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(6.64 MB 5995x3400 Fat Tali'zorah & Fat Liara.png)
Anonymous 08/14/2023 (Mon) 11:11:26 Id:c2da90 No. 164842
Mass Effect Girls Thread
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New Dragon Age game looked bad like every Dragon Age sequel before it. Thankfully, the devs of the new Mass Effect are made up of people who worked on the old trilogy and fans of the old trilogy.
>>228051 >Thankfully, the devs of the new Mass Effect are made up of people who worked on the old trilogy and fans of the old trilogy Whatever helps you sleep at night until the rude awakening on launch day.
>>228059 The director of the new Mass Effect has been very transparent about the development of the game and the people who have been listed in the major roles look promising. Old guard is returning and the new blood looks like it's based on merit and love for the original trilogy.
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(1.77 MB 3508x4960 Tali by Casual Muffin.png)
(4.64 MB 4983x3292 Tali by Casual Muffin 2.jpg)
>>228061 I saw Dragon Age Veilguard, I'm not risking it.
>>228358 Dragon Age sequels have always been bad. This isn't new DA2 was a rush job who had dark fantasy tone like the first game (Origins/Awakening) but a fraction of the execution DA Inquisition kneejerked and got rid of the dark fantasy tone in favor of progressive writing and bloated open world design DA Veilguard tripled down on all the worst parts of Inquisition while being made by a mess of a team bleeding out people who didn't want to work on it. Mass Effect has the following; 2 Good games (ME1, ME2) 1 fun game with some bad story decisions (ME3) 1 bad game (ME Andromeda)
>>228374 You're forgetting, the management at Bioware looked at Veilguard and okayed it, and that Bioware is still stuck under EA. You're gonna be one lucky motherfucker if you end up right and they somehow put out a game the fans of this series actually like.
(414.22 KB 1650x1275 TW7_001_Kasumi-Complete50.jpg)
>>228382 Veilguard was okayed because it's a money maker franchise. All the dragon Age sequels are a cash cow series. No matter how bad they are, they all sold back in the day because everybody's brains went monkey mode and said "OOOOOH, MEDIEVAL FANTASY SETTING!!!" Recall that Andromeda was what put the Mass Effect franchise on ice. That directly resulted in a team of people comprised of OG trilogy devs and hiring fans of the trilogy. One side was comprised of people who actively didn't care about quality. FFS, they hid the writers of Veilguard until the day of release and then revealed it was two Kotaku writers. The other side has already revealed many members much before the announcement of them getting out of pre production yesterday.
(5.80 MB 3500x2500 Liara 1 by Shark Bubble.png)
>>228387 >Veilguard was okayed because it's a money maker franchise This sentence means nothing. Nary a single writer from the trilogy is there now. Devs from the ME 4 team went to help with the dialogue and story in Veilguard, look how well that went.
>>228464 And now they're moving Veilguards people over to Mass Effect to "help" with its development.
>>228464 >>228491 1. The writers of Veilguard were two Kotaku writers. They hid who wrote for Veilguard so nobody would realize who is responsible for what. 2. The major writers in the new Mass Effect are already known. They are Micheal Tucker and Mary De Marle. Micheal worked on videos called Lessons of the Screenplay and is a big Mass Effect fan Mary De Marle major writing credits are Deus Ex Human Revolution, Mankind Divided and the Guardians of the Galaxy game. 3. The team working on the new Mass Effect game have been in pre production the entire time Veilguard was being developed on. Said team comprises of old vets of the OG trilogy and fans A minor rumor, but Drew Karpyshyn has been said to be working on the new Mass Effect. Although there is no confirmation, there have been murmurs of his involvement. I will stick with my side of "they will do good" until i actually see legitimately bad things in the trailers. The teasers so far have been promising and nothing from development says they are having major problems.
>>228506 Go back to jerking off Saxxon you gorilla.
>>228535 hey that's my line when i see saxxon art in the wild!
>>228535 We all jerk to Saxxon, fren, even is some of us are ashamed of it. >>228506 is the lead game director a tranny?
>>228642 Uh no, they aren't going to be trans. I believe that is an early tweet from Micheal Gamble, it was confirmed who the director was. The game's director is Preston Watamaniuk. He is associated with BioWare since Baldur's Gate 2 and worked on the OG trilogy. This should answer your question
>>228642 Who the fuck is "we," anon?
(3.94 MB 480x432 giphy.gif)
>>228687 We? Who's we? There's no we here.
(246.77 KB 2048x1451 FsVIJDBXwAAA600.jpg)
I commissioned Femshep, Liara and Tali fattened up by Pivk00
>>229944 When will they be published and what are they about?
>>229990 It's one picture with all three of them extremely fat. I did the full colored and shaded one which will take a while to do
>>230032 Sweet, I've also commissioned a piece from Murdelli which should be done before the end of the year
https://www.deviantart.com/g-nibbles/art/Oh-Commander-110359370 Anybody have the original image?
>>230032 Wish there was more of her
(138.34 KB 557x776 oh__commander_by_gnightrocks.jpg)
>>235020 This is what you get when you don't archive your wank material.
(92.48 KB 853x1439 Taly_by_Baqua7.jpg)
>>236957 blob face Liara is now my new favorite version of fat Liara.
(80.06 KB 1280x720 maxresdefault.jpg)
>>230032 >>233497 Where is the commision?
>>238430 Last month I checked in on Piv and they showed me the black and white drawing. It takes time for him to draw all three females as SSBBW
Anymore fatty Ashley?
(2.96 MB 1920x1080 FatFemShepXMiranda1080.png)
(2.96 MB 1920x1080 FatFemShepXMirandav21080.png)
fixed some mistakes and changed the sculpt
>>242160 >>242339 very nice, do you have a social media or something where you post these, that I an follow?
(311.39 KB 2018x1126 CX-S_9lc.png)
>>242160 Oly shit your back, how have you been? Do you got more in the pipeline?
(270.26 KB 2609x1758 Btw0LFC.jpeg)
To save this thread from disappearing, here is a sneak peek WIP of a 3 part commission.
>>245094 What is it about, will Tali come out?
(3.24 MB 2700x2160 12654789954.png)
>>245112 what? also, u guys are lucky im a degen with money. here is another
>>245094 who's the artist?
>>245617 >fat jack many blessings upon you anon
>>245617 Would you be so kind as to tell us the artist, anon?
>>245720 the-murdellicious
>>245094 Actual hero for commissioning a 3 piece mass effect weight gain sequence. Dying to see the finished version of this and the next parts
>>164853 Who is the artist of the first picture?
>>246312 smokii
From Kemono
>>247905 artist?
