/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Cartoon/anime furry females II Anonymous 04/20/2024 (Sat) 21:28:39 Id:8eae2a No. 62358
>>982 got bumplocked. So please post all furry females that have been in a cartoon or an anime
(153.74 KB 1280x1280 Untitled401_20240704214633.png)
Got me The Girls™️ (from Home on the Range)
>>69065 Mizz Britt's anthro pics are always more interesting and frankly just straight-up better than her human stuff. It's a crying shame she doesn't draw more furs.
>>69050 Home on the Range is the reason I have a thing for toon cows.
(606.80 KB 854x480 videoframe_1929199.png)
(373.30 KB 854x480 videoframe_362871.png)
(672.87 KB 854x480 videoframe_313093.png)
(500.27 KB 854x480 videoframe_311220.png)
(722.31 KB 854x480 videoframe_1885849.png)
(609.19 KB 854x480 videoframe_1730549.png)
Disney makes some mean fat background/minor characters. Change my mind and show me proof.
(151.27 KB 292x289 videoframe_1363001.png)
(268.60 KB 763x406 videoframe_1665034.png)
(223.16 KB 1387x2048 GTiL0_CawAABmfd.jpg)
(111.15 KB 2021x1836 GSoZkuWXwAEUble.png)
(393.14 KB 2021x1836 GSoZlX0XUAAnje0.png)
(58.50 KB 1540x1020 1447202904.stickfox_carolyn.png)
(84.77 KB 1280x1344 Erzzn8JUcAA_7ic.jpg)
(61.91 KB 1280x1512 ErzzoOaVoAIwGJI.jpg)
Fuck whoever made the "Fluffy Netflix critters" thread.
(95.49 KB 1247x1038 Erz0XOPU0AE6A_a.jpg)
(115.51 KB 1804x1619 Ft9A0BTaMAAstj2.jpg)
(180.18 KB 2048x1294 FYXgl--VEAACqEC.jpg)
(29.98 KB 509x509 GHS1AZuWAAA5ujF.jpg)
(144.92 KB 2017x1086 GHS1AZxWcAA8sig.jpg)
>>71660 >>71676 >Badly cropped Garfield movie screenshot >Crudely drawn Max and Ruby fat fetish art /bbfurries/ has fallen.
(265.83 KB 2768x2656 GUFs7dxawAAn_lk.jpg)
(194.88 KB 1570x1688 GQFgfsRXEAE_8Rf.jpg)
(631.01 KB 3514x2683 FxT8IwwXwBEb0sQ.jpg)
(113.08 KB 1343x843 FVy9eH8X0AAuAwc.jpg)
(275.37 KB 2048x1538 FnRKnI9WQAIcjjg.jpg)
>>71704 Again, /bbfurries/ has fallen. Millions must goonmaxx. Fanum tax Ohio gyatt rizzler.
(291.51 KB 2048x1538 FnRJAA-X0AwUiYL.jpg)
(366.72 KB 1774x2208 Fgbm9cSXwAMdzk0.jpg)
(1.12 MB 3496x1938 EUIM4glXkAIudTo.jpg)
(3.11 MB 3446x2200 GQQMKQyWUAEjawR.jpg)
(186.72 KB 2650x1683 GHSx-iPWAAEh1fs.jpg)
(319.35 KB 1651x1733 1687229371.sambaba_img_0048.png)
Look at some gyatts.
>>71706 Got a better pic
(290.41 KB 1400x2167 F-7v3DmWkAAl0R3.jpg)
(207.20 KB 1454x2167 F_A9tWeWsAAExVp.jpg)
(186.79 KB 1330x1732 GJog-gdWwAAqwZD.jpg)
(243.38 KB 1746x2545 GQJENUIW4AA8e4j.jpg)
(153.13 KB 1280x827 1594965044.stickfox_ms__piggy.jpg)
Any art of Porsha?
Coming right up!
Anybody got this, outta curiosity?
>>73398 Source?
>>73429 There's an artist signature clear as crystal near Sandy's ass La-Cheezy.
(150.64 KB 2024x1584 FopAu3tXsAEc5Zm.png)
(493.11 KB 4096x2357 GGHnFqsWEAAO9K-.jpg)
Hey, anybody got more Minnies?
(446.28 KB 3868x2384 1575241530.sambaba_minniedaisy.png)
(79.38 KB 1421x915 GP0T1UkbwAAko3S.jpg)
>>73800 Gotchu.
(81.93 KB 654x1100 GbNCNL_W0AAHO6h.jfif)
(1.02 MB 2262x1692 Wonka Inc.png)
(554.46 KB 1212x1767 Big blue reindeer ass.png)
(1.08 MB 2091x1530 Big blue reindeer tits.png)
What if Gabourey Sidibe reindeer...but she's a big blueberry bitch?
>>78606 Do you post your art anywhere else? This is so good
(2.23 MB 3087x1836 SING berries_juicy.png)
(2.87 MB 3087x1836 SING berries_juiceless.png)
>>78711 >Do you post your art anywhere else? Yes.
>>78730 Where at? Just on this forum or do you have an FA or Xitter?
(1.29 MB 2949x1773 Gyatt Maloney.png)
(708.96 KB 1719x1644 Charlotte donk.png)
(592.65 KB 1269x1704 Candy donk.png)
What's wrong with the Frenchoids?
>>78819 Need more of these two, possibly fatter if you'd like
(314.64 KB 1852x2668 sdfsdfd2.png)
