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Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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(717.31 KB 1387x839 image_2023-12-18_220236438.png)
Pyrocynical fat art Anonymous 12/19/2023 (Tue) 05:04:56 Id:435df9 No. 50343
Didn't see a thread for it, so why not start now? Got pics of a blubbery Pyro? Drop 'em here!
(8.50 MB 3800x3000 multislot-June-2024-pyro.png)
(718.84 KB 2000x1688 image_2024-07-09_162120172.png)
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(97.20 KB 821x828 20240717_184436.jpg)
Hubby Pyro 🥰
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>>66172 source?
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Where TF are all the fart arts/alts
>>72053 sources on these?
(831.93 KB 2048x1427 image_2024-08-31_194001450.png)
(1.03 MB 2048x1427 image_2024-08-31_194006093.png)
>>73386 source?
>>73598 https://x.com/GassyAssSkunk/status/1724095317732147710
Can we get fat art of the other characters?
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>>52986 My brother in Christ. Not every person into Pyro's fursona is a fart fetishist lmao
(141.91 KB 1800x1012 GH7ryDRWMAAMcBG.jpg)
(697.43 KB 4096x1743 GGPuLYwacAEi0qR.jpg)
>>74037 You might as well say you like eating burgers without the buns. His fursona blasting thick fumes out of his ton sized greasy ass is what makes a quintessential Pyro pic. He's not known as the youtuber that comms fat furries to jerk off to, he's the youtuber that comms fat furries FARTING to jerk off to
(299.62 KB 1010x828 IMG_3730.jpeg)
(4.18 MB 3586x3272 IMG_7595.jpeg)
(1.67 MB 1920x1080 IMG_2576.png)
Ok but could you imagine if he was 20% more based and wholesome?
>>74072 Sauce on the last one?
anything new from his girlfriend, secretcorgii/ida? wonder if they're still together
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(47.26 KB 589x680 FbXnYAOagAIz-wr.jpg)
(2.21 MB 1974x1277 pyrocanicalcomm.png)
>>76488 damn where did you find this?
>>76489 source? cant make out the signature
>>76908 Thats cloudboyo, you can tell by the coloring and linework
(278.48 KB 4096x2274 GbK9sbHXUAAQ68r.jpg)
anyone got the fart alt?
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>>77613 cw gas
(5.58 MB 2160x3840 image_2024-11-11_232226931.png)
>>77615 Wait did he get fatter from nothing?
gosh, who made that comic?
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(37.31 KB 587x413 GdGNTAlXMAAYRDO.jpg)
Chat, is this real?
(58.10 KB 1453x764 GdK-ChnacAAqn8D.png)
>>78231 fucking hell man lmao
>>78231 1. Who made that? 2. How much did it cost? 3. Are there more pictures of it?
>>77655 who made this?
>>79994 bluecatbutt/xero and bootfromtv Tho both aren't for pyrocynical so idk why the tard posted them lol
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>>78280 >Who made that? Ikkypanda. I recognized them immediately because they're only sculptor in the fat furry "community" that I know the name of. https://xcancel.com/IkkyPanda/status/1832796558590410769 >How much did it cost? The base price for a character is $290, but it seems to change based on prices and materials. I'm personally not a fan of Pyro, but I felt compelled to post sauce for the sculpture anyway. >>79997 Bbw-chan anons be dumb
>>79998 I don't like pyro either but it's best to separate person from product in this instance. Besides, he's not really relevant anymore other than his kink stuff
>>50343 You mean the youtube channel?
(111.65 KB 1179x1095 Garq_RhXQAArTOf.jpg)
>>82932 based!
(718.99 KB 1291x1080 Screenshot_20240812-062851~2.png)
what the average pyro fan looks like:
>>82960 Yes and they love it
>>83002 I feel bad for the skibidi-lingo leafy 2.0 fans they're holding the recessive genes
Yo uhh anything of his jester character?
