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Seeing hot stuff right in front of you SECOND EDITION Anonymous 06/19/2023 (Mon) 16:15:44 Id:d5f92e No. 31020
Last thread got stuffed. Have you ever seen any of the things we fantasize about out in the wild? Huge stuffings, wardrobe malfunctions, sweaty out of breath at physical activity, big burps, people talking about their weight gain. Those are favorite!
>>55708 400lbs on a 5'1 girl looks way different than on a 5'5 or even a 5'7 girl. That's fucking crazy. My ex was short, like 5'3, and she was heavier than I thought she was just due to her height. Sometimes height makes all the difference, but 5'1 is crazy.
>>55708 >>55718 I worked with a woman who was around 5'3" as well and had a small, flimsy frame. I watched her go from slightly chubby to small-BBW when we were at the same company (around 8 years). It wasn't as hot as it could have been because she had bad fat distribution (like a fat man with bigger than average boobs) and was cute but kind of asexual. We've kept in touch since and she was well into the 300s at one point. Still the lousy body type but she looked so bloated it was kind of hot nonetheless. (I only saw pics, we haven't seen each other face to face in 10 years.) She was open about it too, not super-happy about it but funny and self-deprecating. She referred to herself as "WalMart fat" at one point, and after suffering through a Southern wedding in June told me she was "too fat for the South." Which, if you've been to the South, is ironic. Her doc put her on Ozempic a couple of years ago and she lost 40 lbs though I get the feeling she'd gained some back. I haven't seen a pic in a while and she's been reluctant to meet in person. I've only seen one pic of her on sm and she looks like a balloon.
I was at Chili's and every single waitress was fat. The one we had was definitely more than 225 lbs. She had kind of a potbelly. One of the others was probably at least 350 and her belly was hanging.
>>55718 Our girls like 4’10” and at least 280 pounds. She’s like a lil dough ball. Her moms too busy enjoying her wls thin lifestyle to care.
There was this girl I knew growing up who was always fat. Throughout high school she probably weighed nearly 300 pounds at around 5’5”, didn’t fluctuate much. She was always pretty active. Then during college, I saw updates of her on her social media. She was playing rugby, and had seemingly lost some of the weight, probably got down to 250. All of her pictures throughout college, that was what she hovered around. Near the end/after college, she stopped posting as much, kinda around the time a lot of people stopped using things like Facebook nearly as much. For the next few years there were no photos, but she’d post the occasional life update. She moved to the UK for grad school, started dating some skinny girl, covid started. Then one day I ran into her in our hometown when she must have been back visiting her family. And no lie, she has to be 500 pounds now. She looked like a different person. Her face was round as a ball, her arms were forced out by her underarm fat, and her belly hung halfway down her thighs. Her weight distribution was fucking great, a large chunk of the new weight had gone to her belly but she still had very large boobs and thighs. I swear my heart stopped, I think all my blood instantly went to my junk. I think she noticed my shock because she seemed a bit nervous, probably thought I was judging her for doubling in size. I imagine she gets a lot of shocked reactions from people. I wish she still lived here because I’d kill to be able to see her more often, and talk to her and see what her life is like that made her explode the way she did. Gaining at least 200 pounds in 3 years is ridiculously drastic, and she’s by far the biggest girl I’ve ever interacted with irl. But alas, that isn’t the case. At least I got to see her once.
>>34493 Necro-responding to my comment in this thread with an update, over a year later. I've know this couple had continued the ritual with fast food bags all year, but my job has been such that I always now miss when they get home entirely, so I haven't seen what they look like in many months. ...until the other day. The guy in the relationship looks the same, but the girl in this relationship is MASSIVE now. She genuinely looks almost exactly like Violet James with slightly lighter hair now, down to the triple belly and complete lack of a neck due to it being swallowed by her fat. It's absolutely incredible to see such an increase, as I think she weighed less than my partner when she first got here, and now, she must have her beat by nearly 100lbs, and that's considering my own partner's decently fatter now, too. Hopefully I can see more of them in the coming months, I'm trying to make a point to remember to take a moment of peace to look outside around 5pm instead of feverishly working after hours, and maybe I'll catch more glimpses of her. Hard not to feel like a creep, but at this point I'm not even checking her out, I'm more amazed that someone could gain so much weight and it (I'm assuming) not be on purpose.
>>56208 May be a good time to introduce yourself to them. Maybe her and your partner can become good fat friends and snack together
At the bagel shop an hour ago and a hugely fat Latina, late 20s, 5'6", easy 350, had most of her (fat, pendulous, stretchmarked) belly hanging out. She was wearing a very tight red sweatsuit and the absolute minimum was contained within the pants to keep the thing from totally flopping out over her thighs. She seemed neither embarrassed nor "Taking Up Space" proud. Basically oblivious, another girl ordering a bagel lol.
This stacked black girl at my job is always complaining about how fat she is while eating constantly. Plowing thru the free snacks from the break room, she is lactose intolerant but always talks about how the bloat and gas is worth it for pizza and chocolate. Talks about knocking things over with her tits and ass, as well as unprompted telling normies how lucky she is to be able to eat off/out of her cleavage. She was discussing her plans to take a night off to sample everything from a popular food truck that visits our park. Last time we worked together she couldn’t stop burping and every time I jokingly said “bless you” she’d blush and giggle really hard.
>>56350 I just watched this organic orbtacular at work. Too fat for prosthetic legs and basically MODOK shape dumpling.
Since I'm very horny with NNN I'm going to tell some because I need to vent. Maybe they're not as hot as the ones already in the thread since where I live (somewhere in Spain) I don't have the possibility to see really fat girls as often as I would like. At university: A girl in my major, rather petite, was the typical goth girl (not excessively so). She was thin, but her thighs were a bit thicker above the knee, I mean, she literally had the knees of a thin girl, but her thighs were quite wide all of a sudden. It wasn't very noticeable because of the type of skirts she usually wore (mid-height). At some point she started wearing baggy pants more often, and I started to notice, every time I saw her in the library, that her ass was overflowing more and more from the chair over time, until one day I saw her in tighter pants and she looked downright fat. Her knees were literally buried in fat. From then on the girl exploded, her ass was spilling out of the chair enough to need at least half an extra chair, she started to develop a belly and fat arms. One time she was wearing some pants that were a bit too tight for her and she was sitting on a chair with half her ass showing from above, all squished against the back of the chair. All this was over the course of a year, until she graduated. The only time I saw her after that was at the beginning of the next year. She had a huge belly and pretty fat arms, plus her ass and thighs were even bigger. This time she was wearing a skirt, which barely covered her ass. All the cellulite on her thighs and part of her ass was visible. Plus her face was covered in pimples. It's funny because even a friend of mine who doesn't like fat girls turned his head in surprise to see her like that, since she was a pretty attractive girl before. Her boyfriend, who had been dating her forever, I think said that he liked her fat too. It makes sense that this girl would get this way, since she was hanging out with another girl who had gained 70 lbs in a short time. Seeing her go to college loaded with pizzas to eat with her classmates almost every day was a treat. This other girl also went from being quite attractive to being quite fat, greasy, and covered in pimples. Another girl at another major the first time I saw her was morbidly obese. I remember that I was with another fat girl that I was dating, and she stopped to look at us, I guess because back then she wouldn't have a boyfriend and she was surprised that a guy was dating a girl like that (it wasn't too common around here then, and it still isn't now). Over time she lost quite a bit of weight, and stopped being obese, but in a matter of less than a year she started gaining weight very very quickly and until now, which has been two years, she hasn't stopped. This coincided with the girl getting a boyfriend, but I don't know if he had any part in making this happen. Honestly, looking at the girl, to date her the guy must be one of us. To describe her a bit, she's pear-shaped, but with a big belly that hangs down, with just her belly she'd be morbidly obese, but she also has a huge ass, which certainly takes up more than one seat and extremely wide thighs, as well as a lot of fat on her neck, arms, back,... She's put on so much weight that she can barely walk. Honestly, every time I've met her, instead of taking the stairs, she uses the elevator, even if it's just to go up one floor, and she doesn't fit through the standard doors used to enter train stations where you have to swipe your ticket, so she uses the one for bicycles. For a while I thought she was shorter than I remembered, but I actually realized that she was so fat now that she looked short in relation to her girth. It doesn't really matter how tall the person sitting next to her is, she's always taller when sitting next to her because of her fat ass. What I mean by this is that by Spanish standards she's extremely fat, and seeing how she's gotten that way since she lost weight and seeing her go up a first floor with an elevator despite being probably barely 20 years old makes me very hard. I would love to go to class with her. I assure you that with how narrow the seats at the university are she takes up more than two of them. It also really turns me on to think about everything she's had to eat to get that big, unfortunately in the EU it's not as easy to gain weight as in the USA, and yet she's reached these levels. I found her on social media and apparently she has been gaining weight unintentionally since she was much younger, with some pauses, exploding now that she is an adult.
>>56358 First girl's boyfriend definitely a feeder. That or she's getting the college gains like everybody else.
>>56358 Continuing with this post, I have also seen similar things in public transport (which by the way is shamefully bad in Spain). I have seen the huge girl I described in the post get on the train. Believe me, she will NEVER stand up if she can avoid it. Several times I have seen her sit in a seat next to other people. A standard sized bum would fit just right, but hers is twice that size, so on each side she took up half an extra seat, which was quite annoying for those sitting next to her on a crowded train, it made me quite hard. I have to say that I have seen quite a few fat girls doing this, they prefer to crush the people around them rather than wait 15 minutes standing. Of course I have enjoyed it every time from afar. I once saw a pear-shaped girl with a rather large bum who was with our group do this. Then, when she tried to get up, because of the shape of the seat and how tight it was with the person next to her, she got stuck, and I witnessed her having to pull several times until her ass managed to come out. She saw that we were watching her and was dying of embarrassment (this same girl also told me that she preferred to eat a sweet instead of cereal because if she ate something that she could do without continuously she would not be able to stop eating and would consume even more calories). Another time I saw a girl sitting alone. She was taking up about a seat and a half and another thin girl came and asked her if she could stop taking up that half seat so she could sit. I also saw two friends, one quite fat who literally had half of her huge ass pressed against the wall so that her friend could sit next to her. When she got off at her stop, the fat friend literally took up two seats. Another woman, already in her mid-30s, who occupied two seats and wanted to sit down, as the train was crowded but she did not want to remain standing, took the only seat left, which had an armrest, and in order not to crush the poor guy next to her, she sat one buttock on the seat and the other on the armrest. With only one part of her buttock she swallowed the entire armrest, and there was still part of her butt in the aisle of the train. Another time I met a girl in her early 20s who is extremely obese. A typical girl who has a bit of an apple shape but instead of just having a disproportionate belly, she also has a rather large butt and quite fat arms. She is blonde and rather pale. You can see how huge she is when I have seen her in summer dresses and all the fat is loose. She is always dressed quite elegant and refined, with a bracelet with the Spanish flag. I noticed that she has extremely fat fingers, bigger than the girls I've seen her size, and she wears several rings. I swear one of those rings would fit two fingers. This girl was wearing baggy pants one day, but for some reason they stuck up her ass crack, and when she stood up it was very noticeable (I already said that she had a pretty big ass, and it had stuck all the way up her ass crack), so people were staring at her, although she never noticed because she had her back turned. Honestly, the way she moved while walking and the movement of the train, her ass was pretty flabby, but it didn't spit out her pants, it was a sight to behold. Honestly, on some very hot days I've seen her sweat a little, which is quite sexy, at least for me, because seeing such an elegant person sweat from eating like a pig in his house, which is not very elegant, turns me on quite a bit. I also saw a fat girl on a hot day who, when she woke up, had her entire shirt sweaty from where her rolls had folded. She had lines of sweat all over her shirt. Another time I ran into an old friend from high school. Her group of friends consisted of five people, but one of them distanced herself over time. I also did because I changed schools, but a friend of mine who followed me there told me that the four who remained in the group were getting quite fat. Of the original five, all were thin except for the one I met on the train, who was fat. The one who distanced herself became even a little thinner, but the others did indeed gain weight. The ones who were thin only got a little fat, but the one who was fat exploded. When I saw her on the train after all these years I was not even sure if it was her. She had become fat like the girl I described earlier (the elegant one), although I would say even bigger. Her face changed a lot. Besides being covered in pimples and sweaty from the heat, it was noticeable that she was much more bloated and fat, although she was still pretty. She did see me but she didn't come closer. After a while I approached her, but she slipped out of my mouth (unintentionally). I hadn't approached her before because I hadn't recognized her, and it was obvious that she was a little sad, to be honest. Another day I met her on the bus and we were talking. Her ass took up one seat at the bus stop and half of the two around it. I remember that when we got on she sat directly on the other side of the aisle (but in the same line) because she didn't fit next to her, since she took up almost two seats on the bus. She couldn't fasten her seatbelt either. That's when I really had time to notice how enormous her arms, thighs and even her calves were. She had a big lump of fat on her back under her neck, as if she were a fighting bull, and a big fat tire on the back of her neck that didn't let her bend it back properly. I had never seen this in such an exaggerated way in a girl in person. She was telling me that she lived with her boyfriend. I saw them once and he is also fat, but less so. I can imagine how they spend their days. I would give anything to see the refrigerator and the kitchen in their house. Lastly, I once saw a pear-shaped girl, very tall, with huge hips, but well proportioned and formed. When I say huge I mean that she was quite morbidly obese. This girl, who was in her mid-20s, was wearing shorts that even showed a bit of her ass below. In my country it is extremely rare to see a girl of that size, and even more so wearing something like that, and people looked at her (obviously me too). You could see a huge amount of cellulite on her thighs and calves, with what seemed to be small love handles on her thighs because they were so huge. Honestly it was a pleasure to see her. She didn't seem to care at all.
>>56359 I do think that she really got the college gains, although that's not so common here with girls who weren't considerably chubby to begin with.
>>56360 I've seen things like this at the beach too. I once saw a girl in her 20s, a tourist, who looked like a wrecking ball, running up a sand ramp from the towel where her parents were sitting. She almost fell on top of them, which would have been funny if it had happened (if no one got hurt, of course). This same girl, who could only waddle, had to cross the sun-heated sand burning her feet without being able to run while the rest of her group ran into the street. Somewhat hot too tbh. I also saw a mother, who was probably in her late 20s or early 30s, but was very obese. She had a huge ass and was also very tall, and every time one of her young children ran into the water she would try to reach them without moving her ass and if she couldn't, she would call her husband to get up. I remember that her mother, who was already elderly and somewhat fat, was commenting to another elderly woman in front of her that she ate a lot and couldn't stop eating. Finally, at a water park, but which also had rides like those in a regular amusement park, I was waiting in line with my then girlfriend, who was just a bit chubby (about 150 lbs and 5'2), and there was a guy with his girlfriend, about 20 years old, who was pear-shaped and huge. This girl had stretch marks around her hips, arms, butt crack, ... red as blood as if she had just gained weight (like the fedees who are just starting out). This was in 2022 or so, so she would probably start with covid and not stop. I remember my girlfriend saying something like "that one weighs more than 100kg", referring to a conversation we had earlier about the weight limit for riding certain attractions at the water park. I don't know if it was because of this (my girlfriend, who I scolded later, said it quietly) or because I looked at her once (she was incredibly attractive), but it seems that she got offended and started to make a face and suddenly became affectionate with her boyfriend. When she leaned over a little to give him a kiss, I remember that her belly, which hung quite a bit, looked huge and very flabby, and it stuck to the guy's abs. I also remember that, although in the end she did comply with the weight limits for riding the attraction, her ass barely fit and peeked out from the sides and back. Another girl who was quite refined and elegant and it is a pleasure to see how she has gotten fat by eating like a pig. These are the most incredible things in this sense that I have seen in recent years, which are not many for all the years I have lived, but I remember them well.
>>56351 > organic orbtacular at work Hospital?
>>56364 I once saw an orbtacular that I’m sure has been rolled around like a beach ball by her family. Organic orbaroni the kind you don’t see often outside of peak stable diffusion and liminal spaces. And we’re talking the whole 9 yards, no visible stumps or anything and legitimately 2/3s of her body was fat belly/tits. Riding in a mobility scooter at the local theme park with wooden coaster but really good fried food.
>>56374 Seeing a non-AI generated orbtacular IRL ups too 5 on my death list.
>>56358 What major?
Went for an Xray on Friday and one of the radiologists was enormous — 5'6"ish and definitely over 400 pounds. Cute fat-faced black woman, 30s, big-all-over figure. She wore her lab coat open and there was no way she was closing it, you could see her huge back and side rolls right through it. Tight tan pants that outlined her belly beautifully, and she wobbled all over as she walked. She wasn't my tech, unfortunately, but she came out several times to reception while I was waiting. At one point she was talking to a super-thin receptionist of similar height and the contrast was amazing. O/A I love it when health professionals are massively obese (as they often are). Something so decadent and wrong about it.
An old college friend of mine flew back down for a weekend, so we got the whole crew together to see him and hit the Chinese buffet. One friend brought his GF who's gone from chubby/thick to probably 275 over the last few years. Her man always bitches that she's getting too fat. She made a big show of going back for more plates, and straight up unbuttoned her jeans at the end of the meal to let her belly spill out. She was sitting directly across from me and made eye contact constantly. I've never seen a fat chick do something that brazen in public. I've always been outspoken about preferring huge women, so it felt like she was putting on a show for my benefit. Made me uncomfortable as hell cause I'm usually immune to girls flirting. My fiancee is 5'2, 450, still gaining despite herself and has a notorious jealous streak. I told her about it afterwards and she was furious "that slut was trying to tease you" Still don't know what to make of it.
>>56350 Updating this to say that she spent all night at work today describing how many sweets and carbs she’s eaten on the last 24 hours and then admitting she’s a virgin.
>>56423 If this is your friends GF, you definitely side-stepped something messy. You looked the devil in the eyes and survived. If you didn’t have an SSBBW GF at home, you might not have made it lol
this thread is the best thing to happen on /gen, reading all these stories gives me hope to witness something similar too if i get the chance in future...
>>56512 It’s been so great to talk with other men who are over the moon obsessed with orbtaculars.
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Not necessarily someone doing anything arousing, but I did see quite the big and beautiful woman 2 days ago; >go to a local medical place for psych stuff that does sliding-scale payment (I have $0 to my name and no insurance, only way this kind of thing is happening for me so thank fuck it exists) >wait for a bit, nothing notable in that time >get called back to the area past the waiting room by very friendly older black lady in her late 40s, don't really look at her body much at first >get closer to her while following her back to her office and finally get a good look at her >goddamn, she's fucking massive, I suck at weight estimation but I'd blindly guess 350-400+ pounds standing at 5'6" - 5'8" >upper arms are bigger around than my thighs despite me not being a skinny/small dude, and cuff over her elbows very noticeably, apparently heavy enough they rest against her torso/sides and don't jiggle much >absolutely massive bubble butt that sticks out behind her considerably and shakes like jelly as she walks, shockingly shapely for just how enormous it is as well >extremely chunky, thick legs that cuff at the knees much like her upper arms, could suffocate a man with just one of them laid on his face >big gut that completely fills out the business pants she has pulled over it, in an attempt to either cover it up or restrain its mass >fatty hips are at least one-and-a-half times as wide as her shoulders, maybe even twice as wide >breasts aren't super-noticeable compared to the rest of her, but probably heavy and a bit saggy when nude, which is A-OK in my book, especially paired with a nice belly >face is only chubby at most, slight hint of a double-chin but otherwise she could easily pose as a thinner gal with face-only photos >overall I'd say she has an extreme pear shape like one of the mercedesbbw models, most of the fat being below her waistline, pool floatie-esque upper arms and large belly aside >try not to gawk and be a creepy autistic fuck while following her to her office to discuss shit, still end up looking when she's turned away >walk is maybe 15-20 seconds' walk at a regular pace, starting from the waiting room and going down the hallway to her office >have to follow along at her pace, which is much slower than normal due to just how heavy she is >no joke, it takes like a minute and a half to get there as she slowly waddles her way there, giving me plenty of time to admire her body as I walk behind a bit >the whole time, can hear her breathing heavily and deliberately as she makes her way to the office, lugging all that fat one slow step at a time like she's trudging through thick snow >somewhat forget about it while we discuss my psych issues and symptoms for a few minutes to figure out my whole situation, both of us are sitting while she's on the other side of a desk >turns out she's super kind, understanding and friendly, in addition to being an 11 out of 10 in terms of body >get up to leave when it's done while she remains seated >look in her direction and notice her ass, hips and legs look even wider while she's seated, thoroughly filling out the poor chair that has the job of keeping all that mass suspended >quickly and politely make my exit before my caveman brain can go "ooga booga gimme fat woman" and make me say or do something stupid Gotta say, I was definitely in a better mood after seeing her, so mission accomplished I guess. Also, the fact that she works in healthcare while being so huge is a contrast I adore, and also see very often where I live in the South for some reason. Plus, fat girls look amazingly-good in office wear and medical garb, so I'm not complaining about seeing them all over the place. If I ever end up with a woman who's either already this heavy and pleased with it, or is willing to gain until she gets this huge, I'll consider it all a success and be able to die happy.
>>56528 Great description, thanks for sharing. FWIW there are a LOT of huge black women in healthcare up north too. >>56420 (I'm the one who wrote about the radiologist.)
>>56528 > extremely chunky, thick legs … See here’s where you lose me. I like to imagine she didn’t have legs and was more of a floating sphere of orbical adipose tissue.
>>56545 Gtfo with your amputee fetish, retard
>>56552 Shut up you woke faggot a lot of us have a fetish for orbtaculars. You boomer minded millennials bigots need a reality check from a long rifle.
>>56552 > Gtfo with your amputee fetish, retard Amputees are not organic orbtaculars you nitwit. They’re the fake tits of orbaronis.
>>56553 Such woke copium to not be into fictional spherical femoid humanish spheres. If you like women with limbs and any sort of defining curves, angles, silhouettes, or features, fucking kill yourself with a nuclear grenade.
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The fattest Asian girl I've ever seen. >after dropping off my gf at the airport i head to the quieter arrivals gate to treat myself to a coffee >once there i catch sight of the back of some massive thighs (and thigh rolls) from across the airport foyer >they were standing by the travel services and information desk talking with some staff >barely covered by the hem of a short green dress. >it only managed to reach about a quarter of the way down >thighs so wide i noticed them from 100 feet away >i knew I had to investigate further >speed walking across the airport >as i get closer i notice that orbiting these massive thighs was an asian family >none of whom were over 150 lbs. and 5 ft 4 >this piqued my interest further >I situate myself as if i'm waiting for someone to come through the arrivals gate >my heart is beating and adrenaline pumping in anticipation of what I believe i'm about to see >then it happens. all of my suspicions confirmed in an instance >the huge thighs turn to relay something said at the counter to a nearby family member >the fattest asian girl i've ever seen >a pretty face framed by gloriously chubby cheeks and a double chin that quivers as she relays information to her parents >black, tight curly hair has been pinned up high with a clip >a puffer jacket stretched wide around her wide back so tightly you can see her rolls through it >the green linen dress hopelessly trying to cover her thighs was straining against a magnificent belly that hung low down her front >her bust straining against her front buttoning dress, but loose enough determine round shapes resting on her belly >approximately mid 20s and at least 450 lbs and 5' 7 (this weight approximation is based off of my own 350 lbs 5' 6 gf) >likely singaporean, malalysian or indonesian >i assume being the youngest in her group she is most likely to speak english and sent to deal with the customer service team >the business at the counter concludes and she lumbers towards me to sit (or try to) on the nearby airport seating >british furniture is not built for women of such magnificent stature >these seats are narrow and have an armrest between each one >there's no way she could fit >she positions herself diagonally and perches a quarter of one of her massive cheeks down in a rather uncomfortable seating attempt >at least now i can determine that she would definitely required a second seat to fly comfortably >or perhaps a skinny family member can generously share most of their seat with their extraordinarily obese daughter/cousin/niece I spend around 20 minutes engraving this spectacle into my mind before heading off. I hope she managed to find some appropriate transport, there's no way she could be comfortable on British transport. It's very rare to see a woman her size in this country let alone an Asian. Is it common to see huge Asian women like this in the US?
>>56686 I wouldn't say common, because Asians still tend to be thinner than other races, but not unheard of anymore. A fair amount of BBWs and a few SSBBWs as well. No surprise, it's almost all younger women who are all or mostly assimilated, 2nd generation or 3rd. I'm in the Northeast so Asians tend to be Chinese or Korean, far fewer SE Asians, Flips, Japanese etc. Fat Korean women tend to have more feminine fat distribution yet their faces get huge, like you described. I won't say I have Yellow Fever or anything but I find super-fat Asians extra appealing just because they're relatively rare, they tend to have cute faces, and it feeds my humiliation kink because from what I know the anti-fat stigma in their cultures is still fierce.
Recent things from being married to a 400 lbs woman: Her after our last vacation (which included lots of eating unhealthy food and sweets) "No more sweets until next year" Lasted for a little less than a month She's not a gainer and wants to lose a few pounds basically, but it's mission impossible Which is extra hot because of her not resisting and eating things that will keep her at a plateau at least Her breaking the wooden main plate of our couch by plopping down a little too hard a few times (it still is rather sturdy, but sinks down noticeably and you can bend that plywood when you lift it as it's split in half) Our bed creaking like crazy recently It's a solid hardwood bed, but with every minor move of her it's creaking like crazy and makes a damn lot of noise Even just barely noticeable moving makes single cracks and her rolling around is loud af now When I move it doesn't make a lot of noise at all Her sideboobs have grown a lot recently and are her widest point now, basically the boobs start at the back rolls like two big saggy blobs resting on her double belly and side rolls Just a super jiggly mass under her upper arms now When she's wearing bras it's pushed upwards and sticks out even more
>>56717 I generally don’t find Asians very attractive but there’s something about the 2nd+ generation assimilated fat ones with boba left and right, popo at home being mortified at what her granddaughter has become, and there’s nowhere to hide. Friends are still skinny, there is a complete lack of being able to claim the European peasant “wE aRe jUsT BiG BoNeD iN mY fAmiLy.” It’s pretty awesome
>>56686 I don't think it's common per se, but I saw a really nice Asian fatty when I was in NYC earlier this year. I was at the natural history museum looking at the dinosaurs and shit when I saw her. Her age, height, build etc were very similar to what you've described, although she had very long and straight back hair pulled up and back in a tight ponytail. If I had to guess I'd say she was of Chinese heritage. She was definitely gorgeous, but what really did it for me was her outfit. She was wearing a pink spandex tank top which came down to just below her boobs (which were small and perky yet still delightfully chubby) and a pair of black spandex yoga pants that came up to just over halfway up her belly, covering her belly button but still showing plenty of belly skin. The confidence and not-giving-a-fuck-ness of showing her belly like that turned me on so much. She gave the vibe of a hot preppy Asian college girl who just happened to be over 400lbs like it was no big deal.
I'll share a recent hot bbw experience I had. I recently had to go to physical therapy for my terrible neck pain I recieve from sitting all day at work so i found this place close by my home. I got to the place thinking nothing about it, saw other people and some of the physical therapists and aides wearing their light blue scrubs treating patients. As I was sitting in the waiting room I saw this one worker that had the dream bbw body for me. She was short around 5 foot 4ish, was really fat clearly over 200 lbs seen from her visible belly outline on her scrubs and her huge plumpy ass and with every foot step there was a loud thumping noise. I was hoping she would attend me but it seemed like she left to go to the restroom. One of the aides called me who was a thin cute latina with freckles, she did the regular thing asking me questions how I got hurt and I was thinking okay she's pretty too but I wish I had the bbw I saw earlier. The aide told me she's going to get the physical therapist and low and behold my wish came true. She was even cuter up close, she had a young warm friendly face and a cute eastern european accent. She did the mobility tests on me and then we moved to a room where the message was about to start on my back. I had to take off my shirt and lay down on the table. She commented on my physique saying she can tell im strong but we will be doing light excericse later. Laying down I could see her double chin and it felt amazing as she massaged my neck easing the pain. She had other patients to attend to but I always knew she would be coming from her loud thumping footsteps as she was rushing across the rooms. It was a great experience being treated by this amazing bbw but as I went to the front desk the lady told me the next appointment I would have I wouldn't be treated by her as if that would be okay. Me being an idiot said yeah no problem but seeing her would make the trip there worthwhile. I'll try to reschedule my PT appointments so that I'm only taken care of by her, I would like to grow that patient relationship.
>>56973 not her but some cute fat women in scrubs that fit the mood I was feeling that day.
>>56350 Should get her a box of Lactase pills and a Domino's giftcard. Start flirting.
I've had a friend for a long time and she's always had trouble with her weight. She was 5'4 170ish when she was 18 and fluctuated for the next 3 years. She's really pretty and blonde. She's chubby all over, with big boobs and wide love handles and a fat belly. I saw her in a bikini at her heaviest and she jiggled with each step it was so hot. She had trouble eating healthy and with her portion sizes. She can eat a lot of food, she even said she could eat 50$ of food once which was really hot. The few times she smoked weed she would gorge herself too. She hated being chubby/fat though. Eventually she got a regular gym routine and good diet plan and slimmed down a lot, losing 50 pounds and getting skinny (albeit with a tiny belly that she hates). She's very disciplined so it's been tough, but seemingly every holiday season she slips up and starts overeating again. Last year she said she got up to 140 pounds before dieting. Since then she's gotten engaged and is now living with her boyfriend. She has definitely has been looking thicker in recent pics. I think she might be even heavier than 140 the way she's been filling out her jeans. She's been getting stressed out at work too and working out less and she's talked about stress eating in the past. I've been wanting to see her blow up for years and I think things are finally lining up for it to happen. She's always had that future fat girl figure that made me want to see her get huge. I cant wait to see her at that borderline chubby/fat stage again
>>57447 I pray she becomes hopelessly addicted to food
>>57447 hope she blows up right before your eyes
>>57460 >>57943 Her fiancé got her a 3 pound bar of chocolate yesterday, I really hope she devours it while she’s so stressed. Her engagement is the x-factor that makes me really hopeful she’ll finally let go
Company holiday party where some related organizations were also present. Someone from another company we do a lot of work with was easily the fattest one there, probably like 5’5” and a little over 300. Bad face, nice body. She proceeded to get the drunkest out of everyone by a significant degree, and her colleagues from her company had to take care of her. There was something extremely hot about getting a peek at a fat stranger’s excessive intake on an occasion when it was “ok” to indulge - the visible morbid obesity, the plates of sliders and stuff from over at the buffet constantly going down the hatch, and then to cap it all off, completely overshooting it on free booze.
Anyone see any gains from people during the holidays?
Not exactly what OP asked for, but it's the closest thread I could find. Gossiping with a colleague at coffee break and she tells me about how she has this friend who is getting fatter and fatter with no sign of stopping, and how her fat distribution has been perfect and that she is big in the just right places, but now it's just completely out of control. Her friend sends her daily snap of the food she is eating and it's this savoury, fattening homecooked foods that she has pretty much every day. Genuinely the sexiest conversation I've had in months, way better than any I've had with a sexual partner recently. Had to hide my erection the entire conversation while simultaneously continue the conversation. Had she not known I'm seeing someone at the moment I would have tried asking her to set us up.
Decided to finally share something that happened to me not so recently, so that i can share before i forget inevitably. Few years ago, I was working at a small local grocery store, closing shift after morning community college classes. It paid like ass but any cash is big cash when youre not in the real world. So anyway one coworker was chubby and wore her weight well, mostly a pear shape and always wore black jeans that clung to her skin and her work shirt was nothing more than a basic cheap tee with the company logo on it, and its hem barely reached the waistband of her pants, and you could really see how her waist tapered upward from her belly's heft, and just how it jutted out. Guessing now i'd say she was about 170, only about 5'2" and she didnt have a hang to her belly that was obvious. Itd be criminal to leave out that she had a serious behind too, a real wide, pillow-sort that didnt stick out wagon-style, but it followed the sway to her gait and flared her already wide hips, maybe stealing one too many glances has left it stuck in my mind but anyway- She and I would hang out a little during shifts and tried to sync our break times(i was stocking product and she was a cashier, never got much time with her) but right after closing the store to the public and before all the floors had to be mopped, we (the staff) had to sort the items and leave them front-facing and presentable for each line, and i'd try to hang with her then too. One of those times, when we were in an aisle to ourselves, somehow our conversing had gotten to her weight, i think she was saying that she felt she was heavier than before, and me (not wanting to make myself obvious) objected and said she looked fine, maybe round/chubby but her figure was well. She was like "no i'm serious i have a belly now" and again (maybe because i was a wannabe nice guy) wanted to reassure her i was like "no way there's people with bigger bellies" but she was adamant and said "look, touch it". She got close and essentially presented her belly to me, and i gave it a poke, one of those deep jabbing prod sort-of pokes, maybe i was taking in how many finger really just sank and sank right into her waist. Maybe it was my greed or she really wanted me to get a good feel, but i ran the whole palm of my hand over her belly right after, i didnt grab her fat but even through the shirt, she was warm to the touch and her belly's surface kind of was dragged by my contact and my palm still sunk slightly into her, like it was full of jello. only after that did i relent and say "yeah okay maybe youre *a little* chubby; you do have a belly" and maybe it was because i felt a rise down there, because i didnt want a flush in my cheeks to be obvious, or i really didnt wanna make it more awkward than it couldve been, but i quickly changed the topic to focusing on work again (like a dunce but i got worker of the month, woo). that was kind of the highlight of my few months working there, and nothing took off with her cause she had a thing for her ex still and they got together shortly before i quit. during my time though i was adamant to buy her snacks and such and maybe that was a dorky way of wanting to get closer to her.
maybe some of you would think that the signs were obvious and i couldve pressed forward but again that ex-detail reared itself after that belly-encounter, and if my dunce ass didnt recognize the signs to press forward then i doubt i wouldve been good for her. it reminds me of another belly-encounter from high school and a rejection that came shortly thereafter, reminds me that my life isnt some picturesque deviantart fantasy where i get the chubby girl but whatever, i have my moments
Currently in my last semester of college, but last semester I noticed one of my colleagues had gained quite a bit of weight, she looked thicker all around, especially in her arms, neck, legs, chest, back, recently I stumbled across one of her social media profiles and she was celebrating her birthday and I could clearly see that her double chin is pretty much impossible to hide now, she's really tall too, even taller than me (I'm 5' 11 and she's gotta be at least 6' 2 which makes it even hotter), I can tell she's been enjoying herself and eating more and more lately, I can't wait to see how she'll look in a few years, love this kind of casual unintetional gain where a girl gradually packs on the pounds, so so hot!
