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Ask a moderator LtBarclay##vOgLqq 06/24/2024 (Mon) 15:28:29 Id:6e054a No. 50992
With some of the fire of the constant CP and spam dying down after the VPN-ban, I've noticed that questions about moderation are leaking into the password-whitelist thread, which isn't ideal. So, got a question for the dudes who run this site? Wondering why something got deleted? Curious about something lynxchan related? Want clarifications on rules? Ask your questions here.
>>60020 I'll let you find it. I let him know you might be coming
Can someone share why was the bigdankdemoss thread removed from /ssbbw/?
>>60028 No content beg thread
can someone check the reports
Ok you guys NEED to do something about this spambot. It is completely taking over every board.
>>60336 What spam bot
I'm sure this question has been asked before but is there any way to hit a button to automatically expand all images in a thread?
Mods are hibernating. Schizo is STILL spamming every thread daily. But don't worry, the Beltbuster thread got trimmed.
Unfortunatly, the schizo thread doesn't seem to be working since there is a new "Things that piss you off" thread in /inf which is basically just a massive schizo thread.
>>60636 Elon’s Nazi Salute to Trump broke the internet. Everyone’s a schizophrenic now.
Can someone please ban this asshole? https://bbw-chan.link/bbw/res/113576.html#q193727 He's spamming the board with his begging
Why do so many people not name files properly? Is there something that can be done about it? I get typing in gibberish seems like the whole "eh, I'll remember to name it later" sorta thing, but for those of us in Texas (and other places where certain sites are outright blocked) getting the proper name for files can be difficult at times and it gets frustrating.
>>60729 You can ask them for source.
For the love of all that is good any holy, please ban this spammer already: https://bbw-chan.link/bbw/res/175536.html#q194135 https://bbw-chan.link/bbw/res/183271.html#q194134 https://bbw-chan.link/bbw/res/174801.html#q194132
>>60751 Can I interest you in voting in favor of the following proposal? >>51607
Could you moderators explain with specifics when you ban people. I recently got banned from all boards for "shitposting" and the only post I had made recently was one where I posted Boberry's explanation of why she was laying low for a while. Her thread in /SSBBW had been deleted and I had not seen it posted anywhere and thought everyone would be interested. My post was deleted and I didn't repost it. then a couple of weeks later I went to the /gen board which I rarely ever do and found her thread had been moved and the whole thing had been discussed there. I would NEVER have thought the Boberry thread had been moved there. How would anyone know that? It would havee been helpful if the ban notice said "Boberry thread has been moved from /ssbbw to /gen and this has already been discussed." A ban for not knowing that is pretty severee.
>>60812 This all could have been avoided if the mod with a stick up his ass about the BoBerry thread made a sticky on the SSBBW board saying it's been relegated here. Instead we get constant policing about it like coomers are going to instinctually go somewhere else about it. The justification for BoBerry's thread being moved here has expired anyway. She explained her hiatus. She's back. People are always going to speculate if she's inactive for two weeks no matter what, but the whole situation reads like a buzzkill mod enjoying a power trip, and banning someone from all boards over it isn't helping that case.
>>60857 No one wants your fucking proposal, go back to your train sets
I think I am done being schizo Kisame
The schizo is back. Please stop him :(
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>>60812 I got the same thing now it’s back again. I’m not joking.
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I keep on getting falsely banned with schizo posting.
>>61072 Yeah me too. I swear I’m just a regularly active user. I have discussions and I reply to threads occasionally but I in no way feel like I ever “schizo post” This has happened twice and I’m wondering if it’s just some bot mod glitching out or some weird red flag I’m not understanding. Glad at least I’m not the only one
>>61105 Didn’t you get the message? You’re allowed to skitzo post whatever you want as long as you drop content other people already posted and post a bunch of AI photos of yourself sucking DJT’s penis.
>>61114 Awww. Muffin. Go cry in your safespace
>>61117 This is my safe space faggot
>>61114 >>61117 >>61136 coooolio so yeah whenever y’all are done over there, still would love to talk to a mod at some point lol
>>61072 >>61105 >>61141 Boyos, I don't know what to tell you. These ban messages are not specific to *you*, they are specific to the network you are *on*. I'm very sorry you share with the schizo, but look, we isolated him to being on that ASN 90% of the time, and the mods were tired. We only put 5 days on it so that hopefully he just get tired of posting his nonsense and innocents caught in the crossfire will just naturally regain their posting ability over time. I know it's not a great solution, but this guy was posting literally all day and night, stupid nonsense crap, all from different IP on the same ASN, so this is what we came up with.
>>61197 Can I interest you in reducing your workload?
>>61197 Damn, well it’s good to know it’s not specific targeting. Sucks that y’all have to go scorched earth to get rid of this prick, and that anyone within a 10 mile radius gets slapped down in the process. But if it’s what you guys have to do I can respect. Thanks for the info and thanks for everything you guys are doing.
>>61198 >Can I interest you in reducing your workload? It’s hopeless outside of revamping the structure to a more product centric dev team to retool the website to a more value chain approach because it’s a mess to wade through these days and lacks key functionality our user base demands and desires.
>>61197 I am not in this site as the electronics don't work in my area.
>>61200 People are just impersonating Kisame just to draw attention to their pet causes. This is the internet not a homeowners association
Can we change Disc chord into "Kisame here" instead of "Report my post"?
>>61240 If you die in a fire, yep we could
>>61241 I bet you're the Canadian crossing the border.
>>61241 I don't know how I Kisame is popular. I live all the way in Hempstead.
Can we get IDs in the /bbwai/ board?
>>61197 And just like that, within seconds of the ban being lifted, the schizo is back to spamming. I hate to say it Barclay, but there needs to be an indefinite ban on that ASN until you guys can figure something else out. It sucks for the ppl that share an ASN with him, but what other choice do you have?
>>61270 What will you do when asn's get changed everyone is screwed.
>>61271 Teaching the troll how to evade asn's stupid ass. Oh that region is blocked? No problem. Region change.
>>61271 idk, a different problem for a different time. worst case scenario, require a revokable password to even post is the nuclear option. >>61272 he hasn't done that yet
>>61273 U idiot I'm the troll. I been trolling here for years mods came and left lmao
>>61274 I honestly don't believe you
I rarely post here, so I was surprised when I tried posting a few days ago. At first I was worried it was a mistake, because I don't think I have a vpn. Last time I posted I asked for help with chrome, someone suggested I try firefox, and it solved my issue. However I was banned for "schizo posting," and that drew a blank. All I ever post are model requests and stuff in the beg threads. I've never gotten into arguments with anyone or shitposted. . I'm kinda at a loss as to what's happening.
No offense mods, but I have no real vendetta against anyone.
I don't know who is bringing up these conspiracy theories. The food sector is dealing with bird flu. I am out in the middle of nowhere, no television, no money.
If you want a serious answer, I quit art cause I like cartoons and don't like any of the things that passes for preg art these days. It's so ugly to look at.
>>61335 What happened to the Feabie thread? Are the mods removing posts by retarded Trump fans when they’re faggoty incel posts about being unable to get laid? Gotta protect against those own goals I guess.
>>61407 Must have gotten bumped off the board, or did you forget that it happens
