/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Viro Thread 3: The Marcining Viro Thread 3 12/12/2023 (Tue) 19:26:33 Id:8fb8e6 No. 49889
Who knew we'd get a third thread on this guy
>>79914 >>79915 Oh yeah, this was even better than I was expecting. I appreciate there being clean alts, too.
>>79947 no no they shouldnt have
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Does anyone have this?
So did anyone have anything for the last two underground collection? Was hoping we would have the feathery freaks by now.
Any new information on black circus? I'm curious how fat joann wolf got
Did anyone got this?
>>80208 Is her entire body stuffed with people she's digesting from tail to throat?
Can someone please finally post the secrets comic here? I would be very thankful. The comic is also supposed to gon on a discount when it is finished, so hopefully someone will get it atleast then.
>>80182 Viro seems to only post more "available for a limited time" nonsense instead of continuing bc.
>>80208 Jo ann should be a lot fatter than this fake the year of the snake
>>80085 Yes they should have.
I would be thankful if someone with a high access tier could import stuff in kemono.su. Then we wouldn't have to always ask about it here.
>>80973 But doesn't he do everything through a dropbox? That's what it was like back when I had the money to drop on his shit
>>81032 So, has anybody dropbox access then?
Anyone have this?
>>81271 How fat does Andy get? I wonder how vol2 plot would change of emerald (i think that's the mantis' name) was into bhm and also into being a feeder.
>>81271 God I wanna see that penguin in full
>>81271 How fat does Andy get? His neck and face looks no different than his fat usual self.
>>81288 Actually what would Andy and Devilian look like if they erred actually fit or at least average bmi?
>>81288 Hoping it's quite a decent bit considering the SSBBM was used
>>81301 I would really like to see a wg sequence of Andy if not emerald since I'd like to see how her in his life caused him to get even fatter since she probably can cook things that taste better than whatever he's used to eating and he ironically becomes her "slave" since he becomes too fat to do anything and relies on her for most things which she may be fine with since she might have a thing for bhm and even ssbhm. It is a sort of several of the Skylar and Marci dynamic.
Sounds very fun, makes me wonder if viro is ever planing anything like that, probably not but a gal can dream!
>>81355 Thank you for this
>>81355 Absolutely love it, makes me hope that's there's eventually a wgd with andy
>>81355 Are they actually any fatter than normal
Does anyone have the Underground of Merissa and Billie?
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has noone rly got the chillli pic lol
So uh, you guys have the full Pic of this preview image by any chance?
>>81989 >Q. Does being horny make you hungry or being hungry make you horny? Marci: Yes.
>>81355 Makes me wish Andy was a girl
>>81993 Any is literally just a gender bent version of his mom so you could just ask for fat art of his mom and it's basically the same though without emerald.
Does anyone have this?
It seems like there might be a typo or something unclear in your message. Did you mean viroveteruscy, or were you referring to something specific? Let me know so I can help you better!
It looks like you're referring to the universe of IHHAT Secrets and a special episode involving Blake and Marci. Can you tell me more about their lore?
>>82020 Juno looks great fat and has a good set up pseudo in universe excuse for getting fat which is the scent of herbivores confusing her instincts to eat them and her love for Louis also causing the scent to make her lustful.
Does anyone know how to ask for a commission for viroveteruscy?
I don't know how to speak English, man, don't mess with me
>>82145 You're free to ask him but he isn't taking commissions currently.
A wild Nadine has appeared!
>>82499 She also got a weight loss image with her penguine roommate putting on the weight instead. I would genuinely like to see how she'd look like things then have a wg sequence of her regaining her normal rotund figure and them some.
New set with Blake
>>82728 the rest of the pack is just the lineart before colorand that kinda thing
>>82735 Do you also have the one with thin mouse/cobra and the fat penguin lady?
>>82743 sadly not, ran out of money
>>82767 Who else has money to spend on this stuff?
