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Sly Cooper Thread 2 Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 17:14:31 Id:fb57ba No. 60594
The Return
>>61460 You heard him! That one is a classic!
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>>64157 true
Does anyone have the original thread archived? Maybe send a link the the original archived thread.
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>>62880 Source
Can someone post this Carmalita sequence where she drinks a lot of syrup. I believe it is called Carmalita’s Syrup Conundrum
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>>72289 Thanks!
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Fuck, I didn't realize the original thread is now gone. Anyone has that BBW Carmelita drawing with her looking angry at Sly's badge which she's holding in her hand? I swear it was in the previous thread. Anyone got a wayback machine of that link?
>>75247 It will be great is someone can link the original thread through the wayback machine. Can anyone do that for this thread? I really want to restore everything from that thread.
>>75261 I've found one. Just changes .link to .nl to make it work https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/https://bbw-chan.nl/bbfurries/res/169.html The obese detective is back
>>75267 Found an old AI chat bot https://character.ai/chat/ssriBdRZei7A70ZvrWgDu_gjygTNWK1GKcDlItmLPZY
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>>75267 Can you also do a wayback machine link on the old JAEH Thread. I remembered someone did a colored edit on this sequence of Carmalita.
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Sequence by Silver-Stag.
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still waiting on the fat bracelet comic
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>>76758 we need the entire 3 bracelets comic
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>>76805 >>76806 >>76812 >>76813 >2012 Virus-20 SOVL SO MUCH FUCKING SOVL
>>76805 Wait, isn’t there an artist who’s remaking this comic? What’s their name?
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>>75829 If there was a Sly Cooper tv show in the 2000s, an episode like this would be possible.
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