/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Fafcomics Anon 08/09/2024 (Fri) 09:45:16 Id:1deeb1 No. 71345
Hey does anyone have his full comics like the pest control
There’s one thing that Hetty, Vore Party, & Camping that Vore didn’t has: Blood and Gore. Like Tales from the Crypt Episode: The Third Pig. https://youtu.be/6roL7n3PDwQ?si=Iosy9Wk6Jv4Fz41N
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>>81205 Yeah but its out of order and not finished
>>81241 https://subscribestar.adult/vore
>>81252 you can't get the pages that way. you start at page 1 and work your way to the current pages. if it took 2 years for faf to make page 100 then it'll take you 2 years to get to page 100.
In ‘Camping’, why won’t the Camping Nurse Fox Girl just kill, chop, cook, and eat the all the rabbit with blood and gore instead of shallow the rabbit? In ‘Vore Party’, Why won’t Diana and Sally kill, chop, cook, and eat the all the rabbit with blood and gore instead of shallow the rabbit?
>>81263 Why no vore party 2? On a different note can someone post mick's quest 1 and 2?
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>>81270 Someone posted the full thing on u18chan. Should be there if you look hard enough. I believe it was posted by a guy who faf pissed off with his belief people are leaking his stuff with questionable evidence.
>>81273 Look like anyone going to make a novel that based on ‘Camping’, ‘Vore Party’, & ‘Hetty’.
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>>81232 This’s Vore with Blood and Gore look like.
>>81315 Is this Ren and FUCKING Stimpy?
>>81316 No. This’s from Tales from the Crypt Final Episode: ‘The Third Pigs’.
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The Wolf Girl is eating Bunny Kids! FUCKING BUNNY KIDS!!
>>81375 what the fuck
>>72799 👀
>>81375 They're all young adults i think. They just look like kids due to the size difference
>>81390 What’s going to happen if one of the bunny going to keep eating to become very fatter?
>>81273 >>81266 >>81267 >>81269 >>81270 Here is the full comic https://u18chan.com/c/topic/1232221 It is at around page 45 of the furry comic Indices too
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This is the original 'pest control' comic, someone uploaded it to YT a couple of years ago, missing a couple of pages.
>>81420 Thank You for finding the complete Mike Quest for us. Now we need to find Hetty Part 9 in u18chan.
>>81467 I just hope it gets put on another site like ehentai before something happens to it
>>81398 Well, Camper Fox Girl going to cook or marry a fat bunny boy name Tubby (who’s ate all food at the camp ground) from fafcomics2 One Shot Comic: ‘Camping’.
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>>81542 What the hell is up with the website? Looks like dark web shit
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Here’s three colored version of ‘Camping’ & ‘Vore Party’.
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I found one colored page of Hetty Part 1. Fact: Hetty was originally to be a fox girl with orange fur before she’s was change to Wolf.
>>81553 I see.
>>81553 >>81586 >samefagging on a board with post IDs Retarded motherfucker. The least you could've done was reset your router if you wanted to make it seem another anon was interested in your post. God damn. You are dumb.
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>>80687 If Hetty catch a small animal in the street, she would eat it
>>81599 Okay...?
This Thread is now Locked!
>>81601 >This thread is now Locked! Oh no. What ever will I do? It's not like I can reply to this retard without any issue.
>>81420 Someone please download all the pages of mick's quest and have them available on another website.
>>82829 Someone could post something of anything related to faf stuff
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>>82864 >something of anything
I was curious and nosed around Faf's DA page and it turns out someone is industriously churning out AI slop of Hetty. Faf even liked this one. Go ahead and fill your boots with slop if you're that desperate.
Faf proudly announced to gift his supporters with an "impressive amount of ai art". Doesn't matter that most people followed because of his drawings actually looked good. He currently is producing an animation movie for his vore camp comic from what i've head.
Also if this other deviantart ai guy is literally just fafs alt account i'm gonna laugh, but who knows what schizo things he pulls of.
>>82873 Fuck it better than nothing from faf cause they're even more protective since THAT ONE ANON did that.....
>>82942 Nah it cant be him, otherwise he would charge you for these images and would write a whole chapter of a comment
Just shows how little integrity Faf has an artist. >Sure, debase the character. Churn her out hilarious off-model with six fingers for all I care. If it's not my actual work you're stealing I don't give a fuck.
Funnily enough ccording to kiwifarms doxx, faf is married and i have no idea how that even is supossed to work.
