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Weight Gain General 2 Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 04:21:23 Id:8f9c93 No. 240226
Another thread for those characters and series with too few fattenings to justify of a standalone thread.
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>>244475 Source?
>>242557 no AI Art (Sakura Matou Image)
>>244475 PreSiArt on Twitter.
Too bad there isn't much HTTYD art.
>>245258 dont ruin my childhood cartoon. pls delete this if you can
>>245258 Fuck off with this Astrid art already, she already looks kinda ugly in the movies
>>245265 The live action version looks fine. I wish they remade the animated trilogy instead. Dont get me wrong the original animated movie looks great even today, but imagine how better it would look with todays level and animation. They could also add more things into the movie for more lore.
>>245258 Here is a good artists who would do commissions for a low price. Even I ordered a commissions of obscure characters which is far better than search and find something like this.
>>245364 still its fucking HTTYD
Nobody's just going to post something else and have that post forgotten about? It's not like it was an art spam attack, it's just a single post of probably the only 5 art posts that exists from that franchise.
>>244943 Holy this is peak. Where’d you find it?
>>244943 mathewn1 on Deviantfart
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>>245347 >The live action version looks fine No one gives a shit about the live action movie, so why bring it up? >I wish they remade the animated trilogy instead It's better off staying dead with the trash that gets put out these days.
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i feel so bad for whoever paid for this shit man
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Hey guys, Been into this niche for a while, and I’m finally jumping in to make my own WG NSFW art account. Before I go all in, what do you think is missing? Any ideas, scenarios, or character types you’d love to see more of? Not looking to go too extreme, no blob, no furry, nothing illegal, just some good weight gain fanart, OC and sequences. I’m also fairly good at drawing anatomy, whether in a semi-realistic style, manga, or more American comic-inspired. But I think I’ll lean toward a manga style since most of the characters I want to draw already fit that vibe. Let me know your thoughts!
>>245868 If your going to make sequences or comics dont make them too long or to deep. Sure this would make the stories more interesting, but in the end everyone just wants to see girls get bigger.
>>245871 Yeah, I’m not planning on making full comics for now, just short sequences with fanart or OCs, keeping it under 10 poses. I’ll definitely take commissions, but I won’t be doing long comics like Kipteitei or SDC if you know,
>>245878 if your gonna make sequences then I think the most people want to see is sequences of someone being addicted to food or being force fed
>>245868 Just don't do OC shit and you would be golden.
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>>245712 $205 well spent, I'm sure
>>245901 yes, I've already thought about this kind of stuff, I want to do different situations so I don't always do the same shit.
>>245938 I agree, especially in the beginning it's the best way not to make yourself known, so I'll stick with well-known characters at first.
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>>242561 Midnitemorty. https://x.com/MidniteMorty
>>246701 autor?
I just created my DeviantArt account and will try to be active with regular posts. I’ll be drawing weight gain sequences, featuring popular characters, crossovers... Feel free to check it out and share your thoughts, I’m also open to commission ideas. https://www.deviantart.com/thanzenn
>>247874 Wll, now you have your first watcher! i liked your first draw good job! keep going!
>>247875 Thanks ! I really appreciate your support. I’m already working on a sequence for this one, so stay tuned !
>>246707 https://twitter.com/kaiga_beast1123
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I have a feeling weight gain art is slowly dying out. I feel like alot of artist that were known before have quit or just dissapeared and most of the known artists that are today make 200+ comics that should be 200+ pages in the first place or they just do commissions. Whenever I check e-hentai for whats new the only thing now is just updates to those 200+ page comic or art thats just shit. Ive read all the good comics I saw on sites like e-hentai and now also with AI I think people are just using AI art more which looks shit half the time which also lowers the amount of actual artists.
>>248098 That’s exactly why I started my art account, haha. I’ve been following weight gain art since more than six years, but in the past years, it feels like it’s become harder to find quality content from consistent artists i'm agree with you.
>>248114 I dont have a dev account, but I hope to see youre art here one day and being the one start pushing other to improve aswell
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>>248098 E hentai is not a good indicator of how weight gain is doing. That sites standards are very different from anywhere else.
>>248098 Personally I think that it was like a shift few years ago when a chunk of old artists dissapear and new one rise.
>>248119 I did use deviant too, but a couple of weeks ago I deleted cuz all the art I saw was just bad or AI and the ones I followed rarely uploaded. e hentai and this sites is the only ones I know besides deviantart
>>248121 yeah idk its just that alot of artist I see today dont make the girls look like theyre addicted to food and more like they give them random anxiety and other mental issues which throws me off. I just wanna see girls wanting more because of there own influence or someone elses and not 200 pages of two girls talking about there backstories
Also i dont get how the fuck there can be so many specific subcategories for the most random shit. Personally I cant beat it to a single pic of a random fat girl pic. its gotta be at least a couple comic pages or a sequence
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>>248098 You talk as if the changing of the guard isn't normal. WG comics is and always will be one of the shittiest metrics to gauge the health WG.
>>248151 I think wg gcomics are the most known subcategory
>>248115 yes I'll probably post here too when I've finished my first sequence
