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Sauce Thread Sheepherd##5zFMkB 03/29/2020 (Sun) 00:57:10 Id:375ad8 No. 864
Looking for the name of an artist from a picture you found? ASK HERE!
>>74442 I think its carcupholder on furaffinity
(15.48 KB 598x371 1726530673762527.png)
>>74442 https://nitter.poast.org/jer_zzySmerZ
(73.13 KB 1655x1392 GNXq6OVWQAA53T2.png)
Anybody know the artist that made this?
>>74495 https://nitter.poast.org/Welwraith/status/1804952563445285234
Do twitter archives/scrapers besides wayback machine exist? Dude on twitter deleted stuff i saw literally 2 days ago. weirdly never been this neurotic about artists deleting stuff but they didnt even wipe everything just a couple things
(22.89 KB 128x128 IMG_0818.png)
Does anybody have the fucking sauce for this image?
>>74680 https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52297721/
What’s the title of the image and the artist behind the image?
>>74310 bump
Does anyone know of any walk cycle videos made with dreams? The video is of a non-human walking around while emitting a black blur like thing.
>>73643 this is by sawdustzone, this characters name is shelby
(9.63 KB 128x72 IMG_0827.png)
>>74931 Chickenmanchicken on FA
>>75414 https://x.com/ChanMattet/status/1780703954919407835/photo/1
(258.89 KB 392x2160 muutpPhbQRs.jpg)
Does anyone know author?
>>75842 https://x.com/kaldrtist
>>73852 >>73853 Any help in finding this?
>>864 >>75650 I think the image is no more available
>>76102 no it is available
Anyone knew who drew this? The second image I upscaled to make it easier considering the first image, original btw, is a lil crusty
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(39.08 KB 256x195 IMG_0831.jpeg)
I searched up the image date already, and it didn’t appear
(219.24 KB 1280x1138 1650859522.wenisberry_bigbowz.jpg)
>>76193 You are dense.
I don't know which artist it's from?
Hey... So I remember a sequence that was a (racoon?) lady who was a YouTube reviewer of plus sized clothing and the more videos it passed, the fatter she got... I forgot the name of the artist though, could anyone tell me who it is (I remember the name was something_something_XXX (the XXX is numbers and I forgot the numbers lmao)) please, help an anon out... It would mean a lot
>>76676 Found it
(361.88 KB 1000x563 20241022_152730.jpg)
Where can I see it in full?
>>76686 Just gotta dig but unfortunately faf is now more protective cause of THAT ONE ANON TELLING THEM https://bbw-chan.link/bbfurries/res/71345.html
>>70310 Ranthfox https://www.furaffinity.net/user/ranthfox/
(2.85 MB 1750x2000 Filled_Up_Ninja.png)
Artist is FrozenArtifice, but I don't know where the original link for this is.
>>73637 More like yes sauce for Goodra Xytora https://www.furaffinity.net/user/xytora/
Shot in the dark here but I thought I'd try Does anyone know of a piece of artwork depicting a morbidly obese protogen (not immobile) overheating and sweaty from their weight and health issues using a pc CPU-like cooler on their heart to try and cool them down? Their face had an exclamation mark triangle warning on their visor. It's a very specific image that I've been trying to find for some time now but I have no idea who made it
>>49912 Bump
(109.64 KB 1290x1470 GbWKOQ0XwAAZYQW.jpg)
(17.40 KB 157x120 image.webp)
does anyone know the source of the image at the top?
I'm looking for an old story that I believe was about Renamon with a virus(?) that caused her belly and breasts to swell up with milk as her arousal increased, leading Rika to come in and take the tension off of her as she approached a bursting point. The only thing I know with certainty is that it was on FurAffinity but it seems to have been taken down.
(230.68 KB 1636x2000 gbaj6jrbqaaj4y6.jpg)
Do you guys know the artist of this image? I've been trying to find them for a while
>>77298 Fepon the Hancock is in thr right left corner
(199.92 KB 1026x1200 1730768287761806.jpg)
found this on /trash/ and I'm desperate for the source
>>77374 https://x.com/huwon_xl/status/1853487863901327842?s=61
(62.07 KB 1200x674 mordecai_rigby_blooob.jpg)
Sauce? Been looking everywhere but can't find
Anyone have any uncensored Mursula art? Like the Cecaellia Phil or something?
I'm looking for a sequence I remember well but can't find anything for it. It was a multi-part weight gain sequence with a character named "Deborah Mason" and it was in the style of a magazine cover, similar to this pic.
>>77450 >>62166 Are you talking about the one by Highlandheifer I had already posted back in April or is there another sequence that uses a similar visual theme? I'm not aware of any others like that one.
>>77462 Shi that's it thanks a bunch
Well, r9k doesn't want me to post this, so I guess this will have to do. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1270538347130916894/1305484617414869033/66b14b89e49c5ee259ce567b04fb5dca9baea9f771674d75b8b1a78ea55bef19.png?ex=673332cb&is=6731e14b&hm=a47a69ae490889811d74049821b8ab1c3adf07e78101c0aba82f4a22fb2a7e7f&
(107.08 KB 1280x720 death.webm)
>>73481 has seriously no one found the rest of this comic?
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Soapy (@dogmarshmallows on twitter) uploaded this teaser quoting their post saying "I summoned Marshmallow somewhere :3" This might be a long shot but does anyone have the full piece and/or the alt account that made it?
