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Metal Slug thread Anonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 09:54:31 Id:f73a8d No. 197049
Post stuff related to Metal Slug
I have no idea what level shitposting that was
>>197541 Because it lived and died before the internet really picked up; your only real hope left is the tactical RPG or whatever SNK is making, will be popular enough to jumpstart fat production. >>197550 >Metal Slug should be required playing for this kink You'll decimate our numbers on the scale of an extinction level event from how difficul those games will be for them; I wholeheartedly support this plan.
>>197541 People would rather see popular characters get fat rather than actual characters who do get fat. If by the off chance they ARE fat, then it's just a bonus
thought this was gonna be a quick post, turns out skeb.jp apparently converted their pics to some shitty AVIF one recently! took me some time to convert these to PNGs (via Paint.NET) but anyways this is by artist elobeidzip and here's where it's from: https://skeb.jp/@elobeidzip/works/11 Posting the text below since apparently you need Twitter access to browse the site? Text 初めまして、いつも素敵な絵を拝見させていただいています。 初リクエストさせていただきます。 メタルスラッグよりエリとフィオの肥満化シーケンス(2段階)をお願いしたいです。 シチュ:ゲーム内と同様で戦闘中に食べ物を取得してぶくぶくと太っていく様子。 1枚目:通常体型。銃を構えて戦闘開始の様子。 2枚目:デブ体型(ゲーム中の姿よりもお肉増し)3枚目との中間ぐらい。銃を片手に取得した食べ物をかじりながら進軍中の様子。 3枚目:肉塊(立っていてもお腹やお尻が付きそうもしくは付いてるUSSBBW)体型。進軍が終わり見つけた食べ物を食欲に任せて片っ端から食べて満足している様子。たくさん食べた結果出臍になっていても可。 服装:通常の戦闘服姿 構図・背景等はお任せしますが良ければ2人ともなるべく全身を描いて欲しいです。 以上になります。 ご検討のほどよろしくお願いします。 From client (F2raptordra) 完成お疲れ様です! 納品ありがとうございます! スラリとしていた2人の体がぶくぶくと太って、さっきまで戦っていたとは思えない肉塊デブになるのたまらないです! 余すとこなくお肉が付いてまん丸なシルエットになった肉体がちょっと動いただけで揺れ動く姿をずっと眺めたいですねっ 服もパツパツに引き伸ばされて、ズボンからは尻肉からはみ出すぎてて後ろから見たらほぼ丸見えなことになってそうですね! 今回は素敵な絵をありがとうございました! また機会がありましたら依頼したいと思います
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>>199440 and here's the last image out of 7. anyways gonna make the rest of this stuff from Kiida (きーだ), aka @ipKCTE5B0HtjNEd on Twitter there might also be some more on his SFW acct @r8HiyzhXTV1Guj0 as well
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These sexy figurines come from a Japanese artist from Deviantart, go follow him BUT! Don't put pressure on him to release more figures of fat girls made of metal slug, please. https://www.deviantart.com/u6vlhksq5c/gallery
Fat tyra
Fat Nathalie
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More models from Awakening
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>>204267 >>204268 Aaaaand these.
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I wonder if SNK will ever have a Metal Slug guest character in KoF.
>>204267 are these actually real?
>>205892 Yes 😁
>>207127 Fucking hell, I thought the mods kicked you out already.
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How is The artist?
>>208086 Fuck off, you spaniards
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New fat girl in Metal Slug Awakening
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Lady Sun's model looks like she's barely finished
>>217571 Why are you still posting this chibi crap? They look ugly even for being official renders
>>217573 Because there's people who love these
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>>208571 It's great, don't listen to the idiots who apparently don't want others to make art.
>>217573 Someone is salty that they haven't rolled any characters yet.
>>221484 C'mon, I know you're the artist. Stop sucking your own cock
>>221492 Nah, I'm not the artist. I'm just someone who wants to actually see new artists, instead of being some douchebag who wants to put others down. Let's see you try making fat art.
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I post a fat Alisa to distract us from so much toxicity
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Two new fat girls
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