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F&H Thread V9 Zephyr 12/31/2024 (Tue) 22:06:55 Id:17bd28 No. 237867
The first new thread of 2025 dedicated to the works of Fusa & Ha Button. Here is what I have of these two great artists. Hope you guys enjoy em. https://gofile.io/d/WMehMn Finally figured out how to use gofile. So this time around, you all can take your own sweet time in downloading the files. There are still some links active in the previous thread here >>212850. Do check em out asap b4 the thread is gone. Most of them too are also available on the site mentioned below. https://e-hentai.org And as usual, do report the death fetishers that describe the crazed fantasies regarding Fusa's and Ha Button's characters. Same goes for those who are getting worked up on why Ayano or Sage-chan are still not immobile. Keep in mind not to use more than 2 posts for uploading or reupping images. Try to use links (not encoded) liked the one above and allowed by the global rules for big posts. No one likes a post fag. This also means no repetitive posts for new pages or for informing that a new page has come. You will be reported for spamming. And finally here are the sites where the authors upload their works along with the pages on kemono. Hope the Pixiv importer starts working again. Thank God, Ha Button has a patreon. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3943162 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/8891525 https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/3943162 https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/8891525 https://kemono.party/patreon/user/87095507 Do keep on requesting for their updates on kemono from time to time. And wishing u all a Happy New Year and a good year of Fusa and Ha Button content. And as always keep on posting the fan art to show ur appreciation.
Anyone have a reup of the full archive?
>>242815 I swear this is the slowest comic writer ever bro
>>246085 >But writing each syllable backwards in this case was the wrong call. No it wasn't, you're just too retarded to read a manga naturally. Be less retarded, read the manga naturally. Japanese is normally written left to right when it's horizontal. And yet, to actual Japanese people, when it's split up into sub-panels like that, you still read the separated kana from right to left This whole things gets solved if you just stop defending being a retard
>>246385 Anyone still going on about this weeks later is a fucking retard. Shut up.
>>246385 I think I understand the point you're trying to make - that action actually transpires from right to left as well in manga? Again, I'm not a manga/anime guy so I'm not sure, plus you seem more hung up on seething at people rather than clarifying your point. The one argument you do make about vert/horizontal jap text is irrelevant because english is only ever read one way, and so to anyone who isnt a total weeb, theyre going to read it as "des si be".
its been weeks and there's still some fag complaining your life is actually pathetic
Anyone have the like the past 10 pages of After school? It hasn't been updated on Ehentai and the gofile isn't available?
new habutton page: https://gofile.io/d/cyaXUM
>>247072 So athletic club girl is over?
>>247080 Pretty much
>>247080 Did he fucking chickened out of drawing a blob? Again???
>>247080 No fucking way. So what about the meet and greet thing in the last page? It can be anything but I'm imagine it's a fat chicks meeting. Man what a fucking cliffhanger.
>No aoba page since November Bros…
>>247085 >>247086 Judging by how similar comics end, he straight up finishes them with teases and close ups, never going beyond a certain size.
>>247072 Fucking hell. Back to square one I guess
ripbozo, thought there would be another one
>>247072 I dont belive athletic girl is over untill someone asks habbuton, he s usually very responsive
>>247072 I did my best to translate it! I'm still just a student in Japanese and I relied on Jisho and machine translation for things I didn't know, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated! https://gofile.io/d/6AToZx
(636.65 KB 1200x1695 WG 272 (University Arc 85).jpeg)
New Ayano
>>247139 So good man, thanks. This is an amazing translation and great formatting.
>>247141 Hahahahaha it's another flashback. Fuck this crap
>>247141 Can someone upload the second new page
(1.66 MB 1530x2160 phkT9GCFykg.jpg)
>>247141 >>247159 post the full res "b" versions of the english translation instead
>>247136 For real, haha.
>>247139 It looks like Habutton released an official translation on his Patreon! I'm not entirely sure how it compares to mine, since I'm not a Patreon supporter. The official title is "Possibility of Childhood Friends."
god damn it, i was so sure this side arc wasn’t going to flash back to the beginning of university AGAIN. See you all in four years when it gets back to ayano
>>247141 Mind posting the new Ayano page both eng and jap high res along with the txt files?
>>247174 Hear, hear. It was fun while it lasted
>>247172 Unfortunately the official translation is pretty rough. It misses some things and translates some things too literally to the point here it’s unnatural. For example, “好みド真ん中” is translated as “in the middle of my favorite”, when in-context it moreso means “exactly my type/preference.” I translated it as “she’s totally my type” accordingly. I’m currently on a trip so I won’t be able to post the official pages here for a few days. Once I get back I’ll start translating some untranslated Fusa one shots and other doujins I’ve bought this month!
>>247201 *where it’s unnatural
>>247139 It also seems like gofile removed the third page? Because I’m not gonna be home for a few days, if anyone’s downloaded it could you share it here?
new Ayano pages in jp. give them here. I'll fix em right up for you within the next 24 hours <3 started my masters degree in Japanese studies since the last time I translated a page (haven't had the time to start the massive project I wanted to on previous threads :( ) so y'all are gonna eat well, guaranteed.
oh it would help if I actually read what folk were saying. thought y'all were complaining about Ayano there. I still think the official Ayano translation is dodgy but eh
>>247139 I don't know any japanese, but compared to Habutton's official translations this looks pretty natural. Thank you so much for the effort, and good luck in your learning journey 🙂
>>247201 Yes, Habutton's "official" English translations are always utter shit. It seems like he just machine translate everything. I am very appreciative that you've taken the time to do a real translation yourself, hope you can keep doing them in the future for this series
Looks like Fusa's made a chubby dark elf doujin as part of an anthology https://x.com/kohntarkf1/status/1896915522702487562
>>247072 Hey guys! I've gotten a bit more experience with scanlation as I've been translating another chubby girl doujin I got. I decided to go back and proofread/fix up some translation and formatting issues with my translation of Habutton's recent Childhood Friend one shot. Here's the updated version! https://gofile.io/d/VnTC85
>>247808 Also if there's any other one shots/manga you'd like translated or retranslated, let me know and I'll do my best to deliver! I don't have the time to commit to anything huge like all of Ayano, but if you guys want I can do new chapters for it.
>>247809 Before the original translation there were a few panels with the sound effects translated, was that you?
>>247746 Oh joy this'll be what, the third collection he contributed to that has never been uploaded online or translated?
>>247814 I didn't translate any sound effects. I'm not skilled enough to redraw, and I wanted to stay consistent, rather than have some of them translated and the harder ones untranslated
>>247808 Wait this is it? This feels like an abrupt ending.
>>247943 Yeah, that's where it ends
>>247945 Are you sure it's a one shot? It feels like there's supposed to be more parts later.
>>248050 Habutton doesn't hint at there being any more, although I hope he does make more
So I guess if Maybe My Childhood Friend was a one-shot, then Athletics Circle Girl could keep going and isn't over?
>>248211 Hopefully it was a commission...
While I do hope athletic girl continues, I dont really mind this new series too since the weight moves rather quickly for habutton series. Well, It would be great if the guy uploads more every month so we dont just get 1-2 page of other series and he rotates it every month
