/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Rouge the Bat thread Anonymous 01/16/2024 (Tue) 15:59:59 Id:9fc909 No. 52189
The unreasonable and probably unhealthy amount of gallons I lose to her on an almost daily basis is very concerning and likely a leading cause to me not getting shit done. Good thing I'm looking to not get shit done anytime soon.
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>>75293 I saw this on the pizza tower subreddit and From the information, the artist is not only russian and (of course) does fat fetish stuff, but is also bisexual
>>75293 this is like “where’s waldo” except waldo is a morbidly obese anthropomorphic bat woman
>>75357 And it's easy to solve!
I did my best with my Samsung but someone will have to manually smooth out just a few things hehe ☺️
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>>71343 Gottchu dog
>>75774 You're a real one, thank you so much
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Anyone got this?
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I'm looking for a picture where Rouge the Bat is fucked as an inflatable toy by a blue dragon and she gets bigger and bigger because of the cum and then explodes
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>>76616 Not a dragon but I think this is what you were looking for.
Does anyone have a copy of LuckyEmerald269's Rouge blueberry sequence?
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>>76061 Merry Christmas
>>77474 good lord this in concept is kinda hot.
>>78203 I kinda like the fact shs needs help
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>>78436 artist?
>>79149 floofyboyetime
>>79150 Thanks!
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Does anyone have the batberry vid from chaothix Is deviantart account is now disabled
I think a fine addition to this collection would be to add ChunkiestBuns growth sequence of Rouge. I don’t know how to do it myself, this is my second ever post on this site.
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