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Shonen Jump General Anonymous 05/22/2023 (Mon) 01:59:56 Id:ca2dd1 No. 154261
Post your fat Nobaras, your fat Shinobu's, your fat fat Rukia's and any fatty wank from Shonen jump, Shonen+, and etc
(467.72 KB 2048x1864 Gb7p5bfbUAARBBs.jpeg)
(267.13 KB 620x564 GcfxUx1aMAA5dpb.png)
(157.92 KB 465x2046 GdEIJZKagAA8YTC.jpeg)
(395.98 KB 2048x1792 IMG_3979.jpeg)
(350.54 KB 1607x2048 IMG_3956.jpeg)
(20.99 KB 624x610 GdlFlNOWoAAqX6Z.png)
Aira from Dandadan.
(3.15 MB 4800x6300 Sagiri Yamada BW.png)
(1.16 MB 1302x1170 _com.apple.Pasteboard.ZJ36Wa.png)
Found this on the salt thread, such an amazing piece. We need more of her for sure
>>233033 It was great to color it! :)
Just realized Rosario + Vampire is a shonen jump series, from the monthly magazine.
A new Fuuko piece.
Anyone has fat art of Mina from Kaiju no8
>>235586 I have these two.
(3.37 MB 4600x6300 Joo+BW.png)
More Dandadan.
Nero from Black Clover.
Does anyone have any fat art of World Trigger characters?
>>237425 There's this one of Rei at >>217683 if it helps
>>237464 Who's the artist?
Any sakamoto days female characters?
(2.19 MB 3400x1800 Patreon Ameri Sequence Jan23.png)
(258.12 KB 1536x2048 Obese Ameri Azazel.jpg)
(29.90 KB 581x800 Obese Hinata The Last.jpg)
(143.35 KB 976x1003 Naruto carrying fat hinata.jpeg)
Undead Unluck girls dump.
(3.66 MB 3000x3000 Noelle+Silva+1+1.png)
(3.64 MB 3000x3000 Noelle+Silva+1.png)
>>238732 Noelle fats are always welcomed!
>>220498 Surprise, someone made a new Claymore art.
>>241852 Follow up.
(6.99 MB 5000x5887 noelle+silva (1).png)
We need more Black Clover fat arts
>>242426 Agreed, it's full of great girls to fatten.
>>244270 Fairy Tail isn't from the Jump.
More Claymore.
(85.50 KB 828x455 IMG_2636.jpeg)
Theirs is pretty much no Nue’s exorcist fat art even though the girls are cute, so I drew it myself
Irina from Assassination Classroom.
Sakamoto Days pic.
(3.95 MB 4900x6600 Tsurara+Shirayuki.png)
From Rosario + Vampire.
(570.32 KB 2048x1421 IMG_4475.jpeg)
(68.48 KB 718x683 GlI-hCaXYAAova8.png)
More Sakamoto.
>>247825 God I hate how Lu was kicked to the curb early on and then just left to rot there. She’s a fun character but doesn’t ever get the chance to do anything. Ranting aside, glad to see her getting some love. She looks great as a fatty.
(2.21 MB 3000x3000 Noelle_2_3.jpg)
(2.26 MB 3000x3000 Noelle_2_2.jpg)
More Noelle Silva
D Gray man dump, including Lenalee with her appearence at the end of the anime. >>247853 Sadly it's something that tends to happen in shonen, a character that is part of the main cast initially gets sidelined and more popular ones take their place. But, yeah, Lu is very cute.
>>248566 When the series first came out. I really did think her ass was going to be the main heroine of it. God was I ever wrong about that. Especially stings because she’s still my favorite female character from it. Haven’t really cared much for the other female characters. Not that they’re bad they just haven’t clicked with me as much. That aside though. Nice dump there. D.Gray-Man has some pretty underrated girls in it. And that’s the first fat I’ve ever seen of Chomesuke so that’s pretty neato.
