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blondiee.18 Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 22:11:54 Id:0bf99e No. 163363
new thread bc the last one got bumplocked. hopefully we can keep this one more focused, she's been gaining like crazy this year, with the stretchmarks to prove it. here's a few newer vids and a couple older vids from her onlyfans. if anyone has anything that hasnt been shared yet, please upload. she has a 24 hour sale on her curvage right now for her latest 4 vids. https://we.tl/t-NHnRFrEEST
>>189445 I've paid for a software that can rip videos off any site. I tried the free options but i was getting crappy vid quality. spent 40 bucks for lifetime access for the software and now I can pull any video from OF including those videos in messages.
>>189448 What is it if you could say, or hint at?
>>189452 Just google Only Fans downloader software. the second or third listing should provide 4-5 programs. Not being a dick, just paranoid about OF ruining the program somehow. Had a scare a week ago where I couldn't log into OF on the software due to some bugs so I thought it was getting shut down or something.
>>189453 OF models and creators of all stripes do watch this place, so might be best to keep it on the down low
>>189454 Don't believe any OF creator, or even OF itself, can do anything about it. Heck, OF was able to scramble things on coomer for several months, but their geeks eventually busted their latest attempt and got uploads back. The back-n-forth will likely be repeated again, with the busters always winning in the end
>>189342 >>189348 >>189418 I'm still interested in this other forum
>>189342 >>189348 >>189418 >>189510 Bro just meant another thread, chill
I guess she's too chicken shit to weigh herself, oh well, it probably fits her insane delusion that she's still 200lbs
>>189966 she may have a reason to not do a weigh-in, but why the hell would the reason be she's in denial about her current weight? that's completely the opposite impression a feedee content creator would want to give
She is unbelievable hot and her face is gorgeous. I don’t think she few much fatter though and gives up being conventionally attractive. Though I said the same thing about shar too, so hope I’m wrong again
I love her content, gaining or not. She's absolutely beautiful and the way her face fattened up is so fucking hot. Everything about her gain has been amazing so far. Plus recently she's been looking way fatter than she did during the cruise. Which is why a weigh in is so important right now lol, it would prove a lot
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>>190366 not sure why these pics were removed, perhaps the included comment challenging the doofus who thinks she hasn't gained weight. anyways, these make for good b/a - i find the one in the pink shorts so captivating - she must truly want to be fat to leave that thin body and face behind
Here's her latest OF videos https://gofile.io/d/7yJT0R
>>190558 thanks
>>190558 Man she's looking so fucking hot. Those juicy tits and soft belly really do it for me. Thanks king.
She looks slimmer, or is it me?
>>190684 I saw the same
>>190684 I think it's a weird lens she has on her camera. She looks distorted or something which would make her look slimmer.
I hope I'm wrong but she might be on a diet, especially since she's not releasing much content and since she looks thinner recently.
>>190930 if she start loosing way now her poor boobs will get even saggier..m
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>>190930 are you stupid stop theorizing bs this was last week
Damn, shes honestly not looking great recently, hopefully she makes better vids soon, the drop in quality made me unsub from onlyfans and I would reccomend anyone else subscribed do the same, its all dogshit paywall content thats just not worth it
>>191861 Her ppvs are admittedly a bit samey but at least they're reasonably priced and she's actually into it shows herself fully nude actually getting turned on by her fetish not just eating a little and patting her belly while otherwise fully clothed like some models
She's a great model but you can tell its hard for her to gain right now, if only she would drink mass gainer shakes, that would help her get the deep red stretch marks on her belly that she so desperately wants.
>>192032 Some folks are just not genetically predisposed to reach morbid obesity. It will be an infinite struggle to reach and maintain. Not saying it is not possible, but it will take determination, extra food, and extra funds for the extra calories.
Wow, shes really hot but omg....she might have developed lactose intolerance over her gain, especially with how she described her experience of enjoying heavy cream and ice cream early on, and now she won't even chug ice cream because her tummy would hurt. I hope she switchs to something else to help with high calories, it would do wonders for her gain.
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She looks like she lost even more weight, what a waste of time and money buying her content. She has got to be the dumbest feedee out there right now, absolutely zero brain activity in this ditzy bitch
>>192631 God you people are insufferable. The second a woman isn’t gaining you all flip your shit and spew the most vile things about them. Like it’s so clear that nutting to this shit is all you have going for you. How many women do you think this behavior has ran off from this place? I would probably guess more have been run off by people like this than there are active models. That’s like a whole human being. I get that to us she is a sexy glob of pixels on a screen, but she lives and breathes. She could have been sick, she could have had family stuff, her body could have topped out for a second. She gained an impressive amount since starting, and she makes pretty decent content. This incel hellscape makes me ashamed to cum sometimes. You guys make these women hate us.
>>192668 “I hate women” - le epic troll
>>192666 >woman turns her body into a commodity >customers don't like it when the product they paid for doesn't perform to expectations >white knights jump in and say to "remember the human" huh?
>>192673 "into a commodity" these woman aren't selling their bodies . Do you say the same thing about actors? Thats literally what porn is...acting. in this specific instance she had already previously said she was slowing down her gain from gaining 10lbs a month. She also was sick last month which she said killed her appetite which she is working on and the month before that was when she had a death in her family. its not white knighting if its facts. You know nothing about these girls stop acting like you do.
>>192674 >Do you say the same thing about actors? Of course. Everybody does. People are constantly shitting on actors or praising them for their performances.
>>192677 feedback is one thing but acting like you are entitled to what they do with their bodies and how fast they do it is insane. that mindset is the reason why so many girls quit.
>>192678 They're gaining weight to produce fetish content, no shit the feedback people provide is going to be related to how much weight they gain and how fast they do it.
>>192631 Work with what you got.
>>192682 "She has got to be the dumbest feedee out there right now, absolutely zero brain activity in this ditzy bitch." lmao that's just stereotypical teenager/incel drivel and it should be called out as such. it's simply not how well adjusted people talk about women pretty much ever
>>192631 Kill yourself
Aww, looks like the retard simp brigade is out again. You morons do realize this entire fucking website is an incel circle jerk, this guy is messing with all of you and you took the bait hook, line and sinker.
The ideal situation here is that she gains enough weight and reaches such a size that she is no longer able to move around anymore. Some anons come off rude and crass, but the spirit is there and that’s what really matters. They’re cheering for the right thing at least.
>>192800 I hope she sees this, bro
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New curvage pictures
>>192896 she will, she's aware of this site, but has been resilient to the naysayers and haters up to now - hoping it continues
>>193734 she is deflating
>>193796 real gains yo-yo, go back to your wg comics and deviantart stories
>>193796 Wg police are so god damn annoying
https://gofile.io/d/0fa2ff8e-e6bd-4c67-9cea-860020797ed5 Thanksgiving Stuffing Farts at 8:38, 10:50, 13:08, and 15:28
not public
My bad, this one should work: https://gofile.io/d/M0DqXn
Here's her latest 3 vids https://gofile.io/d/gDluaO
