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Whatever Happened To? Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 01:05:32 Id:e5212a No. 52191
Here’s a thread for models that seemed to drop off the face of the earth. Or if you’re wondering the status of someone, post here. I’ll go first: What happened to the red hair chick that modeled with Spanx Beluga?
>>54571 Anyone got a follow up on this??
>>56416 General consensus is that she's retired thanks to the new marriage, and the last message was from her husband, not her.
>>56241 Got a bit overwhelmed by the whole business, fell out with bigcuties, shaved her head, incidentally is still in that look to this day, and goes around in a wheelchair, but has no interest in this community or I guess males in general any more Funny you ask this with an Aus id, coz she’s also from Aus. (I am too)
MissMeelah? Seems to have disappeared around two years ago, was super hot and gaining though
Anyone know what happened to Sweetfrosting?
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>>56522 Made this last goodbye post on onlyfans All newer posts just have been red hearts she leaves from time to time... :/
After seeing her content in another thread on gen I am wondering if anybody knows whatever happened to big cuties Miley? I know she got out years ago but she never did only fans or a clips store?
>>56503 Damn that's crazy, and depressing. Do you have anything else to share about her? I thought the guy in the videos was her boyfriend?
>>56649 I would guess that was her bf too but I guess the next logical event would be that that took a depressing turn. But I’m pretty sure a lot of the exit was anxiety driven nothing overly dark I’m reasonably sure she’s single now coz I saw her on wooplus maybe a year or two ago Tbh she’s probably in a balanced place these days, she’s reasonably prominent in the plus size community scene in Sydney/aus if you know where to look; and by that I mean it’s a women supports women type community and I would highly suggest not personally getting involved and observe silently from afar if at all. Last photo is from Mardi Gras 2024 of her large and chilling on her wheelchair with her crew She’s a self proclaimed artist as in does literal artworks, and also lives and looks after her mum; so that’s what’s she’s up to last I checked
>>54571 Please does anyone have answers? Recently a Jenni thread was created but it got deleted unfortunately
>>57600 is she gone completely?
>>57969 Yeah.
https://gofile.io/d/OtEO40 Mostly old stuff of BCmiley some stuff of Skylar as well but I'm honestly just trying to save
Lunarosa. Discovered her last year which is a shame because she's far and away one of the most beautiful SSBBWs I've ever seen
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>>56599 >>58393 Miley hasn't returned to the scene in any substantial way, although she does have a tumblr that she's been managing for the last few years. lethereatcakee You can find some selfie's she's posted tagged with #me on there. I'm really bad at guessing and restimating weights, so I can't tell if she's gained, lost, or maintained (probably not gained, but honestly I'm a shocker at telling) Regardless. The tumblr is mostly for self-chronicaling and self-pleasure, not content. Happy to see she's happy though, I always liked Miley quite a bit, and I'm not sure why...
Anyone remember ssbbwdulce?
Anybody know what happened to BBW Casey? by chance happened to just look the other day for her OF and then looked on C4S for her OF for a clip and realized it looks like her OF and social media accounts are gone. She was a cute fat lil butterball and I loved watching her grow and stuff herself silly especially since she had a mobile health clinic she was working on Anybody know what happened to make her suddenly up and disappear? (I'm assuming it had something to do with her IRL job and or getting doxxed)
JuicyLittleFatGrl Lolla Blaze Phat Phoebe. I fucking loved Phat Phoebe. She only ever did camming, but Avery Kennedy. So fucking hot. Last I spoke to her she had left Oregon and moved in with some soldier at base camp.
>>59212 God damn yes Juicy Little Fat Girl was outstanding. Super cute and round, one of the first SSBBWs to really draw me in.
>>55572 I heard the church she was active in found out about her porn career and she shut everything down to try and salvage that.
whatever happened to Victoria? AKA Chubby Girl Videos?! she was too ahead of her time, if OnlyFans existed back then she wouldnt have to deal with PayPal bullshit
>>59239 She got doxxed so she left Lost the weight and had a kid. Happy for her tbh
>>52365 couple of appearances on the simple life, she was on a gene simmons reality show for one episode, and had a major role in a mystery diners episode in louisiana nothing since. I wonder if casting agents put her real name together with her porn name and she stopped getting roles
Fupatrooper got her start on redhotphatgirlz as Larousse
Anyone know what happened to Ssbbw Avery?
>>52191 >>52271 Yeah Jellibean was hot. I did a bit of snooping around and it seems that Jellibean retired from the industry, moved to Mississippi, got married , had a kid and now works as a paralegal. Did her husband know about her porn career? If so then that's wild - personally speaking I wouldn't marry and have kids with a woman who starred in two separate '4 man gang bang ' videos, but to each their own . What ever the case , Jellibean seems to be doing okay.
>>59267 Man, CGV was the one who got me into big gals in the first place. It's nice to hear that she's doing alright.
Kat Destruction. What happened to her? I guess she just retired. She's mid 40s now and the BBW specific camsites like JustBBWCams closing stopped her revenue. Man I miss those sites
Kaybee1989. She joined the community to much fanfare last year, then dipped, then came back, but I haven’t seen or heard much from her since. Is she still around or did she get creeped out again?
>>52219 I was Facebook friends with Spicy up until she deleted her account about a year ago. I was messaging her a couple months before she deleted her account, and she had said that even though she was still well over 350 pounds (she was 400+ during her modeling days), she was trying to lose weight because of health issues and had no interest in modeling again. I believe she's currently in her late 50's, so that makes sense
Muffinmaid She ended up getting a decent size in the end, but haven't seen anything in years, anyone know?
>>60146 Thanks much for the update, though that's a bummer. Obv. I was hoping for a comeback. Every few months I stumble across a clip or pic I haven't seen which makes me realize there's way more out there. The age didn't/doesn't bother me b/c I like MILFs/GILFs, though I actually would have guessed 60s, not 50s. Latinas really do hit the wall face-first lol. And 400# surprises me as well, though I know she plumped up between the two phases of her career.
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>>60308 Honestly I'm not shocked that she was over 400 during her modeling days. She had a huge belly
>>60353 sorry to ask but do you have any clips or pics of her. i haven't seen her in YEARS!
>>60437 Here's everything I have: https://gofile.io/d/f0tDmi If you have anything not here, please post it! Thanks.
>>52191 Big C*tie Mollie? She was my dime, literally she was the most attractive woman I'd ever seen, even before she turned me on to the whole FA/bbw scene. Never figured out anything except we had the same birthday, but I'm sure she's taken. That unbelievably cute way her lips curled when she was really smiling, it was infectious man. Really wanted to take her out on a date and get a drink you know? Like beyond the fetish crap... Working/ living in DC sucks for making relationships, especially if you are a FA/BBW. There is this crux to be the best and be the healthiest, nobody is very attractive here physically, forget conversationaly. And the food scene is all about "fancy" and "eclectic". Maybe I should move but IDK where I could find work in the field I'm in tbh. I'm rambling. Shit sucks here. TLDR - what happened to BC Mollie Also I live in DC. AMA
>>60498 thank you, i remember her being fuller tho. rose tinted glasses i guess
>>59267 That's too bad about her being blown outta the water, her content was to die for. I heard she shed the lbs, but where did you hear she had a kid?
>>60501 I can not agree with you more brother. For me Mollie is peak woman in all senses. She has a figure of a goddess and a face that makes you want to propose to hear immediately. She is a benchmark of beauty bodywise and facewise i compare every other bbw to. Idk its a weird feeling i feel like there are no others like her. I would pay my yearly wage just to have a date with her and rub her belly on the way from the restaurant where i would feed her everything she desires. Damn the dreams. I live over the ocean in Europe and here he bbws are way less of a thing than is US so be happy brother with what you have in the US even though u are in DC area. But god Mollie is something else. I am so sad that she has vanished. I wish i had some more content of hers. btw do you have anything worth sharing of her? i would appreciate it a LOT if you upload what you have. Anyhow, wish you good luck in finding at least someone close to this goddess.
This is a less "fetishy" model and more of a porn one but does anyone know what happened to Darla Bell/Rose Red? Goth-ish fat girl with tatted breasts. Shot with Nasty Media and Busty Babydolls in the early 10s before disappearing off the face of the earth.
>>60557 No Dominican BBWs in Spain?
>>52248 Veronica Bottoms came back for like a blip and shot with BBWHighway a couple years back. Beyond that idk
>>60564 she was a lot bigger in her second run. would really like to know how she looks now. need her back
>>60607 She was gorgeous on her first go around but then the second time around with the added weight just blew me away. Was always a fan of her proportions, big everywhere.
>>60607 No she wasn’t that was older content they released out of order dipshit.
>>60626 it´s okay if you only know her scenes of her second run as a ssbbw. Her first tattoo less run as a bbw was a total different game
I’m definitely going to need more of obesity Glorifier.
https://stufferdb.com/index?/category/7304&acs=Obes Seriously hands down the hottest woman on the internet.
what happened to spankbang it used to be so good for bbw porn but nothing new in years
>>61533 right? It's pathetic now
