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Monogatari Series Monogatari Series Fats 04/08/2020 (Wed) 01:13:22 Id:8c6f15 No. 7757
For Monogatari fats!
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Keeping thread alive, don't think this Hanecowa has been posted yet
>>216736 I mean...this cartoon as a whole is pretty frickin' complex, and very few people will bother watching it from start to finish. It's probably why there is still little to no fat art
>>216736 It's tough when your series most notorious traits are being "hard to get into" and "for freak degenerates." People don't know what they're missing.
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>>219258 Woah, we finally got a fat Sodachi. A pleasant surprise tbh.
>>219258 Source?
>>219258 Rare fat Sodachi?! About time!
>>219329 Yeah, freaking finally someone drew her. Wish we had more art with her
>>219314 https://x.com/discrotart/status/1812056716785209755
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>>223822 Blueberry does not belong on this board, go to /inflation/
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Do you see potential in my drawing? Its a sketch pratice
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>>225571 The Gaen sisters getting fat art?! Wonderful!
Anyone gonna archive this thread btw? We've made it 4 years
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A recent sketch I did
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>>242149 Parts 2.
>>242791 And 3
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If someone has ideas on how to draw Hanekawa I can do them for free just be creative please
>>243284 >>243285 Uhh...dude, just go to the drawing improvement thread
Here's a old Axel-Rosered drawing I found
(167.45 KB 975x1175 GkKmhP2WoAA_V26.png)
Which do you like best? or do you have any idea with Monogatari? I want to make requests for a while
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>>248078 The second one is my favorite, looks awesome, also the first would be great!
>>248078 I love the fourth one also imo Yoruzu is positivly *begging* to be fattened up, especially with that button up and those suspenders she wears was thinking she'd look great with a super rotund, flabby, belly heavy build similar to the attached ( spoilered cause male, still a good bodytype reference tho) as for scenario, I was thinking she herself could become victim to an oddity phenomena, a cursed banquet hall or buffet that never seems to end, and caters to whatever the subject craves - mountainous layer cakes, whole roast pigs, cookies, sausage links.. on and on
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Was good while lasted.
