down a barrage of darts on her location. Even if her supernatural instincts let her dodge most, inevitably she felt the sting of the dart-tips in her sides and ass. Despite her growling and ripping out the darts, the formula had already entered her body. Her ass and thighs bulged, her stomach bloated, and her top stretched over her swelling breasts. She howled "COWARDS!" to the night wind, but it was for naught. Her fluffy tail shot out as the seams ripped in her pants and boots, exploding off her and reducing her agile steps to a puffy-footed waddle. She dropped her blade and her gun - and reduced to just her struggling panties and top the legendary merc looked like a lost pin-up model for a XXXL magazine. She whined as the pleasure began to tingle along her skin, fabric pulled tight over her nipples and mound - before she began to float off the ground, waddling feet splaying out with desperate wiggling toes. Her arms followed suit - once muscular and toned beneath the blue fur, now swollen into round hills with deep divots that her fattening hands were sinking into. Wobbling and squirming in the air for, her cheeks began to fill, squeezing her snout on either size. Her howls and whines muffled with squeaks. For a moment, her stomach, thighs, and tits struggled to swell over the top of her underwear - only for the dark fabric to suddenly and unceremoniously burst off in scraps of fabric, floating harmlessly down to the rest of her clothes and gear below. Her entire body jiggled and bounced with the force of her remaining clothes exploding off of her, while cameras at all angles captured the degenerate scene - streaming the entire event to a flurry of porn sites - and the main page of the Hero's Guild, hacked this night to show the world the legendary merc's fate. Bigger and bigger the blue balloon grew, years of sculpting her body into the perfect form undone in minutes - the feared hero who had destroyed so many prestigious syndicates now a squirming, whining blimp whose bright shiny blue pussy had grown slick and wet with her own overwhelming pleasure. The blinding light of the spotlights faded from Aries' eyes, and she whimpered as she realized was floating away - perhaps doomed to rise into the stratosphere and stay up there. But quickly enough came the roar of helicopters, dragging with them a wide net that caught the blimp before she could drift away - where she could be spared further eyes and perhaps be rescued before the night's end. The cameras caught every second of Aries Passadar nearly floating away, being scooped by the nets and pulled back down to earth. Now anchored to the ground by tethers along her puffy hands, feet, and tail, the crimelord enacted the second stage. The cameras were shut off for the rest of the night, as his crews tirelessly worked to erect booths and tents all around the site of Aries' defeat. When morning came, the crimelord's peers and members of high society arrived at the site at his invitation for the "1st Annual Aries Passadar Appreciation Fair" - as was painted visibly across the 100 ft blimp's sides, as he hovered helplessly over the site below. The cameras came back on and the streams resumed, showing the events of the day. The underworld elite went through exhibits exposing all of the work Aries' had undone. High society sat in booths, given headsets showing Aries up close from the night before, her every growl and moan and whine serenading their ears. Attendants rode a ferris wheel up to Aries' swollen, blushing face, where she was subjected to their taunts and jeers. "Now this is a much better look for you!" "You gettin' off on this? God you're a degenerate." "We paid you good money and you end up like this? Tsk. Pity. So much for our sponsorship." Every now and then she felt something glance off her - a bottle or the splat of a tomato - and she "MMPH"ed with as much indignance as she could muster. But it was all she could do as she was completely at the mercy of the crowd beneath her. All day she endured this. As the sun set the spotlights were brought back on and the tethers brought her lower to the ground, wincing and dripping as she felt her puffy nethers bounce off a smooth cold steel landing below. She couldn't see the booth and curtains being built around her private bits - but when the most prestigious guests paid the most premium prices for a moment alone in that curtained booth with her exposed pussy, she felt it. And she gasped - and howled - and in the end smiled with dumb panting breaths for the cameras - ending the night by showing the world the kind of toy blimp the legendary merc had begun. When all was said and done, all the guests had left and the fair had been taken down, Aries Passadar was tethered to an armored limo and driven off to an unknown place with a detailed escort. It was the last the world would see of her - until the "2nd Annual Aries Passadar Appreciation" fair.
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Aries inflation gif!
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The Masked Inflator decided that Relora's City Hall could use more decoration. That being figured, she opted to volunteer Aries Passadar, sneaking compressed helium into her beer at a bar, then tying her up to the top of the highest point, well out of reach for most people, yet visible to most of the city! Aries isn't likely to be rescued anytime soon...
>>49222 Frakking *marvelous*!
Aries and Kristie are hired to go through KC's science spheres to test traps. Suffice to say, the inflationary gas trap got the best of both women!
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*Old* Aries artwork by KBryme
The first CGI images of Aries Passadar. Naturally they'd involve her being inflated. Also:The first appearance of the famous 'Masked Inflator' or 'Mask' for short!
Aries meets a fan...
Bumping to prevent thread death. I'll find some material to post soon.
Back when Aries had an angel and devil wing for some reason. Good idea to remove them, you think?
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Thirsty Aries
there is this one sequence of aries being sent to a planet as an offering and being inflated.
Garbage thread, end it
I wish there was more art of her, underrated character
>>45173 Do we really need a thread for every single OC?
>>65696 Why? We need an OC thread instead of threads for OCs.
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I'd smash Aries
>>57649 I gotcha, fam I'm getting an R9K, so here's the link: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/947790/
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i think Zucca's not being poor anymore new uber art of Aries:
Shame zucca will never get preg art of Aries tho
Found OLD stuff!
Another bump won't hurt I guess.
