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The greatest plus sized model right now Morgan Louise 12/16/2024 (Mon) 06:44:37 Id:515f2c No. 185500
https://gofile.io/d/KOGObr Let's get more vids posted
>>185623 you are deluded gtfo
>>185623 Contribute content, not discourse please. If you're not a fan, move on
She doesn’t look like shit…nor is she the greatest. There it’s settled.
Does anybody know her current weight?
Has she shown any nudity yet, or still just teasing?
>>185670 >>185977 I'm going to gift myself a Sub for Christmas. Will report back to recommend
I had her OF for a bit and it was mostly PPV and livestreams. She did a belly play video a couple months ago but I didn't buy it, it was like $30 or something. I unsubbed after one month because I wasn't interested in the expensive videos she DMs, but they didnt look too bad.
Wish she had more vids
that fucking video of her trying on the bikinis while eating the crumble cookies is one of the best I've seen in a while. something about the way she eats, I must see more
>>186556 Is it on her Coomer or you got a link?
>>186557 I'll just put it on gofile for ya buddy its tame by usual standards but the sinking into the bed shots are just too hot
https://gofile.io/d/RhwUhs Merry Chrimbus
>>186563 My fucking man, Thanks for the share.
>>186563 nice thanks for this
Let’s hope the numbers on the scale only go up from here 🤞
>>186563 Any chance of uploading to MAB? Can't download it due to timeout errors.
>>186627 never used MAB before so hopefully this is alright. don't ever say the ol' simp never did nothin' for ya! https://mab.to/t/0GcQ1y7STJZ/us3
https://gofile.io/d/a9c2z2 happy christmas merry new year
>>186673 legend drop, thank you. those eating vids tho, this chick might get up to 400
>>186673 This might be obvious, but does she burp in any of these whatsoever? I know it would be told like a legend if she did, but I thought that it would be worth a shot to ask.
>>186696 The pizza video is ur best bet
>>186673 Happy Holidays part 2 https://gofile.io/d/WalFjU trying to fill in the gaps
Morgan 3
>>186718 https://gofile.io/d/MGAERN
>>189662 The video has already been uploaded to go file. Just so you know if you want to download it
(3.04 MB 750x1334 IMG_1328.png)
(3.63 MB 750x1334 IMG_1327.png)
My tribute https://gofile.io/d/p8MB58
thanks for posting. I cant wait for this vixen to do more eating content in the future. I think she's gonna have an even bigger gain over the next few years than she expects
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>>190610 I doubt she'll have a big gain but 10-20lb over her heaviest would be pretty hot
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>>192291 Divine Her face is enchanting
Anyone know if the newest vid worth it?
Anyone have new video? https://gofile.io/d/7zqYoh
https://gofile.io/d/QvFEk1 Here’s her most recent livestream
>>193954 holy shit, man, are these new? haven't seen these uploaded before. she looks fucking huge in that green bikini video. thanks.
>>194849 They're a year old.
>>194822 Is it worth watching?
>>193954 Dude what a drop!!
Whose got the before and after Mexico weigh in? https://gofile.io/d/AGQHEs
>>195174 When was the video of her in the blue bra with flowers on it recored?
>>195174 Here you go, pretty lame though. Included a few other vids I have. https://gofile.io/d/4DTqpw
>>195280 $40 for that. Chick is cooked.
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>>195280 THANKS!! >>195286 I think it's a huge pay wall to avoid her shit from popping up on the Internet a lot. She doesn't even have her of link in her bio on Instagram. Under my impression this is a secret side thing. It doesn't excuse mediocre content though.
>>195280 so she has lost 20 pounds since last year?
>>195315 100% agree. That's why all you coomers should be spamming her with cash to fatten her up again.
Sad that she's down a few lbs from the 300 weiigh in. I was hoping the pre Mexico weigh in would be 310 ish.
