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BBW Asian Thread III Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 15:47:47 Id:088078 No. 179564
Last thread got bumplocked. Gotta start fresh once again with more fatties of asian descent influenced by the likes of gluttony/plus sized modeling
Get stronger Mighty fat girls
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>>193700 Her OF is on sale so I subbed and uploaded it to coomer. It's under "bouncybaobaby". Her stuff is short clips and photos with PPV shit IMO no that worth it at full price. She is cute tho
>>194740 I don't use the word "hero" very often... but you are the greatest hero in American history.
>>194772 I'm Australian but thanks. She posted another PPV post today for $10 so I have no shame in dumping her profile on coomer
>>192104 Why would you do this. She will legit stop posting if she finds out stuff’s been leaked from the pixiv. We had a good thing going. Whyyyy
>>194445 Her facial appearance reminds me of EVE from Stellar Blade, but she makes her look overweight, chubby, and CUTE!!! Also, she likes lizards but i don't like snakes.
>>194825 If she stops posting, where else will we get our ridiculous morphs?
>>194910 Absolutely not. I do not trust bbwchan with the forbidden fruit
>>194825 This is literally on the front page of her twitter and has been shared a million times. You are not special with your "forbidden fruit" (as if the giant watermark made her any more "hidden")
>>194740 jesus you werent kidding. id be pissed if i paid for a sub and all it was was promos for ppvs
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Anyone know who this is? https://thisvid.com/videos/asian-feedee/
>>179564 >>179564 >>195116 Chinkyjawn Retired after getting preggo
Rin Kiseki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzbbVP5yPJo
Is she related to rikarika707🧐
>>195255 Does she post any other content? She hot asf
>>195320 She does have a fantia, but it's not on kemono so I'm not sure if she posts anything worthwhile on it https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/526877
>>192104 Does anyone know why she gained? NIpponese are the best women.
god i wish there was something like big love festa nearby. heck i´m considering taking a plane next year
Fuck me, living in Korea is the worst. There's only self hating fat women here. Nobody wants to grow.
Does anyone know how to pay on Fantia? They no longer accept Mastercard and Visa:(
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After a quiet January, Reo Fujisawa is back in full swing! Here are her first 3 vids for February, we have at least 2 more too look forward to, including a collaboration with Minahata Fuuka. Also, she looks great with glasses https://gofile.io/d/M7rWzD Also included a bonus clip, be warned: she's barely even "thick" let alone chubby, but it's still hot af
>>194445 This isn't Rikarika707 is it? Face is quite similar. I certainly hope she didn't lose a lot of weight.
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>>195320 You can check her Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, too
>>195736 https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/526877 fantia too, doesn't look like its on kemono though
>>195695 God she's getting fat. She has some serious stretch marks now.
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golden find god shes turning into such a fucking heifer https://x.com/negitoromaru_u
Here’s some more to demonstrate Reo’s corpulence
>>195910 Double chin, nice gut, stretch marks, honestly impressive how much she's gained since her debut. I'm curious what her upper limit is gonna be, I'd be surprised if she got a lot fatter but I'm already surprised she has gotten as fat as she has so who knows.
>>195695 You don't thanked enough for all the Reo and extra content you provide, friend. Speaking of Reo though, has anyone made a good time-lapse/side-by-side progression weight gain pic from all these shoots and videos?
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>>195938 Her body type reminds me of Katie Cummings. Curious how far she will go.
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Loving the contrast here
its too bad her tits didnt blow up as well would've looked perfect for me
Feast ya eyes on this beautiful discovery. JAV star named Osada Megumi. Her weight seems to yo yo, but since her slimmest in '21, she has exploded into this sexy hot fat mess.
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twitter user (name in filenames) with a fantia. anyone have any of her content?
>>193380 Thanks for updating the Coomer to 2025!
Also I remember someone wanted the Oniku/Oniku_R posts from twitter that were nuked, finally I got around to them. Here you go: https://we.tl/t-jmRjVvNqOV
>>196357 That was me, thanks!
Does anyone have an archive or something of a1-fuwa's stuff? I've been finding it hard to get a hold of most of it.
Here's my ~140gb BBW JAV collection. https://gofile.io/d/QZcyJS Requesting anything of other cute/hot Japanese or Asian BBWs.
I need to know https://thisvid.com/videos/bbw-asian-tight-dress/
>>196608 Kassoufle, shes been posted tons, she disappeared awhile ago, nothing new is available
>>196589 There's a Hinano video in the Ami folder, which I'm not complaining about, but I am wondering if anyone knows if any of Hinano's newer content is any good. I think it was touched on up-thread but only once.
>>196357 reup please?
anyone know who this is?
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>>196802 Sakurano Yuzu That's from BBWM-04 Parts 1 & 2 are available on DUGA, but it's steep https://duga.jp/ppv/fetis-0051/ https://duga.jp/ppv/fetis-0052/
>>195967 Source?
