/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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BBWfur Request Thread Syrakore 02/11/2024 (Sun) 08:51:27 Id:a07c91 No. 54042
Same rules as BBW inflate and other request threads Characters must be 18+ Only two to 3 requests tops at a time. You can suggest drawing ideas but as always artists have a right to pick and choose or decline if they so wish. Bonus you can offer your idea up as a commission from artists as well by marking your subject either request or commission (but figure out the rest however that would work in the comments below and or take it somewhere else for payment.) But mostly just request only unless subject headed otherwise.
(582.93 KB 991x731 Tina Reference.png)
>>54043 Just got a new OC finally drawn, i'd like to see her knotted and cumflated while lactating
>>69999 >>70000 Draw these.
>>54042 >>54043 Request draw these mons as soft and round like the second image please
>>54042 >>54043 Request draw Phantasma as violet in the comic.
>>54042 Requesting someone to give audio to these videos. (Original source: XX-CAKE3.65 https://wormhole.app/J0m1z#kIhMYJtcNd9eCfK66QxYIA)
(1.17 MB 2550x3300 BeFunky-design (1).jpg)
>>54043 Requesting someone to make a weight gain sequence of Yamato gaining weight (Yamato should have five stages of obesity, ranging from 500 (as the starting weight) to 1000 pounds(as the ending weight.).), under the condition of uploading the end result on >>72124 P.S: Please give it a good title while you're at it.
Friendly reminder to try drawing yourself.
It would've been best to make a blobby Boris (Myself)
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>>73550 That's it? That's your oc? THAT'S JUST FREDDY FAZBEAR WITH GLASSES!!
>>73550 Scrap this motherfucker. Take all his copper wiring. Turn his torso into a quirky minifridge and turn his head into a makeshift cooler for the Four Lokos.
>>73554 i mean it'd be on brand (or should i say off-brand) considering knockoffs are canon.
Why do we have two drawthreads?
>>73554 What a rip.
draw fat monstercat mascot plzz....
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I would like to request an edit of this frame where the girl is as fat as those pigs and said pigs are made into fat females that are as tall as said girl/
Requesting someone to anthropomorphize Moo Deng. Bonus points if you make it a sequence or comic.
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>>75531 Moo Deng is a real-life animal, and she was just born two months ago.
>>75532 So, you're willing to make the request? Well, I'm sorry to break it to you, but you're gonna have to wait thirty years to do so.
>>75535 >you're willing to make the request? Moo Deng is a baby, two months old and was born on July 10th of this year and is an IRL animal that became an online meme because normalfags think she's cute. You're asking for fetish artwork of a baby animal on a fetish board. What makes you think any artist lurking this board is going to fulfill such an insane, and illegal, request? Holy fucking shit, Wildcat.
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(1.38 MB 2550x3300 BeFunky-design (1).png)
>>54043 Please make them better.
>>54042 Can someone please remake this?
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Might as well ask for a Immobile Rhea Snaketail, since it's been a long time since someone asked for it. Would be nice please. (Reference image for size) >>54043
>>75538 LMAOO least obvious bait
>>54045 Got an anchor for that anchor! >>75862
>>75536 I think the guy is an escapee from 4chan's trash feed drawthread.
>>76318 >escapee from 4chan's trash feed drawthread. You're wrong. Wildcat is an autist who's been shitting up /femfat/, /mfat/, and this board for at least two years. He's always posting artwork of questionable quality, typically ranging from mediocre digital art to literal crayon scribbles he picked off of Deviantart, and has the tendency to make godawful threads that have no reason to exist because it's either an inferior copy of a thread that already exists or it's something like the Original art and animation thread in which he already betrayed the thread's purpose (posting original content) from the start. He's also been shitting up the r/fatfur subreddit, but I seriously doubt anyone here really cares about Reddit.
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>>54043 Requesting fat art of pippa/evolotto
>>76318 You bet I am! I am an online escapee!
>>76325 >He's also been shitting up the r/fatfur subreddit Hold on a second, with which account??
>>76436 He's been using multiple accounts, u/Best-Lettuce3074 and u/Interesting_Rain1880, to post on the sub. I'm under the assumption one was used to artificially create engagement with posts from the other and vice versa. I can't really consider either of these accounts sockpuppets, but they're 100% his.
>>76325 I know it's bad, but I respect your opinion about me.
>>76437 And I'm done with sockpuppets.
>>76438 >>76439 Fuck off.
>>76434 Anthro or feral?
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>>54043 Would like to request Callie Briggs and/or Ann Gora from Swat Kats drawn as USSBBW like in the reference.
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>>78254 Enjoy it!!
>>54043 Requesting Milotic literally asking you to pump her up like a balloon and stroking her inflating belly. You can make her girl-friend watch and use another waifumon if you want.
(129.60 KB 1080x1080 fd1.png)
Ms-Prisma's Amy Rose design, but as far as this?
>>54043 Requesting someone to make a comic where some chonky skunks washes cars to get some money for some fattening candy
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(1.45 MB 4480x3508 81110280_meLV8K9G278NJQ9.png)
>>54043 Blimped (or blob, artists preference) Uni from Sparklecare (Or Cometcare, artists preference again)
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(1.82 MB 2000x2000 Einraeslost_presenting.png)
>>54043 Requesting this cat/fox as nice and obese and MILFy.
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Hey, I was wondering if anyone could line and color this? It's supposed to be Raven(18+ ofc) turned into a bunny, turning around when she hears a Loud fart from her rear
>>81324 Why'd you dump a bunch of old Aurelina pics into the request thread? What the fuck do you want?
>>81329 I think they want to know who drew these?
>>54042 >>54043 I don't think we need a request anchor post.
