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Alice Valentine (Formerly CurvyGothGF + GainingGothGF) Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 22:20:37 Id:d90f54 No. 183828
Best fucking model ever, does some king have her latest weigh in vid? My humble contribution: aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9aU1ZFaEg=
>>191650 CGGF is so hot this made my whole year What the hell is an odd tho, does it have anything to do with her ending her gain at 300 exactly like she warned us she would? Literally no surprise there, she has always been the type to make a plan and stick to it. Wish she stayed that size for longer but at least we have a handful of really hot gainers now that are still growing!
>>191258 She’s like if voreacious got even fatter
>>190415 model pretty vs girl next door pretty
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So cute and sexy. She’s definitely looking bigger
>>186997 I'm subscribed to her page, I want to steal her content from her OF account, share it here but the screen blocker will not allow me, any help on how to do it?
>>192534 Whats the content like on her OF? I've bought a few videos from her Curvage...
Why not just upload to coomer?
>>192548 If I cant download the video how can I upload it to coomer?
>>192550 https://coomer.su/importer There should be a tutorial or something here.
>>192576 Thanks dude I'm working on it now once I figure it out I'll start licking stuff here.
>>192534 if you really want to screen record you can try turning of hardware acceleration in your browser, works for netflix content, might work here
>>192535 Out of curiosity, what videos do you have?
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>>191884 Alice really does look like a model. With the red hair she reminds me of a chubby version of the hot maid from AHS. Very hot
You know it would be really funny if her husband dropped down to a healthy weight and got shredded lol
>>193922 It would make more sense if she matched his husband BMI
>>192797 gooners really have face blindess, Ive seen it with so many models. This chick and the first and she wont be the last.
>>193940 wont be the first*
>>193940 What does this even mean?
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>>193940 Can’t believe how tiny this girl she used to be. So hot at every size but definitely getting better and better with more blubber
>>193940 The comparison wasn’t crazy accurate, but there are a few similarities like the face shape, hair and bright, larger eyes. Regardless, this chick is crazy gorgeous and I’m so happy to see her making more content again
Empty your balls, soldiers https://gofile.io/d/GstHNa
>>194504 Damn, I think she might be actually perfect. Gorgeous face and her fat is distributed sooo nicely. Her feeder is one lucky dude Thanks so much for sharing this
>>194504 her fucking thighs, ugh. insane. thanks for sharing
Sarge is back!!!! Medal of Honor to you sir!
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>>194504 She’s so pretty and her shape is amazing. One of very few who was conventionally attractive before getting fat and still is after gaining so much
>>194504 She’s the GOAT. You can’t change my mind
>>194583 I don't think the micro-bangs, an alternative fashion sense and tattoos qualify her as being "conventionally" attractive. That's really the opposite. Pretty is one thing, conventional is another, considering that goths are anything but "conventional".
>>194751 I get what you mean, but she hasn’t had the micro bangs or black hair for a while, though. And I hardly think having tattoos in 2025 is very alternative anymore or would disqualify someone from being conventionally attractive. She still has a very conventionally attractive face
I just wish that guy would've figured out how up upload her to coomer, I think most if not all of her videos are on it
>>194818 all her videos are on it. I still couldn't figure it out. Can someone explain to me what is a Session key? coomer asking me for that key.
>>195385 i looked and it wasnt there. if you can see them put em in a gofile
>>194504 best her hair has looked imo
>>195393 what is wrong with you I just said I need help because I'm unable to import her content to coomer. I was asking what is a session key. and How to find it.
U have to right click on the web page and click ‘inspect’. Follow the instructions on c****r once u do
>>195397 thank you my friend. Took me all night trying to figure it out I finally did it. coomer should be updated in the next 6 hours go check it out everything is there. Remember to come back and thank me.
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>>195397 >>195397 is my first time importing to coomer. the import process is been going on for far too long. Can someone explain to me for how long it's gonna go on for. and what I should expect after the import. I need an expert on this if you have done it before. i Include the image showing is still processing. what happens now? Do I just have to wait?
>>195422 Leave the tab open for a bit, if you don't see it adding new posts for hours then start over. Also I would avoid going on OF while importing
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>>195424 thanks for your help. Please check my image do you know what this mean?. I'm on 344 and is still importing. Is this good news should I still wait for it to finish?
>>195426 If the number keeps going up then it's working. Reverse order just flips the list it's showing you, so new ones are easier to see
>>195426 btw if it finishes and it's skipping everything then everything has already been uploaded, it just takes a while to show up on coomer. It's showing her newest video already though https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/alicevalentine
>>195432 >>195434 thanks to all of you that help out, hopefully the rest of the videos will pop out on coomer. so the rest of my friends can have fun with it. I'm gonna get some sleep now.
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Whoever updated her coomer needs a wheelbarrow for their massive brass balls.
>>195434 the import has finished, but I can only see one video. Do you know how long it will take for all her videos to pop up on coomer?.
>>195505 I see all of them now here https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/alicevalentine
>>195511 yeah it has been updated I can see them now, thanks dude.
Did she ever make the super spy 2 video?
You patriQts want a 63 video drop with a side of MAGA? 63 video CurvyGothGf folder: https://gofile.io/d/gP6t0B
>>195743 She’s a fucking goddess. And you sir, are a king. No one compares to Alice’s hotness imo
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Oh shit she’s doing it for realsied this time. She looks like how she plumed herself up by sitting standing now.
>>196945 I’ve never seen a better shape on a BBW. She looks so soft and perfect
