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Fate/Type-Moon Thread 2 Fate/Type-Moon Thread 2 09/26/2022 (Mon) 19:04:57 Id:1cc3f4 No. 114589
Last one locked up. Save up stuff from there while you can before it's gone.
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>>231278 Sauce on the first pic?
>>231285 Adiposesaleswoman
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Does anyone have the full of this ishtar?
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>>231931 I think this is it
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we need more fat skadi
Some Koyan content.
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>>239506 Zamnicus, I didn't think I'd ever see art of two of my Grailed Servants together like this.
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>diet pre-soujuuro is 90% takeout food and it’s noted she eats a ton of it There is 0% chance Aoko isn’t a fat fuck
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Medb makes a great fatty. Smug and erotic. Who ekse would you say fits that?
>>242219 I also remember Medb being an unrepentant hedonist. If Servants could gain weight then Medb would absolutely balloon up at Chaldea.
Asides of any Artoria due their known apettite, Jalter feels like this type lf character that will balloon a lot out of shame and then try to deny being fat even if their clothes are ripping around.
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>>243719 The one by Chunks is so weird, man...it's like he's tracing his own stuff.
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>>243722 I doubt that's the case. That picture was a black and white commission that someone from the Coloring Thread added color to, so maybe that's the part that weirds you out.
>>244519 I’m saying that because the Boudicca is the same shape and pose as the Jill valentine they did.
>>244583 IIRC it was someone's sketch reward, so maybe that's just what the requester wanted.
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Johanna’s lovey dovey love handles
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>>246829 who is?
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>>246836 Not 100% sure which you mean, but the fox girl in both pics is Tamamo, and the other one is miss Crane.
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>>242292 >if servants could gain weight Reminder that this is a lie propagated by Big Clock Tower to prevent you from fattening your servants They believe servants don’t need to eat or sleep thus they cannot gain weight because they only see them as tools However it’s been shown to not only help servants but also prevent them from going crazy and wanting to kill you Also there’s literally skills that say it prevents the servant from gaining weight, Natural Body and Core of the Goddess; it wouldn’t need to exist if being a servant already prevented that Therefore, servants is fat is canon the end
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