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Immobile/Blob Thread 2 Anonymous 08/12/2024 (Mon) 12:20:26 Id:656090 No. 214739
Last one died after lasting over 3 years, so let's run it back!
>>221661 The old link doesn’t work anymore so here’s a new one: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EljIgkCX0AAGue6.jpg?name=orig
Here’s a thread of blob girls. (Technically they are immobile) https://bbw-chan.link/bbwalt/res/67824.html
>>234386 This immobile thread on bbwdraw was created a month before the one on bbwalt was made, so I'm going to keep posting immobile/blobs here.
>>217645 >2nd pic It's actually a sequence if you manage to find his other drawings of Samus, same with Kill la Kill girl (forgot her name)
>>234492 Her name is Ryuko (aka the girl from that pogchamp meme)
Does anybody have the archive of the previous thread?
>>231386 Source !
>>234511 Sauce?
>>236134 holy shit, source?
>>236420 https://www.deviantart.com/dr-black-jack
>>236967 The picture above is made by Allola1101 (Who is NOT being impersonated anymore). Maybe you can finish it for them since the commissioner fled without paying. >>236963
>>236980 >(Who is NOT being impersonated anymore). You're still seething about his callout post on DA lol
>>236135 where firs two frames?
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Does someone have the immobile velma from thekoudelka ?
I wish women this big existed in real life.
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spooky blobbin
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Does anyone have this image?
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>>245497 sauce?
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>>245523 @Atいのえ on twitter
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>>236136 is there more to this?
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Anyone have blob girl art where she's laying on her belly like this?
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>>248690 god damn this pic just reminded me how much i hate swellreads' stuffing audios (whenever the fucker actually does some) when it's bombarded by constant unnecessary ass narration, imagine you get a va who's able to convey the shameless hedonism and lust for more that you could only imagine in your mind just to bog it down with the most wannabe-grrm-lite level description the listener doesn't need to get motivated to fap to when the eating sounds are right there
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is saxxon banned or something? i swear the guy has more blobs drawn than most artists have pics in general yet i've barely seen any pieces of his work outside of the thread for him
>>248847 probably because then the whole thread would be saxxon
>>248879 i realized that not only are you right but what i said is dubly ironic since he just came back with another blob face pic LMAO
