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Ralsei/Asriel Thread 2 Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 22:05:49 Id:7c1ee4 No. 54173
The sequel.
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Sorry for the puny filesize but I'm pretty sure the original was this small anyways
>>79330 source?
>>54258 Wish I could remember who made these... Anybody know who did?
>>79450 Mintoyatsu he posts on inkbunny and pixiv and https://www.mintosoft.net/ :3 azzy is such a cutie
>>79451 He really is... Ngl i'd do roleplay with him! My disc is guhnky ;3
>>79451 Is there a reason as to why i can’t access their website??
>>79463 Honestly I have no idea like sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't it's weird
>>79451 What’s their pixiv username then?
>>79466 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/28429306 hyg!!
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he's only gonna get bigger...
Gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp...!
this is gonna sound like a strange request, but does anybody have that image of a slobby Asriel begging for food by XanderDWolfe? I can't seem to find it anymore on their furaffinity
>>79770 It's already posted here >>72006 third image
>>79477 >>79477 Do u have the source for the last pic?
I wish Asriel anon would come back, he was such a good artist but then he vanished.
Looking for an art piece I lost months ago, it was a sequence of a cute, chubby ralsei getting a hose stuffed in his big fat butt, then being inflated bigger and bigger as his cloak rolls up his tummy, and eventually getting torn by his inflating moobs, and the fifth part, he bursts into a bunch of fluffy scraps like a cute fluffy blimp >w<
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>purposefully draws adult asriel to not piss off twitter mob >twitter mob still pushes great art to be deleted they dont even know what they're angry about anymore
>If this makes you triggered then boo-fucking-hoo- there's plenty of proof and evidence to show that hyperdeath asri is. An. Adult. >>80526 Sounds about right, also nice art
>>74825 makes me wonder how much removed and unuploaded art XanderDWulfe has made, wonder if there is more featuring characters like asriel or ralsei
Does anyone have Xanderdwulfe's pic labeled fat Assriel? It got deleted it
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Found it and some others
Does anyone have the sequence of Ralsei gaining weight in Pandora Palace then getting a bit gassy? It was posted in the previous thread I think. I think the original artist vanished or something
>>80823 Are there any other parts of that Xander drawing? because I feel there is
>>56594 Who's the artist of the 3rd image there? The style is so familiar, but I cannot put the name to it.
I saw it from a different board so I moved it here to this thread.
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>>80526 Nevermind the artist is actually retarded or something we aren't missing much >Draws blatant porn and spergs out when people treat it like porn
>>81150 Wait what happened i don't get it
>>81150 I know someone who's like that, doctorloops
>>81154 >artist draws hyperdeath asriel thinking it'd be ok with twitter autists >twitter autists get mad anyways >gets pissed at minors following >locks account and proceeds to completely crash out >pretends the fetish art they've been posting this whole time isnt actually fetish art Acute unfiltered untreated schizophrenia
>>81159 I think they have like a thought thingy about like they're not 'objectifying' fat people for fat fetish stuff and they just think that's kinda cute
>>81160 Then they're retarded. They draw porn and are disgusted that people get off to it. They need medication and a shrink.
>>81164 Didn't you read me saying they only thought it was cute?
>>81170 Yes? What part of my response led you to think otherwise? If they thought what they were drawing was just "cute" they're a retard. Given your lack of reading comprehension you fit the bill too it seems.
This thread is for Gooning to obese minors, not unnecessary drama
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Anyway, enough bullshit Have some
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>>81890 sauce?
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>>67401 I remember that piece, it was from one of Buttery-Inkling's old arts, right?
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(50.94 KB 1076x665 Obese Asriel and Ralsei.jpg)
I traced a drawing and colored it for me, I'll leave it on my Twitter or X whatever they call it :3 @xzblackwolfZx
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Boi that stinks good
>>82285 Who even drew these?
