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(546.60 KB 2152x2152 IMG_2297.jpeg)
Splatoon 4: Stay Fat! 09/24/2024 (Tue) 15:33:43 Id:2938a6 No. 221306
Last one fell off so here’s a new one
>>225606 Nah, if there's any Splatoon characters built to be fat, it's Pearl and Frye. Pearl's a glutton with an obscene mayo obsession. She literally has a swimming pool filled with imported mayo. Her bratty nature and stature makes it so much hotter when she's wider than Marina is tall. Meanwhile with Frye is even more of a glutton. Most of her dialogue is food related, she even outright said that she'll eat anything put in front of her.
>>225606 >>238195 the ones truly made to be fat are the generic cephs their culture is founded on consumerism. they are chronic trend chasers, always going with whats "fresh" and in style, buying the latest trash because its the in thing, they hold countless festivals because of a single old earth relic thats still running, they practically worship music idols to the point that the idols dictate where cephs go and what they do, they play sports for money only to turn around and spend it on stuff just because they can their entire adolescence, and possibly even adulthood, is extremely dependent on that consumerist mindset. the big thing is that their primary passtime and job is turf wars, burns a lot of calories which means they wont really get fat unless they actively try. BUT it also means that they eat a ton too. all it'd take is one minor cultural shift to put food a little more into the spotlight or turf wars out of it. maybe an idol group focused on food, maybe something forces a majority of turf war zones to shut down, maybe an experimental eating contest that catches on because its easier than turf wars anything happens to start a shift and it becomes a spiral of hedonistic obesity for the ink fish masses.
>>239062 damn imagine an universe where fatter squids/octos cant even play turf wars no more because of their weight so they end up begging in the streets as you give them tremendous amounts of food because you can win money and you lowkey wanna see them grow even bigger, like do you really think they can still do any turf wars ?
(413.99 KB 1536x2048 GhIcBFcXkAAScVf.jpg)
(686.37 KB 1536x2048 GgYm4XrWYAAZKrL.jpg)
>>238195 Fat Pearl is always good to see, but feeder Pearl using her insane wealth to turn her girlfriend and everyone else into a mountain of blubber is also incredibly hot as well.
(46.27 KB 900x692 GfssfVSWkAAug8z.jpg)
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>>240231 Sauce?
>>227913 Someone in the colorization thread was kind enough to color in this Shiver sketch.
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>>231699 Last image of this weight gain drive
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lil bump
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Spoiled for nude
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Spoiled for nude alt to first pic
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>>244752 Got a source for this one?
>>244761 Kinkofthel on bluesky
does anyone have that two part of off pearl, marina, callie and marie, but callie is inflated and pearl is less fat? Second part being a prequel of blob callie with a tube above her.
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(605.65 KB 4096x3171 GICqbelWsAArAj-.jpg)
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(415.35 KB 4096x2821 GA3dCUnWUAAyzJR.jpg)
(314.00 KB 3707x4096 GGq90B6XkAAh9G8.jpg)
>>244899 >>244752 Thanks, here's a higher-res version and some additional art from them
(1.04 MB 2500x2000 February2.png)
(697.01 KB 2039x1755 squidla.png)
(291.54 KB 4096x2979 Gj26PEJbAAA8qd_.jpg)
(261.82 KB 4096x2593 Gkbes--WcAA88im.jpg)
(286.94 KB 4096x2593 GkbfLZRWsAA0vV0.jpg)
>>246788 source on that fourth pic?
Does anyone have more of Anastimafilia's Splatoon stuff?
Does anyone know who drew this? Or at least have a better picture than this one?
(653.00 KB 2048x1852 GlaSEmPaEAEWzBH.jpeg)
(1.66 MB 2160x1518 Shiver by A10.png)
>>248055 Artist here, I don't know where you downloaded it from, but damn, the quality went down quite a bit. Sending one with better quality! (I hope)
>>248218 Thanks for this! Found it on one of the various fat fetish blogs on Tumblr who just posted it w/o any source. And the A 10 watermark doesn't give me much to go off of in finding the original. Would love to see you do more Splatoon characters in the future! (If you truly are the og artist and not just a very kind individual.)
>>248222 Well.. literally that's my artis name, that's why the signature is like that haha. In fact I will be drawing Marie soon.
>>248228 Oh I know it's your name, I'm just saying that if I look it up anywhere, I just get the A10 plane instead lol. In any case, can't wait to see your Marie!
>>246788 Source on the third?
