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Thick, curvy, plump - In the flesh, no cartoons or morphs

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KcbCosplay 08/29/2023 (Tue) 16:02:08 Id:4a28a6 No. 129596
This small cosplayer gained some weight during the pandemic and hasn’t lost any of it, I think she actually gained some more after that, but I don’t think she’s a feedee. Her onlyfans is kinda meh but she makes custom videos where she eats for you so I’d like to imagine she’s slowly gaining from those videos.
>>157290 Its cinco de mayo
>>157400 Don't misbehave like that>>157403 that doesn't sound like a good excuse.
She appeared in this video and damn we need more of her dressed like this (min 11:44) https://youtu.be/qX8iMXmt2iU?si=OeaSs7DBxqFGzf43
>>158301 From what she put on, I believe just about anything is possible at this point.
>>158301 God damn her massive tits are spilling out on the sides. She's got great hips as well, but those tits are just incredible.
>>134466 She sometimes forgets how much plumper she's gotten. Imagine her trying to squeeze into her lady maria cosplay today https://twitter.com/KCBCosplay/status/1790606695481446765
Has anyone noticed or wondered why she hasn't shown her full body all that recent? i'm starting to think maybe she's trying to lose weight and those new instagram pictures aren't showing a double chin.
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>>167591 holy shit is this recent? she looks fantastic, i thought she may have been trying to lose the weight
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>>167644 no those are kind of old Here are some more recent pictures
>>167711 Still thicc
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She’s still on hiatus but she’s also going to a convention so we might get some updates
>>170460 Also that fupa and thighs
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>>171020 Comparing this image to the one where's she's on the pole from the top of this thread makes it kinda obvious that she's been losing weight
I don’t know I saw her post a video of her on a convention and she’s wearing more casual clothes and she’s still looking really fat, maybe the recent one is edited?
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>>171736 Ultra HD quality picture showing how fat she is
>>171737 See. Now we know that she tried to Photoshop her waist shape. Can we shut up about the loosing weight thing now and get to posting content again?
>>171788 It's less so about the waist shape, and more so about how her tummy is noticably flatter than before and her jaw is more defined than before
>>171804 A define jaw doesn't always equal a lesser gut
>>129638 https://x.com/KCBCosplay/status/1830034924759650767/photo/1 Go encourage her lads.
>>172030 Would kill for a drunk MTGArena stream
>>171788 seems like she's aware of her weight and wants to edit it out to look hot & skinny. Girl don't be shy, just show that you've gained a little weight.
>>171737 is this from a video? curious to know.
>>172297 Yeah from her Twitter
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>>185678 Is this from an older set, or did she actually put some fat on herself? Because boobs look huge here
>>185688 it's from an older set, maybe 6 months. her boobs are just huge like that. hope she comes back soon
Well since she isn’t posting anything anytime soon I decided to give some of my collection from back when I think she looked the fattest, enjoy! https://gofile.io/d/JswwmB
>>193107 i kneel
>>193107 Could you convert them to mp4s?
>>193107 Thank you
>>193107 Thank you. Saved me 30$. I would gladly sub for this amount of money, but she literally has 100 paysites with different content so I don't know what's the best deal. I think she also had some great posts on Patreon before 2023 where she complained about getting fat while still posting a lot of belly content, but looks like she deleted all of it. Kay, if you are reading this, please, make a guide so we could learn the difference between your OF, Patreon and Fansly. Unless this is your actual strategy and you are just selling random clips on all platforms. Which I don't like and won't support financially.
>>129596 Honestly, we should protect her at all cost. She is too wholesome for a cosplayer
>>193107 damn she's hot af from the right angles
>>193326 For a cosplayer?
>>193275 Not Kay but someone who subbed to her. When she is active her sites work like this: Patron: monthly sets containing HQ pictures and videos from the outfit to underwear to pasties only. Paid OF: Weekly Picture Sets and Videos on the Wall usually Selfies from the Sets from Patreon. In the dms you will get PPV of that weekly Sets in form of more clips und more Selfies around 5-15$ per PPV those are more spicy so showing pasties and so on. You can order customs from her like the liste posted here before and back then she also did Livestreams with a tip menu for boob jiggle pasties only ect. some of the VODs of the livestreams are still on the wall. free OF. just to sell old PPVs or Sets some might missed. Fansly: she used that as a alternative to OF but she isn't active there anymore. So subbing to her Patron and OF gives you different rewards no duplicates
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>>193754 God damn. I wish there were nudes or at least topless images of her. I know she had early see-through stuff in her first bit of lewd content where you could see her nips. But now she's pastied up to the max. 😔
>>196102 she has see through content? Mind if you sharing them with us?
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https://onlyfans.com/kcbcosplay her site has a discount right now
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