/booty/ - Booty

Hindquarters, buttocks and cheeks

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new thread for sexiest paag on earth Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 00:17:10 Id:a1cce5 No. 360057
dumping old stuff with a few new wins
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Doggystyle backshots must sound like Pearl Harbor with this chick
Her post on this said, “no wonder people think my ass is fake and debate it online, it’s just too perfect” Fake ass don’t move like this I’m sorry to the non believers
>>362032 Daaaaaaamn That’s a lot of booty, it’s hard to believe that it’s real I get it. Especially how thin her waist is
She has crazy proportions. As a yellow fever fellow i praise the lord for this fine girl. >>361926 These seem highly edited.
>>360318 You make it sound like nobody else is doing this nowadays...
Hands down the hottest woman on this site. All the other big asses posted here look sloppy and have big stomachs. This woman is perfection and most likely all natural >>361381
>>362248 >>361926 And you’re right this chick is highly edited
(37.42 KB 810x1080 沐沐 2025-01-01 12.14.26.jpeg)
>>360318 >>360195 >>361381 You must be a 'low IQ ape' if you think all of the 1 billion Chinese women on the planet couldn't be pear shaped. She's got decent genes and works out, thats all there is to it.
>>361926 Is this a joke? You literally posted the most edited pics ever. I'm crying
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Reached out to her on twitter. She basically has two group chats one on REPORT MY POST and the other on we chat. Her better on is on WeChat but it’s 1888 yen or whatever they that’s around 260 bucks if you guys want to see her VIP stuff
>>362553 Damn that’s a lot of money, anybody want to split?
there's a chinese account on twitter that (according to browser translations) has a group that shares exclusive content, including this girl's. the listed price is 66 (I'm guessing that's in USD) but idk if it's legit at all. I have gotten some clips of hers from the account's page that I haven't seen anywhere else, so they at least have access to her content.
>>362667 vague ass nigga, here's the link you guys: https://x.com/liuzich86044335/status/1877366594046746992
>>363172 my bad. meant this one, had to go back and find it: https://x.com/fengrufeitun8
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>>363635 Did you get these from that twitter group?
This is the best body being posted
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>>360195 from her wechat sub you can tell that she is natural, thousands of pics from around 2019 to now showing her progress. Keeping a slim waist from waist training while all the gains from eating just goes straight to her ass like from this >>360170 to just insanely thick like from this set
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>>363841 and the biggest giveaway for fake bodies and butts is if the thighs dont match. not so easy to move fat cells even distributed. this girl has the thighs to match
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she said her latest weigh in that shes 101 kg with a 135 cm booty and 70 cm waist. im hoping she gets to Mal's booty size soon but maintains the thing waist, she's gonna look like a natural graciebon,
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>>361926 Source?
got some wins ill dump in a sec
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Win from the REPORT MY POST group. Anyone here in the wechat group? Im not sure they are any vids longer than a minute for it to be worth it
>>363634 >>363635 can i get the link to the group that posted this?
>>364185 >>363635 >>363634 >>363633 I sent the guy money but he gave me the run around and blocked me, it wasnt even that much I just want the videos. You bought these from the LSP_66 group right? Did you have to add someone else after that?
(242.79 KB 1078x1438 沐沐 2025-02-02 13.51.28.jpeg)
(379.44 KB 1082x1924 沐沐 2025-02-02 13.51.33.jpeg)
96 kg straight to her fat ass, perfect genetics
(256.53 KB 1440x1080 沐沐 2025-02-02 13.31.59.jpeg)
the comparison is insane
>>364245 >>361926 Who is she ?
Does anyone have more information or content from here?
