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Danganronpa Thread Anonymous 07/31/2023 (Mon) 08:44:22 Id:c3c3c6 No. 162631
There are threads for male, slob alts, and inflation on the relevant boards.
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(765.41 KB 1206x1337 kaede_akafatsu.png)
(1.22 MB 3328x2676 Kaede3.png)
(1.48 MB 2322x1583 TradePart1.png)
(2.07 MB 3533x1724 cyann3 alt.png)
(243.01 KB 2048x2048 EoCp6lBUcAExWlu.jpg)
(176.63 KB 2048x2048 EoCp6lAVgAIlzsS.jpg)
(5.30 MB 12808x7683 kaede_blob_junko.jpg)
(1.92 MB 1799x1733 image0 (3).png)
i think this is most of the stuff that hasnt been on the thread already. should i post the dumb selfship stuff i commed too or is that too gay for this thread
>>213121 Awesome seeing an Ibuki fan who likes fats W.
>>213130 ibuki's definitely a close second favourite of mine! i dont give her enough love tbh
>>213125 don't be a coward, post it
(1.09 MB 2447x1428 KAEDAY 2024 pt2.png)
(2.77 MB 4811x4480 tracybday3.png)
(3.04 MB 3960x2484 candyland2.png)
>>213145 continued
Your love of Kaede inspires us all and is profoundly based. Feel no shame for the beauty you have brought to the world.
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(2.44 MB 6000x3318 me and kaede shysho.png)
(2.50 MB 5224x2600 Two_Large_Girls.png)
>>213237 thank you, i'm glad you understand here's some more
>>213125 Not exactly a Kaede fan myself. But nonetheless, your sheer dedication and love for her is pretty damn impressive. So major props to you. >>213146 Also who’s the sauce of the kissing gif?
Damn, Danganronpa fans are unhinged as fuck
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>>213325 https://x.com/TestThehuman >>213326 yeah, we are.
>>213326 Eh, shipping yourself with a character you like isn’t that out there. But even ignoring that. It’s Danganronpa. So you know. >>213334 Thanks! Appreciate the sauce.
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A little input of me of Celeste Ludenberg
>>216074 I feel like I saw that pose somewhere before. Was there a reference you used?
(1.42 MB 2217x1834 IMG_20240912_151413.jpg)
Was bored, so I sketched this Is honestly meh, no nips or cool fat details... Don't know what to do with it so, I'll drop it here
>>219419 Very nice
>>219419 Do you have a deviantart or something? This is pretty good!
>>219419 Can you do a piece for junko?
Mega Mukuro by: Darkfireballz (OMG FAT MUKURO AHHHHH!)
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(1.19 MB 2992x4096 GSzPfxpWcAEvxsB.jfif)
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(1.37 MB 1834x1691 IMG_20241014_034858.jpg)
I honestly don't know how to use this web so, I hope this is responding xd Thanks :D, I do have art networks, but u don't really draw fat/blobby girls so... :b And... One Piece of Junko for you anon guy >u0 (I hope you like it, It's not very consistent with Chiaki, but I don't usually draw this kind of things... I guess it could be fun to color one)
>>224459 Yay! I can’t wait to see the colored version! :) can you by any chance also do a clothed alt? If not, that’s ok with me.
Does anyone have TrmTum by FunLitoGC? Toko is in it and Yuri from DDLC
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Does anyone have the color version of this? Artist is FunLitoGC
is there some secret stash of celeste fat art somewhere or is there legitimately only like 5 halfway decent drawings of her
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>>228218 Sauce???
>>242412 https://x.com/comedii_/status/1852519981226811463?s=46&t=74wnA4gTxm_hX1AZU9AFCQ
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