/gen/ - General Discussion

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BBWchan improvement thread Anonymous 12/31/2023 (Sun) 04:14:00 Id:27dfd1 No. 41857
Let's post what we like about the website and how we can improve.
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>>51100 Thank you. How would you go on about creating the threads? Would you add any generals to the list? For example, Western comics and cartoons /c&c/, Western video games /wvg/, Eastern manga and anime /m&a/, and Eastern video games /evg/ are 4 more generalized threads we can use to redirect anons into. Here are the rules to be used in drawthreads edit threads, and write threads: THREAD GUIDELINES - All artists/editors/writers welcome! - Request in moderation. - Post a sample of your art/edits/stories when "taking x requests". - No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads. - Respect /board/ and global rules. - Do not request drawings/edits of real people. Take them to the relevant morph threads. - Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404s anyway, so please conserve post count. - Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit. - Be patient. Drawings/edits/stories take time. - Not all requests will be filled. It all comes down to plain dumb luck. - Take it easy and please be nice to the draw/edit/writefriends! Remember, they do this for fun. - Draw/edit/writefriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take. - If available, anchor your posts to make deliveries easier to track. Anchor your deliveries to the delivery anchor post. - Do not anchor your requests to the OP. - Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this. Old thread: >> It should be obvious the guidelines are an obvious copy of 4chan's draw, edit, and write generals. To reiterate: We make the general threads, we redirect anons into them and ask a based godmod to autosage duplicates like Reiinapop (who belongs in /irl/), Super Mario Bros. (belongs in /nin/tendo), Friday Night Funkin (belongs in /wvg/), and the random artist threads other than the powerhouse Axel Rosered belong in /art/. Thoughts? Contrary to popular rumors I'm open to feedback.
/bbw/ exclusive general: /pol/itics. Only /bbw/ gets to have a politics thread.
My people deserve truer gatekeepers. I don’t like my internets all-potential being suppressed. Regards to true channers ideals. Regards to my peoples admin and moderators. Regards to freedom. Regards to growth. Uhhh And regards to Phoenicia! We are our own world. I like all the people that feel likewise. How hard do we have to push to have our vibes at our party? Instead of an empty facade, with such slight growth that it could be called a masquerade. I dare truer admin. Viva Philistina and the end of theft. Love knows what soulful paradise my people make when fully in control of our own internet. Someone needs to back off.
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I can't believe I forgot one of 4chan's most soulful mechanics: the post timer. Requesting you guys implement a visible 60s timer. Before you hit post, or reply as it's called here, it'll show a countdown. When you hit reply it'll post once the timer's up. Post a post. Wait 60 seconds. Post a post.
>>51281 /dis/ussion general. Every board gets one except for /bbw/ which gets many.
>>51379 I don’t feel that’s necessary yet until the website gets more users >>53463 Ok. And yeah this world needs more chan websites. So many other chan websites should've been made by now. And 4chan should’ve helped that growth. 4chan seems stifled and constricted. Most true channers have left. 4chan was set to develop a perfect world, but then 4chan was invaded. Undo the invasion, continue growing the worlds souls.
>>53465 Chan sites need something to set them apart otherwise normies will flock to the biggest example of its kind. Chat client? Disharmony. Short videos? Tiktok. BBWchan can be the 4chan of fat. And also other tangential stuff. >I don’t feel that’s necessary yet until the website gets more users It's necessary to make new users get the impression we're exactly like the big scary 4chan except its geared towards their secret big degeneracy.
>>41857 The admins should do more to permaban all transphobe filth and post their IP addresses for us to have fun with
>>54503 Let me be honest with you. I don't like the memes any more than you. They feel extremely lazy and cheap and the fact that every next meme sounds something like boomer, zoomer, coomer, etc. doesn't make it any better. However please stop coming up with ideas that can actually make a giga donor not want to give king Barclay giga money, and install a word replacer like the one we have for Disharmony.
>>54503 Oh no. A tranny got his feeling hurt. Who cares
>>55989 I actually think we need more tranny porn here. Anyone got any?
>>50615 500 posts but every post has only one upload. You can keep images, animations, webms, and movies, but there's be less than 400 posts with 6 uploads. You do the math. Thoughts?
>>41857 Split >>>/bbfurries/ into two threads: one for furry art, and another for fursuits -- Real life; no picture morphs or cartoons.
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>>55990 Okay. I'll start.
>>56451 >Split >>>/bbfurries/ into two threads: one for furry art, and another for fursuits -- Real life; no picture morphs or cartoons. No. You can simply make a fursuit general in /bbfurries/. How much battery acid chugging to think this a good idea? You're a braindead retard. >>56453 World War III doesn't seem that bad now, actually.
Give the posts that contain content a different color. Something that elevates them above the noise.
>>56472 I would if I could.
>>56481 Are you Wildcat? >I would if I could. Fuck off, retard.
>>56482 I'm not Wildcat.
>>56481 I was trying to say that I was banned.
>>56481 >Furry is banned and can't post And nothing of value was lost.
>>56485 >I'm not Wildcat. Sure, buddy. I'm still not going to take you at your word, though. >>56486 Lol.
>>50435 This
>>56487 That's the problem. I need help getting back here. I promise to redeem myself. .>>56489 Not funny and you can feel free to choose to take me at my word or not.
>>57229 This dude thinkin' he can just get unbanned? Unbanned to the furry sub? Nah, fam, your ass ain't ready... Furry sub’s a beast, and them mods stay petty. But if you *must* try it, I won’t warn you twice.
 Just follow my steps, just heed my advice: Step 1: Get the nipple ring on a mommy minotaur’s breast, Just trade that big beefy b**h: take a $#!? on her chest! Step 2: Harvest goo from a centaur's shoe, It’s stinky, it’s sticky... yeah, you know what to do. Step 3: Get a werewolf woman’s c*m from doing doggy raw, Train that hound to 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 the pound, then make her suck you like a straw. Step 4: Snatch from the snatch of a demon in heat; take her thong, theft’s wrong, but that sh!t can’t be beat! Step 5: Get some thick, slick, slime from a sexy big bear, "Do bears make slime?” (You) Yo, I don't fucking care! Step 6: Catch the fire of some dragon b!*es f*in’ too loud. Pull a Pixie's buttplug straight from her ass while she's watching in the crowd. Step 7: Get a cursed-ass rune shaped like a long eggplant, Don’t ask me why it’s throbbing—now it’s time for the chant! Final Step: Offer up everything you’ve gathered, there’s no time to slack! Yell this f*g spell like a pissed-off yak, (yak noise) “Unban me, f* mods, let me come fking back!” They will open the gates with a smirk and a grin, “Welcome back, you little freak, I guess you f**king win.” You’re back in the furry forum, now your life's complete! Just be like an ass with OCD, and keep your new s*** neat! Yeah, now you’re unbanned—you’re the furry fuckin’ king, Now where's that horse-girl, time to make some equine-pussy sing (Horse whinny)
>>57232 Is this broadway?
>>57229 >Not funny Fuck you. I am funny. You're gay and retarded. >>57232 I hope you zoomers get drafted.
>>57250 Joe wife is our target. We will rape her if you refuse to stand down.
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As much as I appreciate your activity in this thread let's come up with ways to improoove BBWchan. Be the next germanon.
>>57784 What did you think of the zoomer draft horsey song?
>>42167 yup. way too much of this
>>57788 Link? >>42167 >>42171 >>58023 Less boards means more time for mods.
>>58632 You have posted 61 times in this thread. Shut the fuck up already. Your idea sucks ass
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>>58634 I have posted 62 times in this thread? You counted it. Your time sucks ass.
>>58635 Took less than 2 seconds to copy and paste in find, dumbass
>>58636 I'm not seeing you making any ideas.
>>58637 We should just get rid of you. The chan would be much better off
The internet quality improves the more we resist the ew yikes fag soijak minion zombie apocalypse. Ever played fallout 3 and cleared the Garry clone vault? Respects the girls punching the r*ddit energy out of our universe
>>58638 >>58634 Sus I bet y’all are merely wuzraeli trying to murder the website. I have seen enough lowliest turf battle fags
>>58632 Good insights, they are reflected in the strategic roadmap for multi-thread creation and the deployment of optimized redirection protocols:* To enhance user experience (UX) and streamline content segmentation, we propose onboarding four additional generalized thread verticals to our current backlog for seamless redirection workflows: 1. Western Comics & Cartoons (/c&c/) 2. Western Video Games (/wvg/) 3. Eastern Manga & Anime (/m&a/) 4. Eastern Video Games (/evg/) These verticals will serve as scalable repositories for content aggregation and mitigate thread duplication in alignment with our broader moderation and autosage ecosystem. --- ### Thread Engagement SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) To foster collaborative synergy among stakeholders (artists, editors, and writers), the following governance framework has been developed: 1. Inclusivity Directive: All contributors, irrespective of skill level, are encouraged to participate. 2. Request Management: - Limit requests to maintain bandwidth efficiency. - Attach sample deliverables for all accepted requests. 3. AI Governance: Redirect all AI-centric dialogues and outputs to designated containment silos. 4. Policy Compliance: Adhere strictly to /board/ and global compliance standards. 5. Prohibited Content: Requests featuring real individuals must transition to morph-specific threads. 6. Repost Workflow: Consolidate legacy requests into structured repost formats post-thread 404. 7. Post Lifecycle Optimization: Avoid bump/re-request cycles to conserve resource limits. 8. Delivery SLA (Service Level Agreement): - Delivery ETAs are variable due to creative timelines. - Completion is subject to priority, feasibility, and randomization algorithms. 9. Civility Protocol: Engage with contributors respectfully; all outputs are pro-bono and passion-driven. 10. Version Control: Iterative contributions to pre-fulfilled requests are permitted and encouraged. 11. Anchoring Guidelines: Use anchor posts for efficient delivery indexing but avoid request anchoring in the OP. --- ### Operational Feedback Loop As an Agile-first community, our approach emphasizes continuous improvement through iterative feedback. Generals will function as minimally viable silos (MVS), and moderators will autosage redundant threads. Content categorization will follow the established taxonomy: - /irl/: Real-person topics (e.g., Reiinapop). - /nin/: Nintendo franchises (e.g., Super Mario Bros.). - /wvg/: Indie gaming phenomena (e.g., Friday Night Funkin). - /art/: Decentralized artist showcases (excluding high-engagement brands like Axel Rosered). *Feedback is welcome to ensure alignment with stakeholder expectations. Contrary to misinformation, we are iteratively optimizing inclusivity and scalability.* --- Thoughts?
I think a feature to search for keywords and be presented with posts including them would be helpful.
>>58818 > TOP NOTCH POST. That’s random dude. I try my best. I do a lot of coding work so it’s easy for me to see things clearly and come up with creative solutions to problem when no one else can. I’ve got all kinds of solutions for how to streamline most of our workflows. I know it’s daunting but with enough effort you could contribute to the conversation deeper.
>>59126 Best post ITT is best post.
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Do we have a working archive or not? If links don't work it's not an ideal archive. What we need is a real linkable archive.
>>59723 https://a.architect.coffee/ It's no Desuarchive, b4k or 4pblebs, but it's the only actual archive this site has. Don't expect it to be like the aforementioned archives, though. You won't be getting full images, unless you're viewing a thread that's currenly active on the site through the archive. All the pics on a.architect are thumbnails. I hope you're a thumbnail enjoyer.
>>59724 I'm talking links like >>1 or maybe only >>10000. >I hope you're a thumbnail enjoyer. Reporting necroposts should be a bannable offense. Edit: deleted because chance had it post 50000 was itt.
>>59265 FIX THIS SHIT!!!
>>60567 Can we do a series of investment funding rounds? It sucks this place finds just enough money to stay alive and nothing for RnD.
>>60567 >>60583 First you need investors.
