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Stnthcc Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 02:18:20 Id:69934a No. 167394
She's getting pretty large, here's a recent short from her OF.
>>179390 Are you sure it doesn't represent the plight of the proletariat and the vanilla ice cream she pours on herself in the video isn't representing the bourgeoisiest slop stalling progress in modern-day society?
>>179393 you know what you're totally right how on earth did I miss that
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stretch marks appeared, it seems that we are on the right track, let's hope to see a lot of weight gain in 2025
She's hot AF now. Anyone know her weight ? Surely mid 3s
The most retarded shit I'll ever read online has all been found on this chan
>>181262 has she even reached 300 yet? i feel like she would've made a bigger deal about it if she had
>>181354 Either way that gut looks huge
>>181354 I think she’s lost weight ever since she started hanging out with the scammers reinna pop and that other bs feedee
>>182437 this video's already up on the coomer
>>181375 Selling content doesn’t make you a scammer neither does deciding to stop gaining, it’s not like reiinapop advertised herself as a gainer anymore she just sells the videos she made while she was gaining and she did gain 200 pounds so that is def for real. Satanthiic does make really good content so even with the wack pricing she does sometimes it’s still hot to see. Scamming would be lying about gaining or taking peoples money without giving any videos.
>>181375 >scammer >bs feedee >reiina The woman who went from as thin as humanly possible to >300lbs in next to no time at all? The brainrot is real jesus christ
>>181375 lol reiina absolutely ballooned and then made her post-gain plans widely known, not sure how that's being a scammer or a "bs feedee"
all her vids from here plus some extras: https://gofile.io/d/UDtaiA can anyone updater her coomer?
>>186392 Santa delivering gifts early THANK YOU!
She posted her new weigh on her OF
shes hot but fuck that belly tatt is just awful...
>>186392 >https://gofile.io/d/UDtaiA Those are not all her vids fyi but regardless, appreciated!
>>187265 Any idea what the new weight is?
>>187298 i love it.
>>182538 I've been seeing this kind of comment 1:1 across multiple boards/threads here on any model that isn't ready & willing to gain up to 500 lbs in a month. Entirely possible it's one autist with too much time on his hands
The best feedee in the game rn Fr
A large portion of her coomer up and disappeared.
>>187970 godthiic
>>187976 hell yea, bruther, thank you for redirecting
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Her Royal fatness has returned with new vids on onlyfans. Can anybody update her coomer.
>>190261 I am subbed to her OF… not fucking worth it!
>>190370 I used to be subbed to her to and found most the vids on there to just be a tease then tip 15 for the full vid or whatever. I only ever bought the messy cream chugging vid and posted it here >>171141 ages ago. I was just hoping she did something that hot again, and I'd probably buy it and post it here.
>>190382 Every one of her vids are 300% overpriced for what they're worth.
she’s really fallen out of love with this kink, it seems. the effort in content has become pretty low. the old videos are still gold. sub isn’t worth it!!
>>190411 agreed this is by far her best in my opinion: aHR0cHM6Ly9jb29tZXIuc3Uvb25seWZhbnMvdXNlci9nb2R0aGlpYy9wb3N0LzQ1NDg3OTcwNQ==
>>190482 ain't no way you just encoded a coomer link
https://gofile.io/d/WP6uSx Short walking video she looks huge in at the bottom and some free pics. Sorry but there really isn't much more content unless you wanna spend another $100. Hope you guys enjoy :)
https://gofile.io/d/bz0gH1 Another video I found. 11 minute tight outfit try-on
>>190566 all available on her coomer but thx
did anyone ever share the weigh in number? she’s looking leaner these days
>>190686 Probably because she is losing weight with her bff reinna pop. These girls should have never gotten into the weight gain fetish if they were not actually about it. Tired of all these scammers its annoying.
>>193698 Love people with the perspective that a person’s bodily autonomy is worth less than their fucking OF subscription get a grip
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Here's a 386 video drop, straight from TRVMP TQWER: https://gofile.io/d/PenMiU
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Before the tats and fats.
Go fuck yourself dickhead
>>195981 Based Trump GOD
in one of our hero’s vids I see that this hog weighed in at 264 but that was a while back. What’s she weighing these days
>>196324 Im not sure but last i saw from her subbed OF she looked skinnier unfortunately
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I believe she was at her heaviest last spring. Anyways, here's her latest weigh-in clip: https://gofile.io/d/RnODif
>>196343 Thanks 👑!
>>196343 God she is so cute, she has an amazing figure at 250... I'm not sure she wants to get much bigger but something tells me that somewhere between 300-320 would be damn near close to perfection given her proportions and height. I absolutely love this adorable Scottish little piggy.
>>196343 Big man coming in clutch!!!
