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Lucy Collett/Vixen Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 13:26:13 Id:1c6d24 No. 154888
Anyone have any of her vids? Particularly her belly play stuff? Here's a few for yous. https://mab.to/t/705orSdCPjb/eu1
>>193881 Nothing there?
Dang man this is probably one of the better ones it looks like but it's 45 for3 min
She's back for 2025 and looks huge. Stretch marks on her belly now, even pointed one out in this video. Couple of belly focused videos already, this could be the year boys.
Does she upload these types of videos on both her sites or one in particular?
>>193917 They are pretty much posted on both but they are ran in such a shitty way it's sometimes not worth the effort of sifting through old and rehashed content to find the new stuff.
Yes onlyfans it's like pulling a nail to get something new if she says it's new it's probably old I usually ask for a preview of it sometimes she says yes sometimes says no but she posted previews on the recent new ones
does anyone know how to download OF vids from DMs? the old method of inspect element doesn't work (chrome)
>>193926 I say this because I have all of her most recent vids to drop here, I just need tech support
>>193933 Install this https://github.com/sim0n00ps/OF-DL Watch the tutorial video on how to set it up
>>193917 Rule of thumb I find her "Lucy Vixen" OF to be less scammy and seems to get new content first and more consistently. Also usually if she doesn't post it with a preview it is probably old content. It's still a massive prick to sift through the repost shit but after curvage bitched at her relentlessly she finally started doing previews before giving up on that site because she can't take criticism for ripping people off. >>193933 Does this work with the DRM? She's enabled it since like October.
>>193936 Does this work as of 2025? And with DRM as anon said? I don’t want to waste time if it hasn’t been tried recently
>>193959 Works with DRM
>>193960 Answered my own question lol. Real easy to use, better than the old scraper. Here are 3 2025 vids. nugget one, her body update and the belly play one. Someone come in clutch and share the $45 one, she looks so fucking fat. I've got some xmas ones I might upload later. https://gofile.io/d/qFlQC6
I have the 45 dollar one just wait until tomorrow, no one else buy it!!
I got it already fuck
2025 https://gofile.io/d/VVHMsF
Has anyone donated to her Valentine's Day vid and gotten it yet
Looks like she's taken down the $45 vid and the other belly vid that's been posted. No longer in her DM. Posted a new try on vid though.
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For the love of god keep paying this woman. She’s on the verge of actively gaining for us
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Alright alright here y'all go the best one yet https://gofile.io/d/7Cmh92
>>194213 Thanks, I'm not a huge fan of her, but I can appreciate the drop!
>>194156 She is surely about to go all in. She's just downright fat now and shows no signs of losing weight. Easier money eating and rubbing your belly than losing weight for your skinny fans who are long gone.
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] https://gofile.io/d/WJzvWM
Is this the mew try on vid?? Or is it another? https://bunkr.cr/f/u41iNbMkUfONa
>>194359 older, it was shared here a couple of weeks or months ago
>>194213 you legend. ive been waiting over 10 years for this to happen
Shes gotta be 200 lbs now right?
>>194213 This is incredible. Hopefully she's got some good joi content etc coming up whilst she's at this size. Biggest she's ever been I think?
>>194656 she's gotta compress these files, god damn
>>194657 It's not her since most of these uploads are screen recordings not actual rips from her OF so the large file sizes are at fault of the uploaders.
>>194678 ah, that would explain the resolution
Some of you lads are doing gods work. So much good content since I last dropped into this feed
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She claims to have filmed a weigh in. Be on the lookout!
She's made these claims before and rinsed people of their money
>>195368 That was hilarious. “Weigh-in” means something else in Britain. It’s more of a metaphor, actually. Definitely wasn’t lying about owning a scale.
>>194044 Been deleted off her wall now and never sent
Bru that's fuck up I donated lol. And I tried to get a custom and she didn't even do it yet I keep getting a response be patient.its been like a month actually over a month
New cake smash video sorry for quality idk why it did bad quality it's only 720 on of https://gofile.io/d/EPbhZ8
Imagine how big shed be if she never got lipo
If your internet connection drops it scales down the video which must have happened when you screen recorded it.
