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Candii Candii 12/07/2024 (Sat) 17:56:13 Id:ccc0a2 No. 184451
Accidentally deleted the last thread https://gofile.io/d/yXqw6y Stay on topic and keep the whinging and trolling to a minimum.
Edited last time by Architect on 12/07/2024 (Sat) 17:56:41.
Here are the compressed files https://gofile.io/d/CHIE4P
>>195698 Sooo.. a normal sized meal? Lol
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Wow. What a truly CRAZY amount to have gained in (checks notes) 6 years!! Candii Stans have got to be the most delusional people on planet earth
>>195749 Wg police are so whiny man
>>195749 her gaining weight isn’t nearly as big an issue to me as the dullness of her videos. don’t get me wrong, she’s the hottest gainer in the game right now and i’m a candii simp that watches all her content, but her stuffing videos feel low-effort and she never burps or does anything. every video is the exact same.
>>195753 Tbf it does get overhyped (even though I personally like her stuff)
>>195754 This is the only fair criticism in my opinion. Shitting on the fact that she went for a slow gain is just stupid. That's her decision to make
yall needa request for better videos she does the same thing everytime, maybe like a belly slam on the table, or different types of ideas which aren't boring
>>195778 I hAtE CaNdIi sO EvErYoNe elSe ShOuLd toO Fuckoff and go back to jerking off to men, no one cares
>>195779 I like candii but you can't lie 80% of hee content blows
Fucking love how big her upper arms have gotten over time and how chubby her fingers are now, underrated and they give off such chubby girl vibes.
Candii has the smallest appetite for a fat girl I've ever seen. No one in the western hemisphere considers 3-4 items at Taco Bell a stuffing
i just want to see some good wg rp stuff from her, things are getting pretty stale now, respectfully
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>>195749 bruh, what are we talking about. sure it hasn't been the fastest but you can't act like this isn't a major gain
>>195865 Is the major gain in the room with us?
Shes not growing bigger, but rather simply getting jigglier/fatter.. I love it. I also love the thought of her gaining weight while eating sorta healthy.. just means that her quantities are very large which is a turn on!
>>195866 Dude each of her thighs in the right pic are as wide as her waist in the left what are you talking about, shes not enormous but shes definitely gotten really fat
>>195885 yeah, the guy's just trolling. she's doubled her weight.
>>195885 I don’t think you really know what the words “massive” and “huge” are. You give these terms to women who’ve barely gained anything.
>>195902 She is "massive" and "huge" to a normal person. You being a porn addict and busting to 400+ lb women doesn't make her any less of a fat person.
Kemono updated
>>195909 concise and well said
>>195856 Exactly! This is easily the hottest thing in this fetish for me. Kellijellibelli vids are 100x hotter than candii vids for this reason alone. It's also why roxxie is forever GOATed status.
>>195881 ”she’s not growing bigger” but she IS growing „fatter“ according to you.. HUH? What level of mental gymnastics does one have to do to think this makes any damn sense. She’s not gained much for a very long time because she doesn’t want to, and you’re dumb enough to be duped. Period. Also… ”large quantities”?? Bro she can’t even stand to eat more than one normal healthy meal for a damn STUFFING videos that she makes money from. Let alone in her everyday life, not for money. Her health food and salad craze make it so obvious that she’s in it for the money and tricking people, but is actually terrified of getting very big
>>195921 anyone else having issues with coomer and kemono never loading? it's been like that for months
>>195962 Not recently, i had that issue a few months back but it only lasted a week. I just used a vpn to connect from somewhere else and that worked. ProtonVPN is free.
>>195950 it is very easy to go back 1 year, 2 years, 3 years and see that she has gained a lot of weight. it's absurd to push this narrative that she hasn't. a woman cannot gain 70 pounds a year indefinitely. this steady consistency is sustainable and indicates a sensible level of stability.
>>196012 No one said she’s gained nothing. But it’s an amount of weight than very many women (especially in the U.S.) gain going from their early-mid 20s to their 30s without even trying. Insanely common. Hormones, processed photo and a sedentary lifestyle will do that. She’s still ”casual fat” to any American who passes by her and she will never step beyond that level because she very clearly doesn’t want to. She’s extremely mid to begin with though and can’t even put any effort into her content, so why not support models who do?
>>195950 Duped? Im getting these vids for free AND enjoying them.. You're the one furiously wasting energy ranting on an online forum.. If you dislike her content then just go...
New videos empty your balls soldiers. https://gofile.io/d/xQF4zj
get her to do more belly play, she never squeezes that fat gut, shit looks so soft too she needs to do way more belly play
>>196031 >> and enjoying them Yeah, so you’re easily duped. Enjoy your salad eating fetish content from a girl who looks like everyone in an Ohio Walmart
>>196159 Dude why are you so invested in this... Maybe some of us like models that don't gain 20 lbs a month and quit due to health issues? Also im not from the US so if this is your standard im definitely a normie by your standards...
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>>196027 please take your trolling elsewhere, nothing about this is common
thats 2 years
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>>196346 New pics scratch your balls soldiers
>>196347 "Soilders" this is a 4chan thread for fat porn 💔💔
>>196394 he's been on this autistic shit for weeks now, using his little catch phrase trying to get recognition on an anonymous porn image board
>>196347 I stg she has the fashion sense of a grandma wtf She’s so clearly the same size she was 2 years ago, bros. She’s tricking you with angles in most photos, but you can see she hasn’t actually gained much at all when it’s any normal/ “above” angle. Lot of 🧢 in this thread
>>196412 Discontinue all unfounded disparagement of The Sergeant with immediate effect. The aforementioned non-commissioned officer consistently exemplifies superior commitment and provides indispensable contributions to the operational efficacy of this command on a daily basis. I salute you, Sarge!
Man I really hate having to scroll down past your hate comments while masturbating on this wonderful woman. Can you go away somewhere else please?
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>>196638 Torso shaped just like a poop emoji 💩 💩
Either I'm tripping balls or Candii is actually getting FAT finally... Am I crazy or has she actually picked up the pace? How many years has it been? 6? Maybe 3 more and we'll see her hit 250 lol. Wish she would invest a little more into her photo setup. It's absolutely obscene that she rakes in so much money yet takes vids on a fucking iPhone. And ALWAYS vertical orientation... retarded. Someone get this girl a Sony camera please >>196655 Are you fucking 12? Stfu
>>196568 this Custom video is for you my boy. You've been promoted https://gofile.io/d/ib1PLM>>196568
>>196707 Dude thx that was pretty hot. Are most ur customs belly button focused??
I dare whoever's doing customs to request Candii a POV bounce on belly custom
>>196757 that was my last contribution soldiers. could u believe this faggot try to block me and so many of my friends for commenting? I'm done with this thread fuck u admin. I'm opening a new thread or porn site boys.
