Lauren lush hit a certain size threshold that She probably should have retained. Simply because once you get to a certain size you can't get skinny and look normal again. However it could be for health reasons it could be for any amount of reasons and we don't know. Is it desirable to this community? No not really. But she definitely did hit a point where she was top tier and then lost it all. It is unfortunate. Do I think she'll ever come back and actually get that big not sure. Hopefully she will because it probably would go better for her in the long run but also everyone's body is their own choice. As someone who is a feedee I really love that into a point in my size that I can't lose weight or I'm going to look weird. It's a harsh reality once you hit a certain point stay fat otherwise you will age rapidly and deflate. Either way I hope everyone in here understands that our bodies are our own choices and it does suck sometimes saying a model do the opposite of what we hope. But individually it is their choice. But they should not make empty promises That's not fair to themselves or to the community. 🖤