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Tianastummy Anonymous 09/05/2024 (Thu) 09:51:55 Id:f42b73 No. 172305
New Thread since the last one is gone
>>181469 They don’t know. People that come here and talk about anatomy and “science” like they know what they talk about are fucking hilarious. They are literally retarded and full of shit, you can tell they’re typing it with one hand
this metabolism talk is anti-science mumbo jumbo. thermodynamics are not circumvented by some imaginary metabolism operating outside of the laws of physics. the simple facts are, if you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. if you eat less than you burn, you lose weight.
>>181487 Not true. There is a reason that people who yo-yo diet tend to get fatter over time. There is also a reason why people tend to get fatter as they get older. Metabolism is a real thing and there are things that can be done to trick your metabolism to hold onto fat. Yo-yo dieting is one of them. We do not know everything about how all of this works but the literature is pretty clear that metabolic rate is a thing and that it can be affected by various factors.
>>181487 And digestion is more complex than "big number maek big fat". Go chug a quart of olive oil, you can write your counterargument while you're sharting yourself to death.
>>181487 Color me surprised that the usual people going "anti-science mumbo jumbo" don't know what science is...
Obv metabolism is a real thing but it really doesn’t vary much person to person, nor does it change much over time, age, etc. it’s literally just an excuse fat people use when really it’s a lifestyle thing or them not accurately counting calories.
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Engagement ring?
>>181545 I hope she outgrows that ring anyway
>>181544 This. I’m 35 and I’ve maintained my current weight since high school. My metabolism should have “slowed down” some years ago
Updated gofile with all the vids from her week long chug challenge. <3 this girl! https://gofile.io/d/HHWlPu
Here's her Day 4 snack and rambling https://gofile.io/d/ePx4HQ
>>181570 “Snack” Those shakes alone are worth at least 1600 calories
The content has improved, but let us not forget that her scumbag hypo-empathetic feeder robbed us of the peak months of this godessess's gain. She'll plateu, and we shall all rue the day you retards ignored my warning...
>>181611 >"hypo-empathetic" i've always wondered if it was just one or two idiots that need their daily doompost to function, or if there's an endless procession of tourists >>181570 and here's one of the few reasons to check the board. dan the man with the save
>>181611 >>181618 Judging by the number of downloads, it's a loud handful of retards that watch porn a little too much
would yall shut up and just use google or something. so much info at the tip of our fingertips but we still wanna use bro science to explain well-known concepts
>>181545 her face looks so different compared to her October 27 pics, her lips look huge and her cheeks look smaller :(
Here's Day 5 https://gofile.io/d/3UiR9M
>>181664 She’s been the best feedee this year her gains have been great, her face looks fat af now
>>181664 Between October 4th and the 14th of November she gained 2.8lbs, that's a rate of 0.07lbs a day, or almost half a lb a week or 2lbs a month. >>178772 Compared to here, she was gaining 0.12lbs a day or 0.86lbs a week or 3.75lbs a month. She's slowing down a lot.
>>181669 what causes such numbers autism among this community? Is it not enough to jerk off to fat women?
>>181678 They don’t look at models as humans, they’re just entities to be fattened when people (probably not them) throw money at them, and when they don’t get fatter as fast as their fantasies demand they get pissy and break out charts and actuarial tables to prove that they’re Not Real Gainers. Broken people aren’t anyone’s job to fix but themselves.
>>181678 Feedism is rooted in sadomasohism, so you’re seeing the sadism piece coming to the fore.
>>181678 Its a chan site, that just comes with the territory, other sites like Curvage or TiT don't have these problems. This is just the type of shit you end up with when you have full anonymity. >>181682 Case in point
wow she's grown into a full-fledged hog. wish i could fuck her instead of that twink, but the world isn't fair and somehow he's doing a good job fattening her up for us.
>>181487 You're correct that thermodynamics are circumvented But you don't actually seem to understand the science at all lol Human body temperature varies by multiple whole degrees (fahrenheit), and heat dissipation varies drastically. A fatty whose heart beats quickly (and therefore circulates blood faster) and who spends most of their time naked in a cold house because they "overheat" easily will burn drastically more calories in a day doing basically nothing than a fatty whose body is so used to being sedentary that it doesn't try to overstrain its heart and who is used to covering up with a warm blanket in bed to feel cozy.
>>181715 correct that thermodynamics are not* circumvented lol but everything else I said is right
>>181669 It’s really simple protein and fat, if she wants to get huge, regardless of metabolic. Drinking a pint ice-cream isn’t enough because it’s just fat compare drinking mass gainer, because your getting two main components that makes you massive.
>>181722 Protein is actually a least efficient method of getting your calories in as the conversion by the body is notably less efficient than with fats and carbohydrates, good for bodybuilding and supporting muscle development, but for general weight gain not so much, even moreso when you consider the role of protein in satiety during eating.
>>181728 She needs to mix a pint of heavy cream with the ice cream, then; and a few scoops of peanut butter for good measure.
>>181730 In the video said she’s not doing heavy cream because she wants to enjoy the ice cream
>>181732 I wonder if gainers know they gain faster drinking milk, shakes, or eating ice cream than heavy cream, cause heavy cream is just fat but the other ones are sugar and fat
>>181730 >and a few scoops of peanut butter for good measure Actually a decent idea, a bit of saltiness would make a huge amount of ice cream more palatable
omg chill with these metabolism comments, i feel like i'm in that always sunny scene where dennis tells mac he's tired of talking about body mass
Here's day 6 I believe https://gofile.io/d/2OglcT
>>181730 >>181755 I've had the most success gaining by mixing heavy cream with just about anything; dunno what else to tell you. If she wants to get over her plateau, that's the fastest way to do it (relatively speaking; it's still a marathon tbf).
Great video from day 6. The daily series is a good documentation where you can see exactly how her weight goes up and down. The weighing is still missing for day 6. Did she weigh herself? If so, please share.
>>181718 God I love her cute fat face! She id such a cutie!!!!!!! Definitely by far one of my favorite feedee’s of all time! She is super cute 🥰
>>181806 She's literally sitting on a scale while she eats....
>>181910 stoopid anon
Here's her latest vid. She brought that massive bierstick frosting syringe back. https://gofile.io/d/mNgVzS
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What a tub of lard
>>182032 she's got 60lbs to go until she is in tub of lard territory. Her feeder needs to keep it up. and invest in some Fairlife.
I don’t think she realizes how big she has become. Her progress is extremely fast for a gainer. One more lap she’s pushing 300 with a huge percentage of body fat. She needs to relax and keep chugging away. It’s clear right now, Tiana Tummy is one best. She will be in Mochii Babi territory, let’s hope she doesn’t make her mistakes
>>181910 Fuck off kilotroll
Concernfags fuck off.
>>182069 you're right, they seem to exist on nearly every thread, and they should go
>>182032 Dang her neck is gone now
>>182048 Mochi was WAY more intense, she was basically laying in bed high and stuffing herself every day for months.
