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Last one was deleted G3org1ina G33 04/19/2024 (Fri) 16:17:51 Id:c35656 No. 155570
She's gotten HUGE since the last thread was nuked
>>162863 Unpopular opinion: I liked it better when interracial scenes were a novelty. Now, everyone does bbc disporportionate to the actual population. It smacks of wokeness and ruins the fantasy, feeling like I'm getting niggercucked just by watching porn. Don't get me wrong - basically everyone likes seeing the head cheerleader gettting railed by a/the Mandingo but it's very overdone and lost it's specialness.
>>172604 U think too much about porn buddy. Find a hobby and stop using words like niggercucked
>>172614 I didn't know that bbwchan had language police. Unless you're nigger, then why would you care about what words I choose?
>>172616 I don't think they care, they're just giving you the (admittedly unsolicited) advice that you should stop being a racist clown.
>>172625 We're all here to fap. We all have preferences. Too much of anything is no good because it pushes out something else. If only trans, skinny, foot, etc. videos were available tomorrow, then a lot of people would be unhappy. And while, I do have a legitimate argument, people are choosing instead to attack my choice of language because they are either niggers or niggerfags.
>>172627 Exactly you may have had a point but youre choice of words instantly negated anything you had to say. You being ignorant to that fact is the reason for ppl pressing you. There was no need to be racist yet you continue to be dense about it Here is her BBC scene https://www.cambro.tv/1215906/georgina-gee-fucking-with-axel-reigns/ I hope you kys after seeing her being pleased and dominated by a BBC. Fragile cock watching whiteboy XD
Bbw chan try not to be autistic challenge - ultimate difficulty
Anyone got these two https://www.manyvids.com/Video/5928262/massage-rough-fuck-creampie-for-bbw https://www.manyvids.com/Video/5915116/muscle-daddy-fucks-me-hard
>>172633 God yess her double chinn is so prevalent here 😍😍
Here's stills from her new shower vid (non pi$$ing version) you'll all be haply to know she's still fat as everrr
>>172726 Here's more
And more..
God she's amazing
Her belly and double chinn 😍😍
Well obvs her massive tits too and the lucky bastard gets to grab her bellyyy
The way her fatass takes that dick
Hope that racist fuck is seething right now watching all this, look how satisfied she is taking that BBC not to mention how FAT she looks too
Anddd final money shott
Hope you all enjoyeddd
I hope she continues to gain weight
>>172730 willing to share? or trade?
>>160281 >bg kinda offtopic, i keep seeing this term used around, what does it stand for?
>>172633 Video not found. Did anyone pull it? Is there a reupload somewhere?
>>172753 iv got a few but not her two lastest ones
What is this?? A chubby girl with a pretty face, no tattoos, piercings, fake eyelashes or clown hair doing bg in a well-lit room with good resolution and minimal editing. I feel like I woke up in 2018.
>>172633 >>172733 Yall also have an unhealthy obsession with black dicks you know
>>172786 False! they only reposted and emphasized her fucking the BBC to troll the racist. No one would have brought up color if the racist dude didn't make his unsolicited remarks. The scene would have been shared and that would have been the end of it.
>>172752 Bg = Boy Girl Scene (Hardcore porn)
I think I might be able to post the new vid If my files don't get corrupted
>>172616 Are you a Nazi in public too or is that just some contrived bullshit you put on to feel tough in anonymous forums?
Gina is hot
>>173522 So it's your online edgy persona because you're such a goddamned pussy in reality. Can't believe how little it took for you to admit you're pathetic trash. I see why you have to hide it.
>>173948 Boohoo I don't care faggot
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Any news?
Massage vid https://bunkr.si/v/HT6R5kgjdnya1
Still plump
More new from her OF
>>176894 Looks like Gina has been eatin' good in the neighborhood. We knew she had the potential.
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Still fat thankfully
She definitely got herself off the beautiful-but-useless list and is steadily moving towards goat status!
Please bc she's gonna be losing the weight soon everyone help keep her fat!
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Here more recent fat
>>179380 Video or didnt happen
didnt happen!!
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2 years ago she seems bigger here but at least she's still fat now
This queen exceeds the standards of natural beauty.... She is truly magnificent in every sense of the word. She is the (Goat). 🔥👸🏻❤️
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>>165769 these two love each other it seems
