/bbwdraw/ - BBW Drawn

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(100.39 KB 1214x800 PayToLosePennyMina.jpg)
(57.23 KB 639x876 GCr-y01WgAANTiq.jpeg)
Fortnite Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 00:05:13 Id:9a3183 No. 190467
Women who hit the chug jug a little too hard
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Hey guys, don't mind me, I just came to share some bellies I drew recently Taco logo fogo, queimando tudo que exista... Metânosiano com FUNÇÃO EVOLUTIVA! (EVOLUTIVA!) Eu planto e derroto os vilões de norte a sul... É melhor correr de medo com o calor da CHAMA AZUL!
(3.21 MB 3371x2380 Ilustração (1).png)
(4.91 MB 3838x2704 Ilustração2 (1).png)
>>234751 Do you have a Twitter or deviantart to follow for more?
>>234848 Eu vou tá um pouco ocupado assistindo ao The Game Awards hoje na stream do Luangameplay, mas eu geralmente publico meus desenhos no meu DA, enfim eu espero que Astro Bot ganhe GOTY, antes isso do que UM JOGO DE BARALHO KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK alguem tem que matar o analfabeto de nove dedos... https://www.deviantart.com/whiteg27
>>234951 silêncio, Astro GOTY é real!!!! Isso vai mostrar pra esses acéfalos que o jogo do ano não tem espaço pra DLC e jogo de cartas Tem a parte em que a sony provavelmente usou a verba do gow egipcio pra manipular o evento, mas isso nós releva
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>>234751 Please make more fat Hope art.
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Persephone commission I got a while back.
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Hey I’m hoping someone here might know the image I’m looking for. It’s an image of Mizuki as a huge blob. I’m talking saxxon levels of huge. I remember I saw it on deviantart a few months ago, and I’m shocked I never saved it. Has pretty good detail and line work too.
>>236761 By Commoddity on DeviantArt
merry christmas everyone
(80.38 KB 650x680 IMG_3567.jpeg)
Don't buy the Fridge Raider skin if you respect OG Fat Fortnite fans. It's more than a skin; it's a symbol of their taste in women and experience. Let them keep their waistline. Show your respect by appreciating her size, not rubbing it. Some things are better left untouched
(366.44 KB 1596x2048 20250101_111729.jpg)
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Fizz party By @Kim381_ on twitter
>>238355 get that AI crypto slop out of here
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I’ve been looking for these for a while…. More erisa and others…
>>239023 Why is Tina white
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Miku fortnite baby
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Miku Fortnite fats I found
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Any art of her yet?
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(813.04 KB 2500x2500 20250122_075405.jpg)
I hope that there will be new commissions of fat Erisa Soon 🙏
(6.80 MB 5552x5360 Sans titre 4_20250125015453.png)
(1.46 MB 2060x1704 Sans titre 1_20250125012146.png)
(1.33 MB 2060x1704 Sans titre 1_20250125011822.png)
(238.01 KB 2048x1387 20250125_000428.jpg)
I'm surprised Penny didn't become the BBW icon, she did gain weight from the beta to the alpha version.
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Industry plant or not, Hope desperately needs more fat art. She is the game’s de facto MASCOT now.
I need me more Erica art, more anime fats are needed… imo… but I love the Evie art 🖼️
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New fat Marigold
(5.11 MB 5552x5360 Sans titre 4_20250209222657.png)
(8.83 MB 498x415 tenor.gif)
I am so hot 😅🙏
(3.25 MB 3400x2100 MORE+MIKUS.jpg)
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