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Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 12:04:42 Id:1c450e No. 233551
Draw Thread VI
(31.71 KB 697x490 req_yae_amagami (2).png)
Thanks everyone! I'm just casually trying request in my free time while trying to improve my lineart (and coloring soon) >>243359 Still practicing, unless someone else wants to try it first :3 >>243362 Sure, maybe when I have time >>243365 Yeah, when I have the time soon. I'm just casually trying requests. >>243391 How did I missed that? Thanks! I'll probably fix it when I do flat colors
>>243526 Take your time since your art is really good.
>>243526 Would you be open for a request? If not, that’s ok with me. :)
(209.86 KB 1500x1201 req_yae_amagami_flat.png)
>>243543 Sure, shoot. But I can't promise it will be good -_-;
>>243812 >>233611 Hey could do that request if you want also I'm a different guy I'm not the >>243543 i only said that so there aren't misunderstanding
>>243822 I didn't expect the background it has lol, I love it
>>239624 hi there, it's been a while since i request my commission to you. I want to ask how's the progress on it so far?
(2.70 MB 3508x2480 fqkwrk509sc41.jpg)
(60.53 KB 634x865 EP6ckd4X0AAjqoY.jpeg)
I will be requesting a redraw, or perhaps a more finished version of this sketch of Bernadetta from Fire Emblem, if you please. https://x.com/KafeKafei/status/1224588302025707520
>>243812 >>239199 I was wondering if you could give this a shot. :)
(26.44 KB 302x766 Ahsoka16.jpg)
>>233554 Could anyone do some SSBBW Ahsoka belly dancing in this outfit? I'll leave the size up to you, as long as she's jiggly and bouncy lol
>>234167 Anyone?
>>233554 a Request for a bbw Gareth from the Fate series, the size is the same as ref pic but it can be larger if you so wish.
(40.60 KB 618x625 space kook.png)
>>233554 Requesting this female space kook design as a ssbbw eating scooby snacks (make her a actual alien not a person in a suit
(63.37 KB 412x600 ellisandnadie05.jpg)
(3.20 MB 4200x2700 2ussbbwsatthebeach.png)
>>233551 >>233554 >>233554 Requesting Sexy USSBBW versions of Ellis and Nadie from El Cazador De La Bruja with really big bellies with Ellis's poking out of her shirt walking down the road with ice cream in Nadie's hands and Ellis grabbing her butt, teasing her for how cute she's getting for those who are interested.
>>242923 This is amazing! Where can I find more of your art?
>>233554 With Valentine’s day near can I have a redraw of the first photo with Hilda replaced with Marianne enjoying her gift from her professor. The cake should be heart shaped just for her.
>>233554 Requesting Lusamine with the same outfit of the first image with the proportions of the second image. If it's possible please make Lusamine be out of breath trying to move her arms and legs, please and thank you
(179.19 KB 1279x1229 photo_2025-02-13 15.53.10.jpeg)
>>238282 >>238733 A very rough sketch from a very inexperienced guy, but I tried.
>>233554 Man, now I need a drawing of Diantha looking just like this fanfic, really huge being carried by a Chesnaught "She wore mostly white and say atop a large padded seat carried by a large chesnaught" (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10815101/8/Pokemon-Serena-weight-gain-story)
(355.26 KB 1460x1910 lusamine.png)
>>244472 DOJYAAN!
(167.39 KB 1035x1280 IMG_3428.jpeg)
(100.42 KB 960x1280 IMG_3421.jpeg)
>>233554 I have an OC named Cindy that I want some fat art drawn of. :)
>>245608 Oh my god I love this! Thank you so much bro!
>>245608 I really like this! Do you think you can do this one? >>233946
(754.35 KB 900x1200 Madoka in rain colour.jpg)
(1.17 MB 835x1200 Madoka's midriff 1.png)
(1.99 MB 2850x1500 horimiya_small.jpg)
>>233554 I'm having my birthday, could somebody draw my waifu, Madoka, like that SweetDream's coffee drawing but without a double chin?
>>245658 No, I can't
(39.78 KB 273x601 1160564633 lenneth.webp)
(167.90 KB 2048x1500 Fat Tsunade Big Boobs.jpg)
>>233554 >>243811 Hello, I'm asking for a busty and plump Lenneth Valkyrie (she's from Valkyrie Profile). I'll be specific: 1. She must have the same bust size as in the second photo or a little more 2. Her facial expression must be calm or serious (either one would be fine) 3. She must have the same position as in the second photo (I mean what her arms are doing)
>>245608 Excellent. Will you be doing Marianne art soon.
(766.65 KB 1636x1840 requeshshit.png)
>>233946 hope you like it
(206.03 KB 1186x1200 IMG_3049.jpeg)
>>245988 >>245610 That looks good, you think can take a jab at my request? The pic in this post is just the size I want her to be. :3
>>245988 OR here, THANK YOU! I love how you made her!
(335.03 KB 1920x1080 Don't.png)
Wanted to practice drawing a fat arm to see if I was any good at this stuff
>>247794 I think it's very good, the only thing I would slightly change is the pinkie, it's too detached from the other fingers
>>243811 >>233554 Could someone correct their nose? (I'm not the one asking this but I'm interested)
(496.31 KB 660x1292 IMG_5489.png)
(90.11 KB 1091x732 IMG_5488.jpeg)
Could someone here draw Aubrey from Omori as big as the second pic wirh Sunny rubbing her massive belly? Thanks.
>>247828 Thank you for the feedback! I appreciate it I’m thinking if I should draw more because this is my first time drawing fat stuff and I had fun with it
(3.67 MB 1650x1650 LYDIA_ILLO_NUDE_LOW-RES.png)
A nerdy girl with brown hair and glasses standing in front of a birthday cake wishing she was big. Accompanying image for how fat she gets
>>233554 >>247886 Whoops forgot to set anchor
>>247883 >>233554 Forgot about the anchor, whoops.
(1.38 MB 1500x2920 ff3.png)
>>233554 A more wholesome-like Request for this thread: Wicke from Pokémon with around the same physique as the hex maniac or herself in the second image about to give you a big ass emotional support hug (because you definitely need it) And for Details: primarily I want her to look accurate to the official artstyle just like the first image
>>247884 You're welcome! You really should draw more, you're very good and it helps to practice!
(107.66 KB 460x968 Five.webp)
(643.35 KB 1030x683 1398522464728.png)
>>233554 could you draw modern au version five all fat and pregnant with her belly kicking so hard that bumps appeared in it just like in this pic
Requesting a drawing of a Fat Miranda Lawson as big as in the reference picture, with her wearing a top with the Australian flag on like the reference
>>234756 Why are they faceless?
(787.27 KB 1343x1080 Untitled5_20250310032634.png)
Made a quick shape practice of fionna from adventure time
>>248695 Looks pretty good
(75.52 KB 400x800 1678231035067.jpg)
(972.11 KB 549x751 568823 (1).jpg)
(54.99 KB 793x1023 1667319109419476.jpg)
>>233554 Requesting a BBW Riruka with a big butt like in the picture attached last.
>>233554 An immobile, blobby giantess version of Nagi Kirima from Boogiepop Phantom with a massive belly that’s ripped through her shirt along with her massive boob cleavage showing along with a big butt, arms, legs and a very blobby face, towering over Tokyo for anyone who wants to take a shot on this one.
