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D0ubl€D€nis€ 02/11/2022 (Fri) 20:26:01 Id:336ccc No. 76231
Anyone got som of her vids? Fresh Eliza Allure material in return. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVWxaUXpsaFlqUjZOV1U9
>>171961 Yes https://gofile.io/d/GhOFh9
>>171861 Does anyone have these vids https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/36096-stuck-while-cleaning/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/38093-you-think-i-can-make-you-finish/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/21092-300lbs-bouncing-down-the-stairs/
King thank you
Would love to see some burping content as well, her burps pretty alright i’d say
>>172158 https://thisvid.com/videos/blonde-ssbbw-burping/
are there more videos of her??
>>173684 Wrong thread Nigga
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God DAMN she’s massive now
any video where I burp??
>>174651 Jesus fuck. Please let's make this its own board far away from anything else. Fucking fuck
>>174651 >>174638 We can tell you're samefagging with a vpn because you use the same awful, AWFUL grammar. On the one hand, I could direct you to bbwalt, but on the other hand, the world would be better off if you just kys
Thought id contribute. https://gofile.io/d/TLC6Nu
>>174714 Wow not a single thank you but 1800 downloads. Thanks fellas
>>174990 The dick talks first. Not the keyboard.
Cry about it
>>174990 Thank you lol <3
>>174990 It’s a thankless society my nigga
>>174990 Thx the MFS who are mad are the same ones begging the minute a new vid is released.
>>158861 Here you go sir. Didn’t see this before https://gofile.io/d/EHTrVD
That was already in the mega file. Thanks though. Anyone buying make sure to check the mega because it does have some more recent vids and we don’t want anybody to buy repeats. Thanks again!
>>175934 Cant expect people to scroll all the way and and check every mega link to see if it's active so here's the links shared before the summer that still work https://mega.nz/folder/cO8k1SJY#uxc5VFxOQIlPsxYpQQ5HOQ https://mega.nz/folder/1uJSVa7K#FF5-PXEeJOjxsMB0CbtEgQ https://gofile.io/d/md6O7B Also how's ur OF doing. If anyone's subscribed to it
>>175977 Her OF doing*
https://gofile.io/d/WInYsU new
>>179890 Second MEGA updated. Thanks for the drop
>>182432 You think shes getting bigger or about looks the same? I hope she gets bigger
>>182465 Look at the panties holding up on her belly and compare it to other videos. Your answer lies there
>>182432 Which is more recent? At least imo in the gif she looks a bit chunkier
shes the goat
>>184950 since when was she below 300 lbs? I swear shes been way over that
>>184978 Her summer weigh in that she posted to curvage, July 3rd she was 294.4. So in almost 6 months, she's gained 4.2 pounds.
>>184986 Something aint adding up
>>189262 She looks bigger. What do yall think? I feel (want to believe) that she would be a total hog for the right feedee in person, she'd do the hardcore feedism shit with you, even though she is pretty tame in the videos I've seen
>>189407 Ty man you da best!
whats her socials: insta
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>>194112 https://gofile.io/d/7Cs3Vt I’ll do you one better fam, Newest Vid
>>194356 Thank you! Not the one asking for the tinker bell vid, but I'm grateful she has one of the best bellkes
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https://gofile.io/d/xoc3m1 Ngl this one was kinda underwhelming By “popular” request Tinker belly
>>194565 Honestly you're right, her gut looks hot as fuck in a tight dress but the video should've been like twice as long with some more action
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She really is something special, when she said she’s “round as hell” omg hard as diamond
>>194565 Finally he can stop begging lol thanks. Here's my drop. I found a video and I don't think has been uploaded before. https://gofile.io/d/TocGY2
>>194582 Damn her lardball bally drives me crazy! What a butterball
>>194582 How long ago was this work of art of a photo taken!? 😍😍😍😍🥵
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