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Goth Girls Thread Anonymous 07/22/2023 (Sat) 04:43:03 Id:e831cb No. 161537
Post Beeg Goths.
(6.95 MB 3224x2324 Vie_Booty.png)
>>175057 People need to get the memo that wears black =|= goth. This girl and her fucking stupid lisp don't qualify
(177.14 KB 566x711 Captura de pantalla (729).png)
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>>206760 Source?
(314.60 KB 1766x2048 GU_TQ-aXEAMuWNe.jpg)
(2.73 MB 3822x3948 13 sin título2.png)
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(3.13 MB 4000x3435 13 sin título4.png)
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(2.90 MB 4000x3665 13 sin título6.png)
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>>175057 I have been trying to remember the name of this artist/character for *months* please help.
>>222909 Her name is Lara, she's an oc from an artist named DullVivid
(495.47 KB 2700x3000 IMG_9761.jpeg)
>>223412 Sources for this?
>>223413 @NuumaticDA on twitter
>>167831 Need a source for the last drawing, and >>167832 The 4th one here Looks like the same artist but reverse image search didn't help.
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>>223461 Think its HellOnEarthIII, though he doesnt really do bbw stuff like at all, its a shame really
>>223462 Source on 2nd to 4th?
>>223803 Freshman Diaries by KageyRagey It's on e-hentai
(104.69 KB 1123x712 IMG_8239.jpeg)
>>226537 They look pretty stuffed from all that eating. Hope they don't get sick.
(206.36 KB 680x1080 Gwen's Goth Gut.png)
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(1.30 MB 4081x3508 IMG_0313.png)
(1.05 MB 2885x4096 IMG_0315.jpeg)
some goths since its halloween!
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>>233095 You're a bitch.
(54.97 KB 852x938 JPEG image.jpeg)
Found this on 4chan and holy moly I’m in love
>>236938 >does not fear death (as evident by her choices) That’s such a good line lmao
(2.98 MB 3508x2480 lucillencassalt.png)
>>236575 lewd alt……
(226.92 KB 1687x2000 IMG_1852.jpeg)
>>236575 Who's the artist?
(189.43 KB 1240x1754 FTl8i74XsAABlyg.jpg)
(447.50 KB 2592x2568 FVMGTCZXEAEfERA.jpg)
(566.23 KB 2230x2580 FXsUeWRaQAASS7n.jpg)
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Ive only seen like 3 posts with goths and like 2 with semi goths, do images not exist or do most of yall not know what a goth is??? Thank you to those that posted real goths
>>244316 people are alergic to using the word "alt" and just use goth as a catch-all i suppose
does shinobu count?
(403.93 KB 1290x1354 IMG_8573.jpeg)
Can somebody post this here? https://www.e-junkie.com/i/139ps?card
