/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Mammoth Mutt Thread 2 Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 19:23:12 Id:0900e4 No. 70528
The old thread is now lost, so it’s time to make a new thread of everyone’s favorite pink balloon mutt.
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I just want to comment on this one scene. I realize that she can expanded/inflate herself the same size as their ship. I think this is the biggest she as ever gotten in this show and it makes me wonder if she can actually expand beyond her limits in cannon.
>>70628 I have this headcanon that it’s the other way around because her superpower is actually to supershrink and her default size is bigger than anyone can comprehend.
>>70647 REALLY? That could be interesting...
>>70647 You're that autist from the last thread aren't you?
>>70691 Can you be specific? We’re all autists here.
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>>70713 I agree and Autism Awareness Month is next year.
>>70714 >Autism Awareness Month How do I get myself undiagnosed with autism? I need to know. Now.
>>70714 fuck that's so hot, great art guys
>>70719 I am ejaculate big cum.
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>>70712 Sauce on the last one with the 3 dog gals?
>>70817 I commed that one from Pilloknight!
>>70818 I'm sorry, when did this become the anti-autism thread? Because I feel insulted.
>>70843 I'm autistic and ableist.
>>70603 Are these the last images to this series?
Just doing a quick bump with a few of my comms.
>>71890 First pic Why this ugly ass shape anon?
>>74461 Because I like toony, soft varieties of Inflation? :<
>>75200 Bigger!
I found this total banger of an avatar on Bluesky days after making an account and I'm assuming it is an edit purely based on me being unable to find the sauce for it.
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Hey anon
Gif by Bifsteak
>>76773 That's a nice animation you made.
Nah not me
>>76775 Where's Bifsteak?
>>76778 They're on patreon for 1 dollar, they're making really good animated gifs
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>>76773 >>76775 Didn't expect the original image to be a gif and to get the sauce so fast too. Thank you, anon!
>>76781 No prob :) shit do be banging, I hope we'll get actually get a decent MM animation for once. Theyre other animations have been top notch too. They are making a animation with that fox character from that that Liars Dice game.
>>76780 I want to see more stuff from Bifsteak
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Anyone got this?
one is spoiled for scat
>>81888 Source on the middle one?
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>>82603 Thanks!!
