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Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Octavia thread Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 12:45:14 Id:275a50 No. 61715
Gotta bring back everyone's favorite demon owl Lolita
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>>64265 could someone update their Kemono so we could see their newer work
>>62761 It honestly blows how the rest of the sequence is in such a low resolution
>>65059 Apparently the sequence is still posted on his account on nitter https://nitter.poast.org/JohnDrawFatties/status/1784441924570517770#m
>>65810 Yeah, sorry buddy, but no
Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled programming
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>>65064 Yeah but that's still low res
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https://x.com/IMPmurderpros/status/1806024958088511510?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet Well, guys we had a good run. Guess we all better stop making fetish art of Octavia because Vivziepop just confirmed she’s asexual. What’s even the point of getting horny for an anthropomorphic goth owl demon who we have to draw boobs on if she’s just not into any of us in canon…? Boy, we all must feel so stupid if we keep doing it. And wait a minute. Loona doesn’t like girls! She hated Queen Bee for stealing Vortex. My headcanon for almost five years says she just likes men and has a mommy complex that makes her protective and nurturing. That’s why I hated seeing her fight Collin who I ship her with… Omfg, if you can’t tell, I’m just laughing my ass off as I type this. Who else saw her Twitter post and thought Vivzie should spend more time writing a better and longer show for Amazon Prime actually worth our money?
>>67948 the internet wont listen its the internet
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Both of these I have no idea who made but I know they were both made for a art trade for the same user It’s unknown what the user made back for both
>>67948 It’s called the public domain of fan inspired art, interpretations exist. That’s how.
>>67948 Creators going on social media to confirm a sexuality is already suspect. Having them display the sexuality of every single character in this eye vomit is nauseating. Helluva Boss needs to burn.
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>>67965 Get cancelled, eh?
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>>73067 Pic 3 is my favorite
>>71800 where do these come from anyway? thought that artist doesnt draw fat Octavia. havent seen on twitter or furaffinity at least
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>>76345 First picture He aboutta fuck her or something?
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>>61715 more
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